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Jeff Johnson

Change, Risk and Reward - 0 views

    Being in IT and computing I'm fundamentally in the business of change. Instigators of change are essentially trying to make things better, smarter, faster, more productive etc. However, it is more than apparent that the majority of people in the world hate change. But why is that? The instigator of change usually has all those who benefit from the old way of doing things as his enemies and he has only lukewarm supporters from those that will benefit from his new way of doing things. Seems like change is a big risk will only a small reward. So why the big imbalance?
Julianne Miranda

Energy Healing - How to Balance Chakras and Energy Fields - Deborah King Center - 0 views

    "Energy Healing "A bodily disease, which we look upon as whole and entire within itself, may, after all, be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part." Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote these words in the early nineteenth century, but it has taken the Western medical community some time to catch up. The idea that the mind plays an important part in the health of the body, however, is fast gaining acceptance in our empirically-oriented society. A recent study conducted by the East Tennessee State University Chattanooga Family Practice Residency Program found that more and more medical practitioners accept and encourage the role that alternative medicines and therapies play in healing. In a survey conducted through that study, it was found that sixty-five percent of physicians had prescribed at least one form of complementary or alternative therapy for their patients. About thirty-three percent had undergone some form of alternative therapy themselves. It was also found that doctors who had been practicing for ten or less years were more likely to view alternative medicine as viable and valuable. This step in the right direction is due to more exposure to alternative forms of healing and a greater awareness of patient needs. Hawthorne's observation that physical disorders were symptomatic of spiritual ailments is central to the concept of energy healing. When our life forces or energy fields are out of balance, physical illness can ensue. Energy healing seeks to use positive energy to create a better balance within the body. Also inherent in energy healing is the idea that all energy fields are interconnected. This allows energy healing practitioners to send energy to their patients, thus creating a more balanced and positive energy field. Energy healing can even be done from thousands of miles away. Perhaps one of the most prominent forms of energy healing is prayer. Paul Parker, a professor of theology at Elmhurst College, says: Judaism,
Jeff Johnson

Why Change - EdTech Leadership - 0 views

    As we advance toward the future, our entire society is changing in a changing global context. Major institutions, including government, industry and finance, are seeking ways to restructure that will increase their flexibility and effectiveness in this climate of change. Education is often pointed to as the key sector of our society that can prepare us for this new world and ensure our success. This module provides information and tools that you can use as an education leader to involve your colleagues and communities in building successful change practices in your district or school.
Jeff Johnson

Why People Resist Change | Slow Leadership - 2 views

    There's a Chinese proverb that goes something like this: "Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand." Leaders should know by now that people tend to resist change when it's forced on them. "Telling" is what initiates the resistance. It causes those being told to spend their energy mostly on NOT doing what you've told them. Yet that resistance is not so much about the change; it's all about being changed.
Jeff Johnson

Planning - EdTech Leadership - 0 views

    Leading change and implementing technology often go hand in hand. The key to success in both is a thorough, inclusive planning process. The processes described and tools provided in this module will assist you in leading change and planning for technology. Many of the materials listed in this section are from the Washington State Schools Directors Association Passport to Leadership Program.

What Are the Benefits of Using Oil Change Stickers? - DiggiWeb - 0 views

    Oil change stickers are an important marketing tool because they help to build customer loyalty. Brand awareness is created by repeated exposure to an organization, product, or organization.
Ping Gao

5 Characteristics of a Change Agent | Connected Principals - 0 views

    change agent
Jeff Johnson

The School Administrator - The Next Wave Now: Web 2.0 (AASA) - 0 views

    While many of us are just getting comfortable with the Internet and e-mail, Web 2.0 technologies are already changing the playing field for education. Though definitions of Web 2.0 vary, the one constant is that Internet users are now content providers rather than content receivers. The top-down approach of the Web we grew up with now has been replaced with users who build information from the bottom up. With Web 2.0, the focus is not on software or hardware, but on practices such as sharing thoughts and information through self-publishing and harnessing the collective intelligence of all users to generate information and solve problems. These technologies are creating huge changes in how educators and students receive and respond to information.
Joelle Nebbe-Mornod

