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Martin Burrett

Skoolbo - 0 views

    This is a must try site which provides an amazing 3D world which teaches English and maths core skills. Players race against two other randomly chosen online players of a similar level. The questions start out very easy and adapt to the performance of the player. The questions are read out and some are displayed on the screen. The player just clicks on the correct multiple choice answer to increase their speed. There is a download for PCs and Macs as well as apps for iPad and Android. There are teacher accounts which allow you to make logins for lots of children quickly. When there log in students will be asked to design an avatar. Because the resource requires a sizeable download it takes a little time to set up, but because it runs on your local device game play is very smooth and quick.

Math Future event: mathematics in Crowd Sciences Feb 15 at 3pm ET - 2 views

    LOGIN Wednesday February 15 at 3pm Eastern US time: During the event, Dr. Keith Still of will introduce his Crowd Sciences work and explain the relevance of mathematics in it: "If you don't do the maths, you could end up in court on a manslaughter charge!" All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at Pose questions and comments for Keith before the event Math Future wiki: LinkedIn group: Email group: How to join Follow this link at the time of the event: Wednesday, February 15 2012 we will meet online at noon Pacific, 3 pm Eastern time. WorldClock for your time zone. Click "OK" and "Accept" several times as your browser installs the software. When you see Session Log-In, enter your name and click the "Login" button If this is your first time, come a few minutes earlier to check out the technology. Crowd Modelling + Crowd Monitoring + Crowd Management = Safer Crowds Crowd Modelling is the scientific approach to the development of safe, robust, crowd management plans. This can be achieved without the need for expensive, complex, time consuming computer simulations. In simple terms Crowd Modelling is understanding how, where, when and why crowds arrive, move around and leave an events/venues. The majority of this can be accomplished using tried, tested and simple to apply methodologies. "Keith Still is what I term an intuitive mathematician. He is one of the most creative and original thinkers that I know. He adds drive and determination, as well as considerable intellectual power to any group of which h
Garrett Eastman

" Strategies Used by Students on a Massively Multiplayer Online Mathematics Game" - 6 views

    (abstract only, full text requires subscription or purchase) "We analyze the logs of an online mathematics game tournament, played simultaneously by thousands of students. Nearly 10,000 students, coming from 356 schools from all regions in Chile, registered to the fourth tournament instance. The children play in teams of 12 students from the same class, and send their personal bets to a central server every 2 minutes. Each competition lasts about one clock hour and takes place within school hours. Students are pre-registered and trained by their school teacher. The teacher is responsible for reviewing curriculum contents useful for improving performance at the game and coaches students participating in trial tournaments taking place a few weeks before the national tournament. All bets are recorded in a database that enables us to analyze later the sequence of bets made by each student. Using cluster analysis with this information, we have identified three types of players, each with a well-defined strategy. "

Join John Mason Wednesday, February 22, 2pm ET at Math Future online - 2 views

    LOG IN February 22, 2012 at 2pm Eastern US time: During the event, John Mason will lead a conversation about multiplication as scaling, and answer questions about his books, projects and communities. All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at: Your time zone: Event challenge! What good multiplication tasks about scaling do you know? Share links and thoughts! John writes about elastic multiplication: "It is often said that 'multiplication is repeated addition' when what is meant is that 'repeated addition is an instance of multiplication'. I have been developing some tasks which present 'scaling as multiplication' based around familiarity with elastic bands. Participants would benefit from having an elastic (rubber) band to hand which they have cut so as to make a strip; wider is better than thinner if you have a choice." About John Mason John Mason has been teaching mathematics ever since he was asked to tutor a fellow student when he was fifteen. In college he was at first unofficial tutor, then later an official tutor for mathematics students in the years behind him, while tutoring school students as well. After a BSc at Trinity College, Toronto in Mathematics, and an MSc at Massey College, Toronto, he went to Madison Wisconsin where he encountered Polya's film 'Let Us Teach Guessing', and completed a PhD in Combinatorial Geometry. The film released a style of teaching he had experienced at high school from his mathematics teacher Geoff Steel, and his teaching changed overnight. His first appointment was at the Open University, which involved among other things the design and implementation of the first mathematics summer school (5000 students over 11 weeks on three sites in parallel). He called upon his experience of being taught, to institute active-problem-solving sessions, w
vinoth  ™ ✔

