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Smart Telecom | Paket Internet Unlimited - 0 views

    " Aktivasi/registrasi SMS 333 Paket Layanan harian mingguan bulanan 6 bulan 12 bulan Regular regular1 regular7 regular30 n/a n/a Silver silver1 silver7 silver30 silver180 silver360 Platinum platinum1 platinum7 platinum30 platinum180 platinum360 Ultimate ultimate1 ultimate7 ultimate30 ultimate180 ultimate360"

XPlanner+ open source project management tool for agile teams - 0 views

    "XPlanner+ is an open source (free) project planning and bug tracking tool for agile teams written on Java. Xplanner+ is based on XPlanner , and has new and improved features, such as: fancy design, email notifications for tasks, redraw charts button, drag and drop stories. "

Taskjuggler - The Open Source Project Management Software - Home - 0 views

    TaskJuggler is a modern and powerful project management tool. Its new approach to project planning and tracking is far superior to the commonly used Gantt chart editing tools. It has already been successfully used in many projects and scales easily to pro

Jangan Asramakan Anakmu | Jamil Azzaini - 0 views

    "Niat baik orang tua yang mengirimkan anaknya ke asram atau pesantren sebelum usianya 12 tahun kemungkinan besar akan berdampak buruk bagi pertumbuhan anak itu di masa depan. Boleh jadi ia hebat saat ini, boleh jadi ia telihat gembira saat ini. Tetapi di masa tua peluang menjadi "trouble makernya" sangatlah besar."

Build base box Vagrant Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10 Server - Yodiaditya - 0 views

    • Hendy Irawan
      Install juga virtualbox guest addons ya
    • Hendy Irawan
      "Basic Ubuntu Server" installs some nice packages, but aren't really necessary for a typical VPS. Details: $ tasksel --task-packages server python-zope.interface python-lazr.restfulclient python-serial w3m python-pam vim-runtime libswitch-perl python-wadllib python-pycurl libpcsclite1 python-simplejson vim libpod-plainer-perl python-pkg-resources python-pexpect wpasupplicant python-twisted-bin python-launchpadlib perl-modules python-twisted-core python-problem-report patch libgc1c2 libgpm2 python-oauth libpython2.7 python-lazr.uri python-keyring python-apport libjs-jquery python-openssl libclass-isa-perl apport bc python-httplib2 wireless-tools apport-symptoms python-crypto libgmp10 libiw30 perl libnl3 screen python-newt landscape-common byobu python-smartpm
    • Hendy Irawan
      RAM 512 MB, HDD 8 GB. Yah standard VPS lah.
    • Hendy Irawan
      VM Settings > Enable PAE/NX. Hapus SATA Controller, tambahin SCSI controller, enable host I/O cache, lalu tambahin existing HDD. Launch... Pas installation boot, pencet F4 > Minimal virtual server.
    • Hendy Irawan
      Edit /etc/default/grub, edit GRUB_TIMEOUT=0 and run sudo update-grub
    • Hendy Irawan
      sudo aptitude full-upgrade -yR ya :)
    • Hendy Irawan
      install package acpi-support (agar bisa graceful shutdown)
    • Hendy Irawan
      also make sure that GRUB won't get stuck if forcefully shutdown before...
    "I will explain my steps bundling Ubuntu 11.10 into Vagrant box and run it."

Mengenali dan Memperbaiki si Bad Apple Dalam Tim Anda - Artikel Indonesia - 0 views

    " Pernahkah Anda mendengar tentang bad apple atau apel busuk yang memberikan pengaruh pada orang sekitarnya? Mungkin hal inilah yang sedang dialami tim Anda. Selain perubahan temperatur suasana kerja, gejala lain yang mungkin timbul adalah tim seperti terbagi jadi beberapa kubu, banyak keluhan ditujukan pada Anda, peraturan perusahaan yang pelaksanaannya makin longgar dan komunikasi tidak berjalan lancar."

Jika Karyawan Anda Berulah - Artikel JobsDB Indonesia - 0 views

    " Setiap hari Anda dipaksa untuk berhadapan dengan bawahan yang mengeluh dengan tugasnya, banyak mengkritik tanpa memberikan solusi. Sebagai atasan, Anda dituntut tak saja profesional menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang menjadi kewajiban di kantor. Namun, Anda juga harus memiliki integritas jiwa seorang pemimpin yang baik dan handal dalam mengatur tim di divisi Anda. Berikut beberapa cara untuk mengatasi bawahan yang membandel:"

Your "Rewards" Aren't Appreciated By Your Employees | BNET - 0 views

    "This post is for managers. Individual contributors already know this information, but for some reason, as soon as people are promoted (or laterally transfer) into a management job, they forget this information."

