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Jill Giacomini

Don't Miss What's New In Analytics Each Month: Opt-In For The Product Update - Analytic... - 1 views

    From Yvonne-Hi, you all probably already know about this blog, but just in case, FYI.
Jill Giacomini

The What, Why and How of Creating Rubrics - 0 views

    "This tutorial is intended for CPS instructional designers, content authors, and anyone else who needs information on how to construct instructional rubrics. The tutorial is divided into three parts, to answer three basic questions: What exactly is a rubric? Why do we in CPS use rubrics to grade assignments? How do content authors and instructional designers build a rubric for a specific assignment? At the end of this tutorial is advice on how to grade with rubrics, both holistic and analytic types. If you are here only for that information, you may want to jump straight to "The Last Piece: Grading with a Rubric.""
Yvonne Bogard

04 education technology west.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    • Yvonne Bogard
      Great article on student performance using learning analytics.
Jill Giacomini

Tableau Desktop | Tableau Software - 0 views

    Free, but data becomes public
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