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Frank Kohler

Universal Design for Learning - 2 views

    "We will make real progress only when we realize that our problem in education is not one of performance but one of design."~ Ron Wolk, founder of Education Week. September 29, 2010 from 8.30am ~ 3.30pm in the Conference Center Lucas County Educational Service Center. The State Support Team Region1 is sponsoring this exceptional professional development opportunity for administrators, educators, and related service providers. For more information on this conference please use the hyperlink.
    Great quote!
    I couldn't agree more! Heaven forbid we quit beating that poor old dead horse and hop into our space shuttle for a more meaningful and thought provoking ride!
Frank Kohler

Tutorial - Quick and Easy Augmented Reality from SketchUp/3DMax etc - 0 views

    Digital Urban offers a quick tutorial for creating your own Augmented Reality. They use ARTAG, making it an easy tutorial. Most important, the simplicity of this tutorial can harness the potential for educators to use in our professional practice. Check it out!
Aaron Carpenter

Open Courseware consortium - 2 views

    "An OpenCourseWare(OCW) is a free and open digital publication of high quality university‐level educational materials. These materials are organized as courses, and often include course planning materials and evaluation tools as well as thematic content."
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