LemonPOS | Point-of-Sale - 0 views

    "Openess. All information is yours, explore what you have and use. Benefits of MySQL. The world's opensource most popular database. Safer environment. No viruses around your valueable data. Role based permisions, important user's actions logged. Multiple terminals. A single database. Sales suspension. Take another sale and resume later. Sell custom products. Take "special orders"."
1More - Where ideas and people meet | Fast Company - 0 views

    " The Mysterious, Ice-Cold Canning Of A Prominent Polar Bear Researcher BY Curt StagerToday Charles Monnet is responsible for you being concerned about polar bears drowning in ice-less Arctic waters. But did his support for wildlife get him suspended from his government post?READ» VIDEO 30 Second MBA: How Do You Know Innovation When You See It? BY FastCompany StaffToday Conan O'Brien, Host, answers this business question at READ»"

Elastic Team Leadership in Software - 5 Whys - 0 views

    " Read why this site exists Read about the three team phases your team might be in. Read posts on the chaos phase, the learning phase, or the self-leading phase. "

What is DevOps? - Blog - dev2ops - Solving Large Scale Web Operations and Dev... - 0 views

    " If you are interested in IT management -- and web operations in particular -- you might have recently heard the term "DevOps" being tossed around. The #DevOps tag pops up regularly on Twitter. DevOps meetups and DevOpsDays conferences, are gaining steam. DevOps is, in many ways, an umbrella concept that refers to anything that smoothes out the interaction between development and operations. However, the ideas behind DevOps run much deeper than that."

What Is This Devops Thing, Anyway? - 0 views

    "So, the Devops movement is characterized by people with a multidisciplinary skill set - people who are comfortable with infrastructure and configuration, but also happy to roll up their sleeves, write tests, debug, and ship features. These are people who making connections, because they can - because they have feet in multiple camps, they can be ambassadors, peace makers, facilitators and communicators. And the point of the movement is to identify these, currently rare, people and encourage them, compare ideas, and start to identify, train, recruit and popularize this way of doing IT."

Commoning builds and supports sustainable, human-scale, ecology-friendly technologies f... - 0 views

    "Commoning builds and supports sustainable, human-scale, ecology-friendly technologies for the developed and developing worlds. All technologies are available to everyone royalty-free. Our mission is equalize access to basic public infrastructure around the world in five core areas: nutritious food, potable water, electricity generation, shelter, and clothing. Our approach is to "lead with access". Commoning also develops and supports supplementary Online and Offline communications technologies and processes to support communities that are self-organizing. This provides communities with access to a new social sphere and enables more widespread cooperation and collaboration. Underlying our work is a clear drive. We enable mutually owned, democratically governed, globally inter-connected, and geographically localized organizations: The Local Commons. These local commons are connected to each other as well as individuals and organizations in the developing world through aligned interest in the production of a basic and sustainable quality of life. Enabling access means engaging global collaboration to produce sustainable local access to lands and technology."

Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » Fantastic engineering management is… - 0 views

    "Great engineering managers are like coaches - they get their deepest thrill from seeing a team perform at the top of its game, not from performing vicariously. They understand that they are not going to be on the field between the starting and finishing whistle. They understand that there will be decisions to be taken on the field that the players will have to make for themselves, and their job is to prepare the team physically and mentally for the game, rather than to try and play from the sidelines. A great coach isn't trying to steer the movement of the ball from during the game, she's making notes about the coaching and team selections needed between this match and the next. A terrible coach is a player that won't let go of the game, wants to be out there in the thick of it, and loses themselves in the details of the game itself. An engineering manager is an organiser and a mentor and a coach, not a veteran star player. They need to love winning, and love the sport, and know that they help most by making the team into a winning team. The way they get code written is by making an environment which is conducive to that; the way they create quality is by fostering a passion for quality and making space in the schedule and the team for work which serves only that goal."

