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Raz-Kids - 4 views

Raz-Kids is an online website where students can access reading resources that are set to their specific guided reading level. Students have the option to either read or listen to a story of their ...


started by kneiman22 on 13 Mar 16 no follow-up yet
Jamie Bullock

Math In The Real World: 400 Lessons From EconEdLink - 2 views

    This is a website that lets teacher find lesson plans that link math and the real world. Some lesson plans are free and others you need to pay for. This is great for high school teachers because the lessons have a heavy econ focus and most students like learning about and working with money.

Give Struggling Readers the Specific Kinds of Support They Need | Adolescent Literacy 1... - 2 views

    This short article discusses strategies for helping adolescents who are reading at low levels.
    This article provides information on helping older students who struggle with reading and Word study for adolescents who read at a very low level. It also provides next steps for these students. Even though it is geared toward older students, the strategies can be applied to younger ones as well. My Smart goal, 80% of students will reach level K in reading (lowest grade-appropriate reading level for second grade) by the beginning of the December, can be aided by this strategy. Word Study support can aid in decoding skills, which in turn helps students to become better readers. And once students can decode successfully, they can really focus in on the comprehension skills.

Teacher Development Is Key to Closing the Achievement Gap - 5 views

    This article shows the success a group of schools have in teaching instruction when there is a purposeful, intimate focus on individual teachers. When teachers are given proper tools, instruction, and guidance, they will succeed in instructing students and therefore a greater percentage of students will have a better understanding of what is being taught.
    Focused teacher development is needed to achieve student success! This is 100% true and this article talks about this in a great way. Great find!
    I found this article helpful in the importance of providing individualized professional development to teachers so they are able to grow their practice around targeted skills students need to master.

Providing motivational contexts and purposes as well as explicit instruction for studen... - 5 views

    This article provides detailed background information regarding explicit writing instruction, especially regarding students with special needs such as ADHD, but the strategies discussed can be adapted and used with all learners regardless of ability or grade level. The article begins with a focus on strategies for providing students with motivational contexts for their writing as well as making writing a routine that they enjoy. The rest of the article is divided into sections based on students' ability/age level (basic skills, revising and editing, and motivation). This article discusses strategies that can help address teachers address students' learning gaps in elaboration and explaining their ideas fully in expository writing tasks. Be sure to click "Single Page" at the bottom right of the article so you can see the entire article on one screen, and explore the links to the left of the article for more information about writing instruction for different populations!

Introduction to Data-Driven Educational Decision Making - 4 views

    Since standardized testing has seem to surface as a way for schools to be graded on their "performance", an increasing number of schools have embraced the data driven curriculum.
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    Article discusses how we can use data to drive instruction, data has always existed but now we have to use it to be successful.
    This article gives good insight on using data with our instruction. Although the idea of using data to drive instruction has always been out there, within the last 2 years, this has become more of a focus in my school. Last year we started holding monthly "data meetings" in order to look at data gathered from weekly assessments, unit assessments, county and state assessments. Based on the scores we would work to create a next steps in our instruction. As a school, we also set goals to reach across grade levels.
    Good article. As I was reading this article one thing hit me. One of the first things that is mentioned is NCLB, RTTT, and CCSS. I was thinking, maybe if the government would let teachers get used to a curriculum our instruction would get better and higher level learning could go on. Just my short rant.

Introduce Word Problems to Students Sooner, Studies Say - Education Week - 0 views

  • evidence from an ongoing series of experiments with students from middle school through college suggests that word problems might be easier and more beneficial for students when presented at the beginning, not the end, of a mathematics lesson.
    • sbelt2
      I sometimes go through periods where I only focus on word porblems. I think this would be something great to incorporate into my lessons for 5.NF.6 & A.2 solving real world problems invloving addition, subtration, and multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers.

Math, science, and foreign language: Evidence-based accommodation decision ...: UMUC Li... - 0 views

    Week 9: Margarita Lugo, Erika Eason, Frances Parker This journal article is accessible through the link given above by accessing the UMUC library Description: This article takes a closer look the the kinds of accommodations in place for students with learning disabilities in math, science and world language class. Even though these accommodations are created and determined by learning and special education specialists, there is little research existing about which accommodations are recommended and effective for math, science, and world language courses. The author chose to focus on accommodations in these courses because of the lack of research of the effectiveness of accommodations in these courses as well as the documented struggle for students with learning disabilities in these courses. Smart goal: Our SMART goal is that "By the end of the numbers unit, 60% of students in the Special Education program in MS Spanish 1A - Period 2 will achieve 80% or higher on each formative assessment including listening, speaking and writing assessments". This article can help me achieve this goal by giving me new insight on the documented effectiveness of accommodations in the world language classroom. Framing Question: What kinds of accommodations would be most effective in the world language classroom? Which accommodations have been proved to be the most effective in the world language classroom? Citation: Ofiesh, N. S. (2007). Math, science, and foreign language: evidence-based accommodation decision making at the postsecondary level. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 22(4), 237-245.

