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Garrett Eastman

Middle East Peace Potential through Dynamics in Spherical Geometry - 2 views

    "This is an exploration of the hypothesis that unique belief systems depend for their coherence on distinctive patterns typically embodied in geometrical symbols in two dimensions. On the basis of that assumption, the case tentatively explored here is that of the "incommensurability" of the 5-fold Star of Islam and the 6-fold Star of David of Judaism -- both symbols appearing on flags of the nations having those distinct faiths. ... The approach taken here explores the possibility that the "pieces" only fit together on a three-dimensional surface, namely a sphere. It is the spherical geometry that then merits consideration, together with the challenge of how to get from any "mis-fitting" two-dimensional layout to a three-dimensional form. Of course, two-dimensional layouts are far more readily comprehensible. Hence the focus on them. However the three-dimensional layout has the potential of rendering comprehensible a far more elegant layout which may well exemplify intuitions characteristic of the faiths so dramatically opposed. The approach follows from various earlier explorations of the potential of mathematics to offer a new perspectives on these issues" ....
John Evans

Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century / FrontPage - 7 views

    "This site represents a collective effort to explore teaching and learning in the 21st century and beyond. The list of teachers and student knowledge, skills, and dispositions was initially generated by teachers and administrators from Rockland County BOCES who explored a number of resources and references on 21st learning. The lists are a work in progress and will benefit greatly from the continued exploration and addition of outcomes by those who visit this site."

Math Future event Tuesday March 13th 8pm ET: Supporting Collaborative Mathematics Explorations using a Wiki, GeoGebra, and Jing - 0 views

    LOGIN: Mind the Daylight Saving Time! Geoff Roulet and Jill Lazarus will discuss their use of wikis, GeoGebra and Jing with students, and invite participants for an extended DIY exploration. More details concerning the software required are below. All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at: Your time zone: About Blended Mathematical Collaboration using a Wiki, GeoGebra and Jing This discussion centers on the use of computer tools in a high school class. The goal was to develop a "math-talk learning community" to establish mathematics communication and collaboration as a classroom norm. In support of this we have combined the use of a wiki, GeoGebra, and Jing. We would like to invite educators who have experience with wikis, GeoGebra and screencasts, or who would like to learn more, to discuss our project and share their ideas. Event Hosts Geoff is the skipper of and Jill a crew member on Jeannie, a J35 racing yacht. When not sailing, they are mathematics educators. After graduate work at the University of Waterloo, Geoff Roulet began teaching mathematics, computer science, and chemistry at Roland Michener Secondary School in Timmins, northern Ontario. In the late 1970s, when personal computers for computer science were placed in the back of his classroom, Geoff began using these to support student learning in mathematics. Since then he has been involved in ICT use in teaching and learning at all grades and in all subjects, but with a particular focus on mathematics. Teaching was followed by a short spell of curriculum development and support work with the Ontario Ministry of Education and then in 1990 a move to the Faculty of Education, Queen's University at Kingston. Along the way Geoff completed M.Ed. and D.Ed. degrees at the Ontario Institute for Studies
Roland O'Daniel

Google labs - public data - 20 views

    Data visualizations for a changing world ​The Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.
Roland O'Daniel

Federal Reserve Economic Data - FRED - St. Louis Fed - 6 views

    Want to let students explore with real data then welcome to FRED® (Federal Reserve Economic Data), a database of 25,176 U.S. economic time series. With FRED® you can download data in Microsoft Excel and text formats and view charts of data series. Students can explore data, create models & hypothesis, and test their models as the year progresses. If their models aren't working they can go back to their original data set and make changes based on what they've learned and see how those predictions work on new data. The best part is the variety of data that is available.  We plan to continually improve FRED® and encourage you to send feedback through our contact form.
Roland O'Daniel

Swivel | Welcome - 8 views

    "Visualize your numbers, explore charts, and share insights with others. " Great data source. Students can explore data sets, identify different ways of representing data, as well as identify different characterisitics of data.
Brian Mull

Welcome to Space Math @ NASA ! - 6 views

    "SpaceMath@NASA introduces students to the use of mathematics in todays scientific discoveries. Through press releases and other articles, we explore how many kinds of mathematics skills come together in exploring the universe."
Maggie Verster

Don't miss Wolfram Alpha Homework Day - 2 views

    Meet us here on October 21, 2009, for the first Wolfram|Alpha Homework Day. This groundbreaking, live interactive web event brings together students and educators from across the country to solve your toughest assignments and explore the power of using Wolfram|Alpha for school, college, and beyond.
    Meet us here on October 21, 2009, for the first Wolfram|Alpha Homework Day. This groundbreaking, live interactive web event brings together students and educators from across the country to solve your toughest assignments and explore the power of using Wolfram|Alpha for school, college, and beyond.
Maggie Verster


    This unit gives a historical background to mathematics education in South Africa, to outcomes-based education and to the national curriculum statement for mathematics. The traditional approach to teaching mathematics is then contrasted with an approach to teaching mathematics that focuses on 'doing' mathematics, and mathematics as a science of pattern and order, in which learners actively explore mathematical ideas in a conducive classroom environment.
Maggie Verster

SqoolTools: Free Web 2.0 Educational Resources that Make Learning Fun Course: Math FACTS (Free, Awesome, Cool Tools for Students) - 0 views

    Explore all of the best K-6 math tools
    Explore all of the best K-6 math tools the web has to offer! From basic addition to geometry and fractions, from virtual manipulates to interactive games, from online calculators and converters to graphing tools. You will discover resources for every math topic you teach.
Garrett Eastman


