How and Why to Annotate a Book - AP Central - 10 views
they laboriously start over, re-notating an earlier reading.
Sean Nash on 19 Jul 14This is frustrating at times, for sure. However, do you think there is ever a situation where a FIRST reading without annotation is a good idea?
only when cramming for a test
and can be completely personal
- ...13 more annotations...
Most serious readers take notes of some kind when they are carefully considering a text, but many readers are too casual about their note-taking. Later they realize they have taken notes that are incomplete or too random, and then they laboriously start over... AP Central - How and Why to Annotate a Book
Most serious readers take notes of some kind when they are carefully considering a text, but many readers are too casual about their note-taking. Later they realize they have taken notes that are incomplete or too random, and then they laboriously start over... AP Central - How and Why to Annotate a Book
Most serious readers take notes of some kind when they are carefully considering a text, but many readers are too casual about their note-taking. Later they realize they have taken notes that are incomplete or too random, and then they laboriously start over... AP Central - How and Why to Annotate a Book