Teaching Research Method Using a Student-Centred Approach? Critical Reflections on Prac... - 1 views

    (Week 7: Amber, Angela, and Kenneth) This article is accessible through the link given above. The article discuss a research method that is based on student centered teaching rather than teacher centered teaching. The article displays the changes for a teacher design where the teacher leads every activity and shift the focus to the teacher become the facilitator. Instead of having large number in classes, small groups scenarios are shown to be more effective with students learning from their experiences rather than the teacher teaching all the knowledge and content. This shift looks as though it was a two year time span and shows some effective result where student centered teaching where student are active learners. Teachers can use this article to design and implement a different approach to teaching by empowering themselves to switch up the way they teach in the classroom. Instead of lecturing information, they should try to work with their student and create exercises where the student learn from each others and their experiences where the teachers are the facilitator. Barraket (2005) states that student centered approach promotes small group activities that will improve the response of pedagogical challenges of teaching social research methods (Barraket (2005). Reference Barraket, J. (2005). Teaching Research Method Using a Student-Centred Approach? Critical Reflections on Practice. Journal Of University Teaching And Learning Practice, 2(2), Retreived from

A Multiple Strategy Framework Supporting Vocabulary Development for Students with Readi... - 3 views

    This article examines various methods for helping students with comprehension difficulties learn and acquire new content specific vocabulary. The primary focus of the article is on the importance of a multi strategy approach to help keep students engaged with vocabulary building activities.

Mind the Gap in the Classroom - 4 views

    The abstract included really says it all: "This reflective essay describes a teacher's development of a student-centered approach to teaching which bridges the gap between students' knowledge before and after a course. In 'mind the gap teaching,' students' prior knowledge leads the conversation and, in turn, the teaching, allowing them to integrate new information more effectively." The essay does a really great job of addressing the need for a lot of personal reflection as a teacher in an effort to improve instruction in the classroom.
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    This is a great article about the evolution of a teacher and how they evolved to developing the "Mind the Gap Teaching" in their words this is when a teacher includes the process of taking in information from the students first, before they try to teach it to them. In other words they are trying to see how they can relate this to their past experiences instead of just relying on the fact that they know information from a previous post.
    I think this is a great article that shows the growth of a teacher throughout the years. The idea of calling the instructional gap between students knowledge as "mind the gap" speaks to the history nerd in me. I'd love to share this teachers journey with my fellow faculty members because we are making the switch in my school to a more student centered classroom, and we have a lot of skeptics. I think the section of benefits is the best, particularly the line about "the quality of comments" that students started sharing. It shows that the students are interested in what is going on in the classroom.
    This article is a way to focus on student knowledge. Closing the gap between what is being taught and what is actually being retained by the students.

ERIC - The Relationship between Good Readers' Attention, Reading Fluency and Reading Co... - 0 views

    (Week 7: Adiatu, Julie, and Heather) This journal article was found by Adiatu on the UMUC Library, and is accessible through the link given above by accessing ERIC. The journal article is based on a study of 132 fourth-graders, and focused on examining the relationship(s) that exists among sustainable attention, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. According to authors Yildiz & Çetinkaya, "Sustainable attention is the type of attention that provides the ability to focus on a task for a long time. It is required to analyze the sentences in reading material and to utilize them actively at different times" ( 2017). The study results showed that students that lacked sustainable attention had poorer reading speed, comprehension, and word recognition. This journal article is useful to teachers because it provides information on useful activities teachers can arrange to increase the attention levels of students. For example, the authors of the journal suggest that teachers record their students' oral readings and play it back for them. This journal article is useful to our group because the teachers' artifacts are based on the reading comprehension and vocabulary gaps of their students, and the authors stress that teachers should strictly monitor the oral reading skills of students that are having reading comprehension difficulties. Reference: Mustafa Yildiz , Ezgi Çetinkaya (2017). The relationship between good readers' attention, reading fluency and reading comprehension. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 5, 366 - 371. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2017.050309., Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2017. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Barbara Lindsey