...Pustaka Kecilku... - Mengenalkan Allah pada anak - 0 views

  •  “Dan (ingatlah) ketika Luqman berkata kepada anaknya pada waktu ia memberi pelajaran kepadanya : ‘Hai anakku, janganlah kamu mempersekutukan Allah. Sesungguhnya mempersekutukan (Allah) adalah benar-benar kezhaliman yang besar.’” (QS. Luqman (31): 3)
  • Pendidikan anak ( tarbiyatul aulad ) bukanlah dimulai dari semenjak kandungan, sejatinya ia dimulai semenjak kita mencari pasangan hidup ( suami / istri ).
  • Luqman mengiringinya dengan  pesan yang lain, yaitu agar anaknya menyembah Allah semata dan berbakti kepada kedua orang tua sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam firman-Nya:“Dan Rabbmu telah memerintahkan supaya kamu tidak menyembah selain Dia dan hendaklah kamu berbuat baik kepada ibu bapakmu dengan sebaik-baiknya.” (QS. Al-Israa’ (17): 23)
    "Pendidikan anak ( tarbiyatul aulad ) bukanlah dimulai dari semenjak kandungan, sejatinya ia dimulai semenjak kita mencari pasangan hidup ( suami / istri ). Salah satu pondasi pendidikan tauhid dimulai dari penanaman nilai-nilai tauhid kepada sang anak, dan salah satu kunci keberhasilan pendidikan anak adalah tepatnya metode yang diberikan saat mengenalkan sang anak kepada penciptanya, Allah SWT, selain itu, teladan dari orang tua juga berperan penting mengantarkan anak menjadi anak yang sholih."

Moral di SD Jepang - Pendidikan & Edukasi Anak - 0 views

  • Moral
  • Fenomena itu bukan sesuatu yang terjadi “by default”, namun pastilah “by design”
  • kemajuan suatu bangsa tidak bisa dilepaskan dari bagaimana bangsa tersebut mendidik anak-anaknya.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Ia harus membersihkan dan menyikat WC, menyapu dapur, dan mengepel lantai. Setiap anak di Jepang, tanpa kecuali, harus melakukan pekerjaan-pekerjaan itu. Akibatnya mereka bisa lebih mandiri dan menghormati orang lain.
  • menanamkan pada anak-anak bahwa hidup tidak bisa semaunya sendiri, terutama dalam bermasyarakat
  • nilai moral diserap pada seluruh mata pelajaran dan kehidupan.
  • bagaimana menaklukan diri sendiri demi kepentingan yang lebih luas
  • harga diri, rasa malu, dan jujur.
  • menghargai sistem nilai, bukan materi atau harta.
  • Menghargai Diri Sendiri (Regarding Self), Menghargai Orang Lain (Relation to Others), Menghargai Lingkungan dan Keindahan (Relation to Nature & the Sublime), serta menghargai kelompok dan komunitas (Relation to Group & Society).
  • pentingnya melayani orang lain
  • makan siang itu dilayani oleh mereka sendiri secara bergiliran.
  • membentuk budaya dan karakter. Ibarat pohon besar yang dahan dan rantingnya banyak, asalnya tetap dari satu petak akar. Dan akar itu, saya pikir adalah pendidikan dasar.
    " Saat makan siang tiba, anak-anak merapikan meja untuk digunakan makan siang bersama di kelas. Yang mengagetkan saya adalah, makan siang itu dilayani oleh mereka sendiri secara bergiliran. Beberapa anak pergi ke dapur umum sekolah untuk mengambil trolley makanan dan minuman. Kemudian mereka melayani teman-temannya dengan mengambilkan makanan dan menyajikan minuman. Hal seperti ini menanamkan nilai pada anak tentang pentingnya melayani orang lain. Saya yakin, apabila anak-anak terbiasa melayani, sekiranya nanti menjadi pejabat publik, pasti nalurinya melayani masyarakat, bukan malah minta dilayani."

Android Patent Infringement: Licensing is the Solution - Microsoft on the Issues - Site... - 0 views

  • • Give people easy ways to navigate through information provided by their device apps via a separate control window with tabs; • Enable display of a webpage’s content before the background image is received, allowing users to interact with the page faster; • Allow apps to superimpose download status on top of the downloading content; • Permit users to easily select text in a document and adjust that selection; and • Provide users the ability to annotate text without changing the underlying document.
    • Hendy Irawan
      Huh?!?!?! Things like those are patented? No wonder our world is going backwards!
  • innovations
    • Hendy Irawan
      INNOVATION!!!!????????? o.m.g

Arief Maulana - Blog Motivasi | Blog Bisnis | Blog Manajemen Pengembangan Diri - 0 views

    Home About Me My Product My Service Internet Business Tools JV With Me My Friend Contact Admin

How to be an entrepreneur - Holy Kaw! - 0 views

    "Need a little reminder about what it means to be an entrepreneur?"
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