    Abstract: "n this study we explored the impact of performing mathematical tasks presented in the context of an "adventure challenge" or a "mathematical challenge" in a videogame. This videogame - "Matemáquina do Tempo" - is being developed to facilitate learning of mathematical skills like counting, grouping, and relating numbers. The videogame consists in various movement control tasks with dynamic (e.g., running) and static (e.g., pointing) interactions. Our goal was to test the impact of the integration of a direct mathematical task versus an indirect mathematical task. A group of 18 five year-old children performed the game in two conditions: a) adventure challenge , which implied movements such as running or climbing trees to perform mathematical tasks of counting and grouping; and b) mathematical challenge , which included swimming after selecting the correct path through counting, followed by a direct mathematical task of pointing to organize numbers in a line. Our assumptions were evaluated according to questionnaires and video analysis of the children playing the game. Results confirmed our hypothesis, showing that players performing the mathematical challenge generally considered that they were learning with the game, and most agreeing that the game was fun. Participants in the adventure challenge condition on the other hand, showed a tendency to evaluate the game as very amusing and were more distributed in the learning evaluation. In conclusion, we suggest that the inclusion of direct mathematical tasks in the videogame might lead to increased perception of learning, although they also seem to result in lower amusement ratings."
Garrett Eastman

The Golden Ticket: P, NP, and the Search for the Impossible - 1 views

    Published March 2013. "The Golden Ticket provides a nontechnical introduction to P-NP, its rich history, and its algorithmic implications for everything we do with computers and beyond. In this informative and entertaining book, Lance Fortnow traces how the problem arose during the Cold War on both sides of the Iron Curtain, and gives examples of the problem from a variety of disciplines, including economics, physics, and biology. He explores problems that capture the full difficulty of the P-NP dilemma, from discovering the shortest route through all the rides at Disney World to finding large groups of friends on Facebook. But difficulty also has its advantages. Hard problems allow us to safely conduct electronic commerce and maintain privacy in our online lives. The Golden Ticket explores what we truly can and cannot achieve computationally, describing the benefits and unexpected challenges of this compelling problem."
Garrett Eastman


    Abstract:"This paper discusses the results of a pilot st udy that explored how prospective secondary school teachers are shaped by learni ng experiences during their undergraduate mathematics education. The collabora tive study, which was conducted by a mathematician and a mathematics educator, dr ew from the experiences of prospective teachers in a non-traditional undergraduate ma thematics program that makes extensive use of technology. Analysis of data collect ed from detailed questionnaires, journals, and focus group discussions strongly suggests that designing, implementing, and testing Learning Objects promotes prospective teache rs' learning of the mathematics needed for teaching. Furthermore, the analysis shows t hat prospective teachers' experiences of ownership, engagement, and pride are key to positive learning experiences. "
Garrett Eastman

Math ∩ Programming - 2 views

    Subtitled "A Place for Elegant Solutions." From the author's description: "This blog is a presentation of the interesting solutions I come across, and an exploration of the deeper mathematical ideas therein. Most often this means exploring the mathematical structure of a problem to lubricate the cogs of algorithm design. In seldom cases, this involves using programs to reason about mathematical theory."
Martin Burrett

Geoboard by The Math Learning Center - 0 views

    A useful virtual maths geoboard to explore a range of shape and angle work. There is also an iPad version which can be found at
Maggie Verster

CK-12 Basic Algebra,Volume 1 Of 2 (free kindle ebook) - 2 views

    CK-12 Foundation's Basic Algebra, Volume 1 Of 2 FlexBook covers the following six chapters:Expressions, Equations, and Functions - covers the relationships among expressions, equations, and functions when variables are present. Also explored is how these ideas can be shown on graphs. Properties of Real Numbers - covers various forms that rational numbers can assume, including fractions, integers, and square roots. Also considered are different operations for manipulating rational numbers. Linear Equations - introduces students to methods of solving simple equations involving variables. Also covered are ratios, scale, and the percent equation. Graphing Linear Equations and Functions - provides students with a more in-depth understanding of equations by introducing coordinate plane graphing concepts such as intercepts and slope. Writing Linear Equations - focuses on writing various forms of equations based upon real-world data and already existing lines. Students will also learn about predicting data using a fitted line. Linear Inequalities and Absolute Value; An Introduction to Probability - covers operations of inequalities, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. These principles are then applied to absolute value and probability.
Martin Burrett

Parents' maths skills 'rub off' on their children - 0 views

    Parents who excel at maths produce children who excel at maths. This is according to a recently released University of Pittsburgh study, which shows a distinct transfer of math skills from parent to child. The study specifically explored intergenerational transmission-the concept of parental influence on an offspring's behaviour or psychology-in mathematic capabilities.
Brian Mull

Desmos | Beautiful, Free Math - 10 views

    Graph functions, plot tables of data, evaluate equations, explore transformations, and much more - for free!
Garrett Eastman

Math52: A Fresh Way to Teach by Mathalicious - Kickstarter - 8 views

    A crowdfunding project, "Every week for a year we'll create a short video exploring a unique application of math in everyday life."
Mike McIlveen

Canada's deficits and surpluses, 1963-2010 - 2 views

    The deficit is a key consideration for all parties as the federal government brings down its budget. Use the chart to explore Canada's budgetary surplus and deficit history, including revenue and expenditure figures for every fiscal year from 1963-1964 to 2010-2011. Select a prime minister's name on the left-hand side to highlight figures from his time in office.
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