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Sean Nash

Henrico 21 Overview - Vimeo - 0 views

    An overview of how one of the early 1:1 districts is using TPACK to frame the work they do with students on a daily basis...
Sean Nash

Punya Mishra - Keynote Speaker @ 21st Century Learning Conference - Hong Kong 2012 - Yo... - 2 views

    Punya Mishra keynote address to the 21st Century Learning Conference in Hong Kong, 2012.
Sean Nash

What is Technological pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)? - 1 views

    This is a recently updated & published version of the ORIGINAL paper by Mishra & Koehler that launched the TPACK (then TPCK) framework...
Sean Nash

How do you bookmark a pumpkin? - nashworld - 6 views

    This is the post we read in our session on the 21st...
Sean Nash

Sharing Liberty, Sharing Learning - 2 views

    The open reflective space for this series...  please feel free to not only read the reflections from your colleagues, but to offer yours as well. Remember, posting is as simple as sending an email to the following address: 
Sean Nash

Upgrades in Reading, Thinking and Research - 1 views

    This is a link to today's set of slides in Slideshare. All embedded links to outside content are live and clickable. Thanks for your willingness to engage today. I have enjoyed working with you all. Cheers!
Sean Nash

How to Integrate Tech When It Keeps Changing | Edutopia - 0 views

  • how do you coordinate knowledge, instructional practices, and technologies in order to positively influence academic achievement?
    • Sean Nash
      The real question that leads to a need for understanding TPACK...
  • William Gibson: "The future is already here -- it's just not very evenly distributed."
    • Sean Nash
      A quote I have used in discussions such as these since about 2006. It just won't go away.
  • Meanwhile, those of us whose skills in tech integration are not quite Olympic class may find the SAMR model (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) more helpful for locating ourselves along the continuum of maximizing the transformational impact of technology.
    • Sean Nash
      Absolutely... and the main reason we moved to also using SAMR in most every conversation with teachers from that point on. Referencing both SAMR & TPACK seems to allow everyone in on the analysis at their level.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • What won't work is waiting for technological change to stabilize. "The only way to make sense out of change,” said Alan Watts, “is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."
    • Sean Nash
      Yes. Yes yes. This could not be more true. Again, "no one jumps a 20 chasm in two 10 foot leaps." Immersion is key. Jump in and get under the hood of everything you can. Is that sustainable over the long haul, perhaps not? Certainly not for most. However, once you've truly immersed yourself in a world of new tools and new procedures -new ways of doing things- when you eventually hit the wall and need to scale back... you'll know what you cat ditch and what you can't afford to now lose.  Get in.
  • By 2015, 80 percent of people accessing the Internet will do so with mobile devices.
    • Sean Nash
      How does this statement impact your future decisions regarding student and teacher technology purchases?
  • You'll never keep abreast of every technology innovation, so allow yourself to be a curious learner that doesn't know it all.
  • "If children's only interaction with an IWB is to come up one at a time to answer a question," says researcher Sandra Linder, "then it is not being used in the most effective manner."
    • Sean Nash
      I have rarely seen an "interactive" whiteboard used in any way that does not, at the core, reinforce a rather old and busted instructional paradigm. And don't get me wrong, we need explicit instruction. We need it. We just don't need to pay $2500 for a tool to do so when we have more pressing needs for technology funds.
  • Interact with Students via Tech
    • Sean Nash
      Just don't forget to interact with them face to face!
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