Antilog calculator - 0 views

    Online mathematics Tool to calculate the antilog value for the given value. even there are some site offering online antilog calculator but this is one among the most. Try it you too like this.
Martin Burrett

A Web Whiteboard - 0 views

    A superb 'Must Try' HTML based collaborative whiteboard site. The tools are wonderfully simple. No log in required. Just share the page link to work collaboratively. Combine with a tool like Skype to share a lesson across classes, schools or even countries.
Roland O'Daniel

The Numbers - Weekend Box Office Chart - 4 views

    Movie box office data that is current and very comprehensive. Several different trends are easy to track including exponential, and log functions. Great for using with students to create regression models, making predictions based on the models, checking the results and re-analyzing. Also, when a movie doesn't follow the predictions there are often easy to understand reasons for why the movies behave differently (a holiday weekend may cause the movie to gross more on a given weekend than predicted, etc.)
Garrett Eastman

Correlating Questionnaire Data With Actual Usage Data in a Mobile Learning Study for Hi... - 1 views

    Abstract: "A mobile learning research project was conducted in Trinidad and Tobago to determine if mobile learning can assist high school students in learning mathematics. Several innovative techniques were used in this research to address the problem of high failure rates of mathematics in high schools in the Caribbean. A mobile learning application was developed based on a subset of the high school mathematics curriculum used in the English-speaking Caribbean. Game-based learning, personalization and multiple learning strategies were used in conjunction with mobile learning to assist students in improving their performance in mathematics. Three evaluation studies were conducted with the mobile learning application. During the studies, usage data was captured automatically by the system and this was used to determine the extent to which the students actually used the mobile application. At the end of each study, a questionnaire was used to capture student opinions of the mobile learning application. Questionnaire data is based solely on student responses and there is no guarantee of its accuracy and reliability. This paper focuses on the responses of the students to the questionnaire and seeks to determine if the usage data can increase the reliability of the questionnaire data. It summarizes the behaviour patterns of the students gleaned from the usage logs and compares this to the students' responses to the questionnaire. Generally it was found that the students' responses agreed with the usage data, though there were occasions when the responses diverged."

mathfuture - HyperbolicGuitarsCourse - 2 views

    LOG IN January 24th 9pm ET: Music and mathematics have been linked together for thousands of years, but rarely have students had the opportunity to explore the many connections that exist between them. To try to fill this gap, Mike Thayer of Hyperbolic Guitars is developing a course. At the event, we will discuss the course outline, as well as math and music links in general. All events in the Math Future weekly series: The recording will be at Event challenge! Help Mike find a resource - a web page, a video, a music piece - to go with one of the topics in the course outline. Full syllabus and details of the outline: Major topics: What is sound, anyway? The physics of waves The mathematics of waves Resonance Elasticity The generation of sound by "simple" systems The vibrating string The vibrating rod The vibrating plate (e.g., drumhead or cymbal) Open and closed pipes The Helmholtz resonator (--> the vocal chords) White noise, pink noise The concept of "timbre" The perception of sound Human listeners Other "listeners": Digital recording The interaction between the generator and the listener: the science of acoustics What makes sound become music? What does a listener "listen for" in music? Basics of music and musical notation: Musical descriptions Basics of music: Psycho-physical (auditory) descriptions What makes sound "musical" (
samantha armstrong

FixComputerpProblemsSite Surely Knows How to Fix Computer Problems! - 1 views

I was having problems with my laptop before. Good thing FixComputerpProblemsSite helped me fix it. And they are really the experts when it comes to solving any computer related issues. They can eas...

fix computer problems

started by samantha armstrong on 03 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Belly Dance

Bellydancing Has Changed My Wife - 1 views

My wife was always unhappy because of the stressful work she had but it all change when she started joining a bellydance class at Bellydance Art Academy. She has that glow in her face that I did ...


started by Belly Dance on 19 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
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