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Heather Marsh

HU's Summer Technology Clincs for Educators - 0 views

    Here is the microsite that covers the technology clinics for educators this summer.

Will the Real Digital Native Please Stand Up? -- Campus Technology - 0 views

  • Certainly, there is no clinical evidence to back up any claims about physical changes in the brains of today's traditional-age students. But educators are providing anecdotal evidence of a shift in how students approach learning and education in general.
    • anonymous
  • "They go to a website and look something up,
    • anonymous
      I wonder if this is largely because it's so easy to search the web to find an answer to a fill-in-the-blank question that they frequently see?
Mary Richards

Argument Clinic - 0 views

    Funny (and appropriate) Monty Python video clip to teach students some fallacies of logic.
    I used to have this entire skit memorized. My all-time favorite!
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