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heidi levine

THE WAYWARD PRESS AMATEUR HOUR Journalism without journalists. by Nicholas Lemann - 0 views

    "On the Internet, everybody is a millenarian. Internet journalism, according to those who produce manifestos on its behalf, represents a world-historical development-not so much because of the expressive power of the new medium as because of its accessibility to producers and consumers. That permits it to break the long-standing choke hold on public information and discussion that the traditional media-usually known, when this argument is made, as "gatekeepers" or "the priesthood"-have supposedly been able to maintain up to now. "Millions of Americans who were once in awe of the punditocracy now realize that anyone can do this stuff-and that many unknowns can do it better than the lords of the profession," Glenn Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor who operates one of the leading blogs, Instapundit, writes, typically, in his new book, "An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government and Other Goliaths." The rhetoric about Internet journalism produced by Reynolds and many others is plausible only because it conflates several distinct categories of material that are widely available online and didn't use to be. One is pure opinion, especially political opinion, which the Internet has made infinitely easy to purvey. Another is information originally published in other media-everything from Chilean newspaper stories and entries in German encyclopedias to papers presented at Micronesian conferences on accounting methods-which one can find instantly on search and aggregation sites. Lately, grand journalistic claims have been made on behalf of material produced specifically for Web sites by people who don't have jobs with news organizations. According to a study published last month by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, there are twelve million bloggers in the United States, and thirty-four per cent of them consider blogging to be a form of journalism. That would add
paul lowe - The World in Action - 0 views

  • is a new global web movement with a simple democratic mission: to close the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want. "Avaaz" means "Voice" in many Asian, Middle Eastern and Eastern European languages. Across the world, most people want stronger protections for the environment, greater respect for human rights, and concerted efforts to end poverty, corruption and war. Yet globalization faces a huge democratic deficit as international decisions are shaped by political elites and unaccountable corporations -- not the views and values of the world's people. Technology and the internet have allowed citizens to connect and mobilize like never before. The rise of a new model of internet-driven, people-powered politics is changing countries from Australia to the Philippines to the United States. Avaaz takes this model global, connecting people across borders to bring people powered politics to international decision-making.
paul lowe

Charlie Beckett, POLIS Director » Blog Archive » The ethical and real hazards... - 0 views

    The ethical and real hazards of citizen journalism People powered People powered Who is responsible for the risks taken by citizen journalists who become 'accidental' reporters in dangerous situations? This was the excellent question asked by Slawek Kozdras, a Polish student, who was in the audience when I gave a talk at Cumberland Lodge to LSE Government scholars. I was doing my usual schtick about how networked journalism could alter the terms of the political communications trade. I put up slides about activists in Burma, G20 protestors and other people using new media technologies to report where professional journalists can't go. Slawek made a good point drawn from a fellow eastern European's work: "I remember a story told in Kundera's Unbearable Lightness of Being. After the Soviet army stormed into Prague in 1968 the brave Czech people (as opposed to cowardly Czech politicians) were mocking the army, women were teasing with Russian soldiers, laughing at them, taking pictures with them knowing the Russians can't react. The paradox is that later on these pictures with people mocking Russians turned against the Czechs and served as evidence in trials."
paul lowe

A Picture's worth a thousand words | Global Poverty Project - 1 views

    Have you ever seen one of those photos where there's a starving child with distended belly, looking forlornly up at a camera, asking you to save them? On the TV news, in magazines, and occasionally on advertising for charities. Playing on our fears and sympathy, they try to push a giant button on our forehead labeled "GUILT." These images make me angry. They make me angry because that's just not what extreme poverty is really about. Yes, it's real - people really do live in such challenging circumstances, but when it's the only image we see, it sends all the wrong messages. It's poverty porn - gratuitous and explicit images that strip away people's identity and personality, making them out to be little more than meat. It makes out that people in extreme poverty aren't willing or able to do things for themselves. It makes out that people in extreme poverty are victims, that they need us to save them. And, without really even thinking about it, it reinforces the idea that people in extreme poverty are somehow less than us - less valuable, less capable, less intelligent … and less human.
paul lowe

Managing director of World Press Photo on the difficulties of photojournalism - Europea... - 0 views