Chalk Talk | EL Education - 20 views

    "a Chalk Talk protocol allows students to have non-verbal "discussion.""
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    Dimension chosen: teacher maintenance Rating: 3 low maintenance (few materials and/or little prep work) This activity would be good for preparing for my fellow group member's SMART learning goal of "by the end of quarter 1, 70% of students will score a 90% or higher on the EMATS/performance matters test." Students could complete a world problem and post their individual solutions on sticky notes onto the poster. I think it would be engaging for majority of my fourth grade students, as they are up and moving. There is little teacher prep work and can use it as a formative assessment.
    Dimension Chosen : Rigor and Relevance Rating: 4 student think and work I think this activity would work well for for my group member's Smart goal: By the end of quarter 1, 60% of students will score a 70% or higher on the Quarter 1 Literacy Assessment. I believe "Chalk Talk" can help students with question that the teacher give the students about what they have read and comprehended. Each student get to answer the question and will have a voice and in turn they will get a chance to comment on each other comments. This will create an atmosphere where conversation can be had about the difference of opinions in comprehension and give the teacher a way to evaluate how each students comprehends and addresses others. Students can learn from each other this way as well and get a better understand of the source material not only from the teachers perspective by their classmates' as well.
    Dimension Chosen: Impact on Learning Rating: 4 High Impact I think the Chalk Talk protocol would work well for my group member's SMART goal: By the end of Marking Period 3, ELL students identified will be able to explain how to solve for an unknown number in an equation with at lease 80% accuracy. The Chalk Talk idea gives every student a voice and allows them to be heard. They are able to share out their ideas and have their peers respond back to their comments.Students are able to silently correct their peers mistakes without being humiliated in front of the entire class. This method can be very beneficial for students who are uncomfortable with participating in class and it also a form of communication to the classroom teacher. At the end of the lesson, teachers can review each comment and base their next lesson on the area where students are struggling the most. EDTC615 Spring2018
    Hello Ashleigh, I agree that Chalk Talk could have a high impact on student learning. I also think Chalk Talk could have a high impact on student engagement. When the teacher creates a classroom environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing and helping one another, there are more likely to participate in the classroom and be fully engaged. My teams SMART goal is "Given 1 month of supplemental biology instruction, students who are currently in AP Biology but took lower level Biology 1, will score at least a 3 on their next unit exam." I do not think this lesson style would be particularly useful for my SMART goal, but I do think it could be useful for greater success of my AP students overall. My class discussions tend to be purely verbal now, but maybe I could use this method sometimes as well. Thanks! Suzanne Stafford
    @Suzanne - What about this strategy would not work for reaching your goal? Depending on your current content/standard focus, students could rotate across several different question stations. Every time they move to a new station, they can expand on, critique, or justify the answer to the question they come across. Jason Caputo's Smart Target Learning Goal: 80% of students will be approaching advanced in their discussion ability (this means that they can follow along and actively participate (ask and respond to questions about what has been said) in a verbal conversation with peers on a complex topic). This strategy could be used for my students as a scaffold towards more challenging activities. In terms of Alignment to Standards, it is a 3/4. Written communication is interpersonal, but does not have all the elements of spontaneity that an oral conversation has. However, it would provide additional opportunities for feedback because all students could be engaged at the same time.
    Dimension: Technology Integration Rating: 1 I rate this protocol as it was presented as a 1 (opportunities for technology integration overlooked). This chalk talk video showed this protocol performed as a paper/pen classroom activity. However, I think this technology could easily be incorporated into an online message board-style discussion. I could see this being incorporated into our teacher's lessons for AP Biology to help increase scores.
    My group's SMART Target Learning Goal is 75% of students will improve their informational text comprehension by 1 grade level. The Dimension I'm referencing is Technology Integration. Although I feel this is a great tool and has a major impact on student learning, it does lack technology integration. I rate it as a 1. I think it rates off the scales in the other dimensions. Some sort of tech integration would make this a huge win all around.
    EDTC615 FALL2018 I have found several dimensions from the Planning Protocol that I could assess this particular under for instance: Depth of Knowledge- The Chalk Talk can be use on a multitude of levels for DOK. From a basic warm up to a well thought out thought provoking silent Socrative seminar, depends on how the teacher want to use the tool in their classroom will determine the DOK. Teacher Friendliness - This instructional tactic is very teacher friendly and low maintenance across the board. you can just use a whiteboard and post it stickies, or chart paper and post it stickies, and just a window/liquid chalk and post it stickies. Rigor and Relevance- Again rigor and relevance is dependent upon how the teacher decides to use this instructional tactic in their classroom. This is a tool that can evoke deep thought or a tool that can be used as a quick response to a warm up question. Possible Technology Integration- Although the video did not depict a technology integration while I was watching the video an idea came to mind to use this idea in conjunction with Padlet app and divide the classroom up into groups with each a different Padlet question or conversation and first each member in the group share to the Padlet and then have the student rotate to each groups table and share a post to each other's Padlet. That is one way to integrate technology into a Chalk Talk discussion. This could be used as an instructional tactic for all our group members as an exit ticket, class survey, check for understanding of the day's lesson, warm-up question, and/or silent Socrative seminar. I can think of endless possibilities with this particular tool based on the dynamics of your student population, skill set, and grade level. Spencer's SMART Goal is 75% of the 24 students with a C or lower to have a B (80%) or higher in my class, by the end of the 1st quarter. Ericka's SMART Goal is By the end of 1st quarter 75% of the LSN Government students will be able to an
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