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Jill Giacomini

Regis Writing Style Guide - 0 views

    University Brand Marketing is pleased to announce the release of the official Regis University Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide. Please reference these style guides to learn about Regis University brand criterion including, but not limited to: University logo and seal usage, typography, colors, imagery and writing standards. The Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide can be found on the One Regis | Branding Together blog at
Jill Giacomini

Regis University Visual Style Guide - 0 views

    University Brand Marketing is pleased to announce the release of the official Regis University Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide. Please reference these style guides to learn about Regis University brand criterion including, but not limited to: University logo and seal usage, typography, colors, imagery and writing standards. The Visual Style Guide and Writing Style Guide can be found on the One Regis | Branding Together blog at
Jill Giacomini

Regis University Stock Photos - 0 views

    University Branding has set-up the following site for stock Regis photo. You can obtain a download of a specific photograph by emailing the URL to Brett Stakelin.
Jill Giacomini

Regis Center for Academic Technology - 0 views

    "The Center for Academic Technology is a university resource center with the focus on supporting faculty in the effective use of technology in the classroom. The Center is faculty-driven in a setting that is sensitive to all technology comfort levels. We partner with faculty to seek out and integrate appropriate technologies. Acting on suggestions from faculty, we have outfitted the center with a variety of software, equipment, and training resources. The greatest of these resources are the Academic Technology Specialists who provide expertise and leadership and are committed to supporting and promoting all academic departments in the use of technologies for teaching and learning at Regis University."
Jill Giacomini

Free Streaming Multimedia - Videos and Streaming Media - Library at Regis University - 1 views

    "Information on the online video and multimedia resources available in the Regis University Library."
    This resource was provided to Alex by Andy Dorfman
Jill Giacomini

Lync Help and Training - 0 views

    Resource created for Regis employees to use Lync 2010 system
Jill Giacomini

RHCHP Learning Technologies - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Learning Technologies blog from the staff of RHCHP Learning Technologies at Regis University, Denver Colorado. This blog deals with learning technologies but may include other topics loosely associated with technologies for home, school, and the workplace. We hope you log in frequently. Enjoy. "
Jill Giacomini

Regis Library Tutorials - Library at Regis University - 0 views

    The library research tutorials have been updated, and the revised versions are available on the new library web site. Each tutorial can be accessed from MediaSpace/Kaltura. They are listed under the Dayton Memorial Library collection/channel. (From Paul Betty-8/31/13)
Jill Giacomini

Books - 1 views

Jill Giacomini

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning - YouTube - 0 views

    From Yvonne-Check out the YouTube video by Ken Saggendorf, Regis Center for Excellence in Teaching and Education. This is a branding tool that we could do too.
Jill Giacomini

Video Captioning for Accessibility Case Studies - 3 views

    This online session features Learning Design's own Nicole Croy! "Watch this session to learn about the efficient and cost-effective ways to implement video captioning solutions. We will also cover the basics of how to create closed captions, accessibility laws, captions formats including emerging formats for HTML5 and mobile, video player compatibility, and automated workflows with Kaltura."
Jill Giacomini

Multimedia Examples for Course Development - 1 views

    Examples of self-checks and interactions that can be used in online courses
Jill Giacomini

The What, Why and How of Creating Rubrics - 0 views

    "This tutorial is intended for CPS instructional designers, content authors, and anyone else who needs information on how to construct instructional rubrics. The tutorial is divided into three parts, to answer three basic questions: What exactly is a rubric? Why do we in CPS use rubrics to grade assignments? How do content authors and instructional designers build a rubric for a specific assignment? At the end of this tutorial is advice on how to grade with rubrics, both holistic and analytic types. If you are here only for that information, you may want to jump straight to "The Last Piece: Grading with a Rubric.""
Jill Giacomini

Flipped Classroom Resources - 1 views

    Interested in how to flip your classroom? Use the following resources to get started."
Jill Giacomini

Flipped Classroom - 2 views

    The Flipped Classroom Brown Bag Series presented 8/16/12
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