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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Sunny Jackson

Sunny Jackson

Smooth-reading FAQ - DPWiki - 0 views

  • Smooth Reading is reading a text as you would read any e-book, paying a little closer attention and making notations where you spot anything that disrupts the flow of the text.
  • It is reading for smoothness and sense, with an eye out for anything that would jar or jolt an average reader.
  • the concept is to preserve what the author wrote
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • catch errors that have been overlooked
Sunny Jackson

DP: P1: Proofreading Round 1 - 0 views

  • Don't rewrap lines. Leave the ends of lines where they are in the image
  • please put words that are broken across lines back together
  • Use a blank line before each paragraph
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • don't indent at the beginning of a paragraph
  • Remove extra spaces around punctuation
  • Don't correct the original spelling
  • When in doubt, make it look like the original and use [** Notes for the next proofreader or PM would go here] to flag the spot.
  • English
Sunny Jackson

DP: Smooth Reading Pool - 0 views

  • The goal of 'Smooth Reading' is to read the text attentively, as for pleasure, with just a little more attention than usual to punctuation, etc.
  • report any problem that disrupts the sense or the flow of the book
  • The way to report errors is by adding a comment of the form [**correction or query] immediately after the problem spot. Do not correct or change the problem, just note it in the above format.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Genre:
Sunny Jackson

DP: "*The red window [Part 2 of 3]" project page - 0 views

  • Page Headers and Footers: Running headers/footers may include book title, author, chapter title, and/or page number. They will be at the very top or bottom of the page. Remove these, including the page numbers and any extra blank lines.
  • If a line ends in a hyphenated word, move the first part of the following line up to rejoin the word, then insert a line break at the end of the rejoined word.
  • hap- pened
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • happened
  • one blank line before each new paragraph, even if it starts at the top of a page
Sunny Jackson

Spanish/Verbs List - Wikibooks, open books for an open world - 0 views

  • Abrir (to open)
  • Acordar (to agree upon)
  • Alquilar (to rent)
  • ...88 more annotations...
  • Amar (to love)
  • Aprender (to learn)
  • Ayudar (to help)
  • Bailar (to dance)
  • Beber (to drink)
  • Besar (to kiss)
  • Buscar (to look for)
  • Caminar (to walk)
  • Cantar (to sing)
  • Casarse (to marry)
  • Celebrar (to celebrate)
  • Cerrar (to close)
  • Comer (to eat
  • Comprar (to purchase, to buy)
  • Comprender (to comprehend, to understand)
  • Conducir (to drive)
  • Contestar (to answer, to reply)
  • Correr (to run)
  • Cortar (to cut)
  • Costar (to cost)
  • Crear (to create)
  • Creer (to believe)
  • Cubrir (to cover)
  • Deber (to owe, should)
  • Decidir (to decide)
  • Desear (to desire, to wish)
  • Detener (to stop)
  • Discutir (to argue)
  • Distinguir (to distinguish)
  • Divertirse (to have fun)
  • Doler (to hurt)
  • Dormir (to sleep, go to sleep)
  • Enamorarse (to fall in love)
  • Encantar (to be delighted about) - gustar-type verb
  • Entender (to understand)
  • Entrar (to enter)
  • Escuchar (to listen)
  • Escribir (to write)
  • Esperar (to wait, to hope)
  • Esquiar (to ski)
  • Estar (to be)
  • Estudiar (to study)
  • Felicitar (to congratulate)
  • Ganar (to win, to earn)
  • Gustar (to like)
  • Hablar (to talk)
  • Hacer (to make, to do)
  • Hallar (to find)
  • Ir (to go)
  • Invitar (to invite)
  • Jugar (to play)
  • Lavar (to wash)
  • Leer (to read)
  • Llegar a ser (to become)
  • Levantar (to raise)
  • Llegar (to arrive)
  • Llevar (to bring, to carry)
  • Lograr (to accomplish)
  • Mirar (to look)
  • Morir (to die)
  • Nacer (to be born)
  • Nadar (to swim)
  • Necesitar (to need)
  • Obtener (to get, to obtain)
  • Recibir (to receive)
  • Saber (to know)
  • Sacar (to take out)
  • Salir (to leave, to go out)
  • Saludar (to greet)
  • Seguir (to follow)
  • Sentir (to feel)
  • Ser (to be)
  • Significar (to mean, to signify)
  • Soñar (to dream)
  • Tener (to have, to own)
  • Terminar (to finish, to end)
  • Tocar (to touch, to play an instrument)
  • Tomar (to take, to drink)
  • Trabajar (to work)
  • Traducir (to translate)
  • Traer (to bring)
  • Usar (to use)
  • Vender (to sell)
  • Venir (to come)
  • Ver (to see)
  • Viajar (to travel)
  • Visitar (to visit)
  • Vivir (to live)
Sunny Jackson

