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Dumped at sea: plastic pollution in the South Atlantic - @UCT_news - 0 views

    Thousands of kilometres from any continent lies Inaccessible Island, small and isolated in the Southern Atlantic Ocean. Yet, it is full of plastic and a growing proportion of it seems to come not from land, but rather from ships dumping their litter at sea in contravention of international law. That is according to new research led by the University of Cape Town (UCT), which casts doubt on the widely held assumption that most marine plastic now comes from land-based sources. Afrique "Afrique australe" "Afrique du Sud" Cap-Occidental "Le Cap" "Université du Cap" pollution déchet plastique Atlantique "océan Atlantique" "Atlantique sud" bateau navire droit loi législation réglementation "droit international" recherche UCT courant

Via @cflav - Towing an Iceberg: One Captain's Plan to Bring Drinking Water to 4 Million... - 0 views

    Towing an Iceberg: One Captain's Plan to Bring Drinking Water to 4 Million People.
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