    "Corentin Wauters: Gamma is one of the most famous photojournalism agencies. Some even call it legendary. How important has it been for photojournalism? Michiel Munneke: I think Gamma - but also others like Magnum, for instance - played an extremely important role from early years on, especially in documenting crucial news events around the world. It's important to realise that in those days you had magazines like Life and the Picture Post who very generously allocated tens of pages to events like the war in Vietnam, for example. Those publications and photographs made a huge impact on their readerships. I think it's fair to say that the founders of Gamma, like Raymond Depardon - although he moved to Magnum at the end of the '70s - and Gilles Corron, who died in 1970 in Cambodia, can be classified as legendary. They played a very important role in news documenting in those years. Raymond Depardon said that in 1966 you only had to travel far away and take three shots to get published in magazines Paris Match or Le Nouvel Observateur. How has the profession of photojournalism changed since Gamma was founded? If Depardon was saying that competition for space in publications like Paris Match or Le Nouvel Observateur is stronger, then he's absolutely right. Competition is far more severe. Circulations are going down, advertising revenues are shrinking, and consequently budgets for journalism and for photography are being cut. image Nowadays its very rare that publications send photographers for assignments overseas. Take a renowned magazine like Time. They still have photographers on staff but they very rarely get assignments to go overseas. It's a sign of the times. Gamma, but also other big photojournalism agencies like Sipa, were founded in Paris. The city had a big name as a centre for photojournalism. To what extent is that true today? I think for those years it was really true. But now, in the era of globalisation and digitisation, it doesnâ
paul lowe

Jared Diamond in the Rough: Media, Misrepresentation, and Indigenous People - 0 views

    Much has been written about the questionable research, writing, and presentation of indigenous people in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in Jared Diamond's New Yorker article, "Vengeance Is Ours: What can tribal societies tell us about our need to get even?"  I would like to place the article and discussion of it in a more general context of media ethics and media coverage of indigenous people. Moreover, I would like to consider it in the context of the important work that indigenous people around the world are doing, to tell more accurate stories - in their own voices - and to create their own media outlets and networks.
paul lowe

ASMP: Property and Model Release Tutorial - 0 views

    Why you need releases A release is a written agreement between you and the person you are photographing, or the person who owns the property you are photographing. The purpose of the release is to protect you from any future lawsuits the person might file for claims such as defamation and invasion of privacy. A model release says the person being photographed has given consent to be photographed and to the use of the images you capture. It doesn't just apply to professional models or situations where people know they are posing for photos. You should seek to get a signed model release any time that your photos contain recognizable images of people, unless you are certain that you will never want to use them for anything other than editorial purposes. A property release says that the owner of a certain property, such as a pet or a building, has given you consent to take and use images of the property. You don't need one for public property, such as government buildings (although you may run into problems just from photographing them, for security reasons). But for images of private property - and particularly of objects that are closely identified with specific people - you are safer if you get a release. The releases you obtain should be saved forever and should be linked in some way with the photographs to which they relate. You can expect to be asked to produce them whenever you license an image, and you will need them if you ever have to defend yourself in court.
paul lowe

Photography Organisation Leeds, West Yorkshire >> Pavilion - 0 views

    Pavilion is a visual arts commissioning agency that collaborates with artists and audiences to make exceptional new works of art, using photography and digital lens based media. Pavilion invests in the talent of emerging photographers. It does this through; commissions, exhibitions and portfolio review sessions. Pavilion also supports emerging artists into the art market through its print sales initiative. Pavilion's curated education programme is an ongoing investement in the creative development of young people. The programme produces artist-led, relational visual arts experiences, with audiences and in particular with young disadvantaged people. Through Pavilion's new gallery, national exhibitions, publications, critical dialogue, a website including an online gallery, events and participation, Pavilion responds to and cultivates audience engagement. We are a Leeds-based company with over 25 years experience in engaging with people and making photography accessible and relevant to a wide audience.
paul lowe

AMERICANSUBURB X: THEORY - "Andreas Gursky and The Contemporary Sublime" - 0 views

    THEORY - "Andreas Gursky and The Contemporary Sublime" Andreas Gursky and The Contemporary Sublime Art Journal, Winter, 2002 by Alix Ohlin The German photographer Andreas Gursky takes pictures of enormous spaces--stock exchanges, skyscrapers, mountain peaks--in which crowds of people look tiny and relentless, making their presence felt in the world, like a minute, leisurely colony of ants. Also like ants, these people appear to spend little time examining their own encroachment--architectural, technological, and personal--on the natural world. In their determined, oblivious way, the people in his photographs make clear that there is no longer any nature uncharted by man. In place of nature we find the invasive landmarks of a global economy Taken as a whole, Gursky's work constitutes a map of the postmodern civilized world.
paul lowe

BBC - Wales - Introduction to digital storytelling and these how-to guides - 0 views