N. K. Jemisin « Transcriptase - 0 views

  • To a member of a marginalized group, however, silence in response to bigotry can only be negative, because it connotes approval, or at best ambivalence.
  • I need to see pride in their eyes, not confusion or concern, when they look back at me. Hell, I need to be able to look myself in the eye, with my self-respect intact.
Sunny Jackson

Clarkesworld Magazine - Science Fiction and Fantasy : Another Word: Reading and Writing... - 0 views

  • We learn about some of the most important things in our lives vicariously through fiction.
  • I’ve known a lot of people for whom books have been profoundly important
  • Fiction isn’t powerless. And if the author just ignores the politics of their work, that doesn’t mean the book becomes apolitical. It just means they wrote their own defaults.
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Think Black people are lazy and violent, but your work isn’t about that? I’ll bet you dollars to donuts it’s in there.
  • Reading is the same way.
  • He’s trying to be a better man and to create (in a small way) a better world by the way he chooses what he reads.
  • And it was a moral statement, even if it was mostly a private one.
  • How we read and how we write will always have moral and political implications. The only choice we’ve got is whether they’re unconscious or considered.
  • beautiful and damning distinction
  • best self
  • authentic self
  • Wanting to live in a better world is great. Working for a better world is great. It only becomes a vice when it keeps us from loving the world we’re in—warts and all. My experience is that life is full of strong women and weak ones. Venal ones. Active ones. Passive ones. Complicated ones. Unhealthy ones. Men are just as varied and complicated and screwed-up. Their lives aren’t our societal best self, but they’re who we are
  • Treating moral issues as if they were craft is asking for a literature of beautiful sermons.
  • reading projects that pull you out into different kinds of authors and stories are wonderful so long as the moral aspects of your reading list don’t become more important than the joy you take in reading
  • I would never argue that the power of story—and it’s a real power—comes without responsibility. But I would say that responsibility is both to the better world to which we aspire and also the broken, compromised one we live in now.
Sunny Jackson

Concept Awesome, Can anyone explain to me in detail about demiromanticism? - 0 views

  • a squish basically means that I find the other party fascinating
  •  I just really like them and want to hang out with them and talk to them!
  • I only ever get crushes on people who are already my friends.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Being demiromantic basically means only ever being romantically attracted to people after I get to know them.
Sunny Jackson

Gender-specific and gender-neutral pronouns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Historically, there were two gender-neutral pronouns native to English dialects, ou and a.
  • yo has come to be used as a gender-neutral pronoun
  • Since at least the 15th century, they (used with verbs conjugated in the plural, as with you), them, their, theirs, and themselves or themself have been used, in an increasingly accepted fashion, as singular pronouns. This usage is often called the singular they. It is widely used and accepted in Britain, Australia, and North America in conversation.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • S/he laughed
  • S/he (compact)
  • Yo laughed
  • I called yo
  • Hu laughed
  • Humanist
  • Hus eyes gleam
  • That is hus
  • Hu likes humself
  • I called hum
Sunny Jackson

Pansexuality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • gender-blind
  • gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant
  • The concept of pansexuality rejects the gender binary
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • pansexuality is different in that it includes people who are intersex and/or fall outside the gender binary
  • generally considered a more inclusive term than bisexual
  • the term pansexuality describes only consensual adult sexual behaviors
  • pansexuality is used interchangeably with bisexuality
Sunny Jackson

Romantic orientation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Affectional orientation, informally called romantic orientation, indicates which gender or sex with which a person is most likely to have emotional intimacy.
  • emotional intimacy between partners does not require sexual attraction
Sunny Jackson

In defense of demiromanticism | The Asexual Agenda - 0 views

  • a word to describe how you experience the world
  • some people don’t understand the difference between labels imposed by outside sources and labels to help you understand yourself
  • labels imposed from the outside are not cool
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • who are they to tell me what’s going on in my own head?
  • labels for yourself, new ways to describe your own experience, thoughts, and desires, are amazing
  • the power of labels lies in their ability to prove that you’re not alone
  • if someone else out there bothered to come up with a word for it, it means you’re not the only one experiencing it!
  • Sometimes I think people forget how powerful that can be for people who feel isolated (regardless of whether that isolation is real or perceived).
  • I just am.
  • if I didn’t have that label, it wouldn’t actually change how I feel or what I experience
  •  Words are good, even if they’re describing a majority experience.
  • a demiromantic person is one who does not experience romantic attraction until they have an emotional connection with the other party
Sunny Jackson

Demisexual - AVENwiki - 0 views

  • A demisexual is a person who does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with someone.
  • In general, demisexuals are not sexually attracted to anyone of any gender; however, when a demisexual is emotionally connected to someone else (whether the feelings are romantic love or deep friendship), the demisexual experiences sexual attraction and desire, but only towards the specific partner or partners.
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