Read aloud on the "Between the Lions" tv show. Animation, effective read-aloud, text highlighted by phrase to assist beginning readers in following along. Nicely done.
The best app for digital language experience that I have seen yet. Take pictures of experience with your iPad/iTouch/iPhone, import them into Click n' Talk, add text, record a student or anyone else reading the text or talking about the picture. Voila, personalized book in minutes for emergent or beginning reader.
Remarkable resource for beginning readers, their families, and teachers of beginning readers. Tens of 1000's of digital books that can be read online with or without speech support or downloaded for use offline. Each book can be accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches. Parents and professionals may write their own books as well, a great way to create materials targeted to the specific interests of a child or student.