    Introduction to Digital Storytelling by Daniel Meadows Digital Stories are short, personal, multimedia scraps of TV that people can make for themselves. They're 'mini-movies'. Desktop computers enabled with video editing software are used to synchronise recorded spoken narratives with scans of personal photographs. This project requires commitment for, as well as all the technical stuff that must be learnt, script writing, picture editing and performance skills are also needed and these have to be worked on, which is why most Digital Stories are made by people attending workshops where participants can benefit from the help and advice of facilitators. People of all ages and abilities make Digital Stories and many have testified how rewarding the experience is for, when their story is shared with friends and family or posted on the web, they find they have discovered a new voice. There's a strictness to the construction of a Digital Story: 250 words, a dozen or so pictures, and two minutes is the right length. As with poetry these constraints define the form (e.g. a haiku is a poem written using 17 syllables, and the 14 lines of a sonnet are written in iambic pentameter) and it's the observation of that form which gives the thing its elegance.
paul lowe

Top 10 Tips for Twitter … and Life - 0 views

    Top 10 Tips for Twitter … and Life by Guest Poster on January 22, 2009 in Twitter for Beginners In this post Crystal N Woods (follow her at @crystalsquest) shares some great tips for those starting out in Twitter. twitter-tips.png The buzz this year is all about Twitter, the 'microblog' service. Both the web and twitter are full of pleas from people who say they don't 'get it'. In a nutshell, the point of twitter is to post very short updates - no more than 140 characters. It's a bit like a txt msg for the web, on 'what you're doing now'. These tweets can be links to cool sites you've found, conversations with other twitter users, questions you want a quick answer for, what you're having for dinner or even haiku poetry. The main difference between twitter and txt is: when you send it out it goes out to everyone who's opted to follow you. On the receiving end, you're getting these updates from everyone you've chosen to follow. This constant flow of short messages to and from is called the 'twitter stream'. It can be a bit overwhelming at first. Just like modern life. In fact, it occurred to me that the people who 'get it' and rave about it the most are the very same people who have achieved vast levels of success in this information age. So, here's my take on the top 10 success tips for twitter… and Life!
paul lowe

Newspaper people on Twitter - Media UK - 0 views

    Newspaper people on Twitter We list the "top of the twits" for newspaper titles (a-z) and people (a-z). Media UK runs a variety of services on Twitter too - not least, @mediauk - follow us!
paul lowe

Nieman Reports | Weighing the Moral Argument Against the Way Things Work - 0 views

    Weighing the Moral Argument Against the Way Things Work 'We have covered Africa this year, so we won't be doing anything for a while.' A photo essay by Marcus Bleasdale A child's coffin awaits burial as an uncle negotiates payment with the undertaker. The child's father was unable to attend due to "military duties." Infant mortality in Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is 128 deaths per 1000, according to the International Red Cross. Photo by © Marcus Bleasdale/IPG. More than three million people have died due to fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo over the past five years. At least another three million people have been forced to flee their homes. This messy conflict at the heart of the continent has often been referred to as Africa's first World War. Most of the deaths come from hunger and disease among a population of 55 million people struggling to scratch out a meager subsistence living in this vast nation covered by dense forests and jungle.
paul lowe

pdfX12| photo documentary folioX12 REMINDERS-PROJECT.ORG 2010 - 0 views

    what's pdfX12|photo documentary folioX12? pdfX12 is an online, monthly free  photo journal that presents and features a series of photos  by various photojournalists living and working in various communities around the world.  These photos tell poignant stories about people who are facing harsh social, economic, environmental and political conditions. Photojournalists presented here are those, with their own resources and energy, who have chosen to dedicate their life's work to documenting certain human issues in order to bring about greater attention to harsh human conditions that many people would brush aside. It is thus very important that the voices of these photojournalists, who are living and working in communities that they are documenting, are heard through this type of online venue, which everyone can access. 
paul lowe

Musarium - 0 views

    Photography and storytelling are as important as they've ever been. Witness our two current feature pieces about Eugene Richards and the 2004 PDN Photo Annual. Just when you think that television has mind-numbed the brains of most people, these presentations celebrate and enforce the power of still photographs to affect people and tell great stories.
paul lowe

Strobist: Lighting 101 - 0 views

    Sunday, March 19, 2006 Lighting 101 Intimidated by the idea of off-camera lighting? Don't be. We are pretty much starting from scratch, so no worries. The first posts will be about what kind of gear you will need to do the minimalist strobe thing. When we are done having our way with your wallet (remembering that light gives you far more bang-for-the-buck than does fast glass or the latest digital camera or 300/2.8) we'll move into basic technique. And after that, we'll keep it going with periodical essays and ideas on how to improve (or refresh) your lighting ability. When you've worked your way through the basics of designing your light kit and learning how to use it, make a point to browse some of the examples in the "On Assignment" section. Those will be updated constantly, too. So keep checking back. You will likely have some questions along the way. Sadly, it is not possible for me to take the time to personally answer all of the one-to-one lighting questions that pop up. So try to resist asking them in the comments section. The only people reading this behind you are the people who are, well, behind you. You will find the one-to-one knowledge bank you seek in the Strobist Group on Flickr. There, you can ask away and get the diversity of response that you need. These are the lighting grad students, so to speak. They know this stuff, and are very enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge.
paul lowe

The Light Factory - 0 views

    he Light Factory is a museum dedicated to photography, film, and related light-generated mediums. Our exhibitions present aesthetic excellence in contemporary and historic photography and film. The thematic content of our exhibits stimulates dialogue, challenges audiences and encourages artists to test new ideas. The Light Factory offers education and outreach programs designed to teach people of all ages to communicate using the photo and film mediums and to be able to interpret the messages inherent in the images they see both in the museum and in mass media. Following are the values that serve as the foundation for our vision, our mission, and our programs. We believe in… -the transformative power of photography and film -engaging the community through exhibitions and education -creating media literacy among all -evoking reactions and responses from our audience -stimulating creative commentary Each year thousands of people visit The Light Factory at our home in Uptown Charlotte's Spirit Square to experience our exhibitions, take classes, hear talks, and see films. We hope that you will join us as a visitor and participating member.
paul lowe

Photofusion Photography Centre, London, UK - 0 views

    Photofusion is London's largest independent photography resource centre. We are unique for the breadth of our work and services, providing access to a full range of facilities including contemporary gallery space, darkrooms, studio, digital imaging training, picture library, agency and ongoing photo-art education programme for professional, student and amateur photographers. Situated in the vibrant heart of Brixton, Photofusion's photo-digital facilities continue to draw visitors into an exciting and rapidly changing area. As Brixton's most prestigious gallery space, our exhibitions alone are expected this year to attract 30,000 visitors. Founded in 1984 as the Photo Co-op, Photofusion has metamorphosed from a small collective of documentary photographers through a number of identities through successful fundraising campaigns, to become a leading resource for photographic artists. In recognition of this role, we receive regular funding from London Arts, and consolidate this grant with income from our commercial activities. Photofusion aims to promote a ladder of educational opportunity through courses, workshops and seminars. We are moving increasingly into the field of training for disenchanted young people who may have been alienated by formal education, and are working in collaboration with a number of community and arts organisations to help people access arts training and gain skills for the workplace. Photofusion's position as a leading photography resource necessitates a close relationship with the development of digital media in order to offer artists the best possible facilities for innovative arts production. Photofusion now offers expanded digital and darkroom facilities and improved disability access.
paul lowe

AMERICANSUBURB X: INTERVIEW - "Interview: Bill Owens: Photographing the Suburban Soul" - 0 views

    Bill Owens: Photographing the Suburban Soul Interview by Robert Hirsch Bill Owens's Suburbia (1972) is a quintessential photographic study of suburban California life and of its rituals. Owens followed with Our Kind of People (1975), which examined political, religious, scholastic, and sports groups and their practices. Then he published Working: I Do It for Money (1977) that looked at people who work from nine to five. In 1976, Owens received a Guggenheim Fellowship and, afterwards, two National Endowment for the Arts awards. Between 1978 to the 1982 he was a freelance photographer and did work for magazines including Life and Newsweek. In 1982 Owens started Buffalo Bill's Brewery and published American Brewer Magazine (1984 - 2001). In 2004 Owens added to his visual anthropology cycle of the American middle class with the publication of Leisure: Americans at Play. Currently, Owens is making mini digital movies about America society. This piece is the result of conversations and emails between Owens and the author from December 2004 through March 2005.
paul lowe

The Ethical Journalism Initiative - IFJ - 0 views

    The IFJ Launches Website for Ethical Journalism Campaign Welcome to the Ethical Journalism Initiative website - a new campaign to rekindle old values in media worldwide launched by the International Federation of Journalists. The future of media is the hot topic everywhere, particularly as journalists and others wrestle with the rapid changes in the way journalism works. In troubled times of political tension, social conflict and economic turbulence people yearn for reliable and quality information. Journalism provides the analysis, context and commentary that keep citizens informed and allows them to play their part in the life of society. The role of media in helping to build democracy has never been more important, but how will journalism in future deliver the service people need? [..]
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