Innovate on Purpose: Innovation and the Peter Principle - 0 views

    We all, for the most part, start out as wide eyed kindergartners full of verve and creativity, and over time the scholastic system teaches us to succeed by giving the right answers and coloring within the lines. Just wait, we tell ourselves, until I get that first job. Then I'll make my mark. Many people who enter the workforce have dreams of creating an interesting new product or service. I suspect many of the best ideas in companies come from employees who have been with the firm less than ten years, because over time many of us find our will being shaped and formed by corporate culture. It's inevitable, then, as we climb the corporate ladder and risks gets magnified that we'll embrace less risk, less change and less uncertainty. We may "encourage" that behavior in others but executives and managers for the most part refrain from innovation, as it is too disruptive to the short term goals of the company. Further, as we get further and further from our innovation days, our knowledge, tools and interactions with customers gets fuzzier and fuzzier. While we all argue that innovation "must be supported from the top" many executives haven't innovated in years and may be unfamiliar with the needs and challenges of the market. Years of incremental change have left them unaware of the needs and challenges in the market.

Insights in a Nutshell: Explaining our Evolutionary Development Framework - 0 views

    Infopro Learning's leadership development model addresses the mindset shift that influences behavior changes as well as the processes needed to create change.

Coolutils Image Converter 8.2 Free Download [2022] - 0 views

    Coolutils Image Converter is a well-known converter in the IT sector and the graphic world, It can change the format and size of any picture. With this, you can save a lot of space and can easily change formats to your image to your liking. In professional or when sending your picture to dome pone they some timed demand a specific type of format and you don't have it.

New LFX Tools Custom Mod Apk Latest Version - 0 views

    New LFX Tools Custom Mod Apk is a bundle of tools for PUBG Mobile which changes your experience while playing the game. You need to first enable your desired tools or setting which you would like to use in your game. Firstly while playing this game you would experience a new interface that could change resolution, graphics, and other characters' views also.

JKS Group Of Education | Life After Graduation: What to Expect - 0 views

    Graduating marks the start of a new chapter. Here's how to navigate this exciting journey: Adjust to New Routines: Shift from student life to professional responsibilities and create a balanced schedule that works for you. Manage Finances Wisely: Start budgeting, saving, and planning for future financial goals to ensure stability. Build Your Professional Network: Connect with mentors, colleagues, and peers to open doors to opportunities and career growth. Be Open to Change: Embrace new experiences and adapt to changes in your personal and professional life. Take Care of Your Mental Health: Prioritize self-care and seek support when needed to maintain your well-being. Need guidance on navigating life after graduation? JKS Group is here to help you step confidently into this new phase!
Damian Rivlin

Larry Sanger Blog » An example of educational anti-intellectualism - 0 views

  • In other words, if you strip away the edu-speak, Wheeler is saying that students should be taught a lot less declarative knowledge. Since this is what we ordinarily mean by “knowledge,” we can put it even more simply: Wheeler is opposed to teachers imparting knowledge.
  • 1. Much of the declarative knowledge that matters, and which requires time and energy to learn, is not of the sort that can be gained by looking it up in Google.  You can read some quick analysis of the causes of the Great Depression, but you won’t really know them until you’ve studied the subject.
  • 2. Most accepted knowledge doesn’t change, even over a lifetime.  Fine, Pluto’s no longer a planet.  The others are.  99% of what we knew about the solar system 50 years ago has not been disconfirmed.  Most new knowledge adds detail; it does not render old knowledge useless.  (Besides, the professor would not be able to cite this as an example if he had not learned that Pluto was a planet; he couldn’t be an articulate, plugged-in thinker without his “useless” declarative knowledge, which he could count on other educated people sharing.)
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Besides, not only has declarative knowledge mostly not changed, procedural knowledge changes much faster–which is, of course, why it was not taught in schools, for a long time, apart from a few classes.  Learning the specific skills for the work world were, and largely still are, learned on the job.  So let’s see, which would have been better for me to learn back in 1985, when I was 17: all the ins and outs of WordPerfect and BASIC, or U.S. History?  There should be no question at all: what I learned about history will remain more or less the same, subject to a few corrections; skills in WordPerfect and BASIC are not longer needed.
  •  Here I hint at another argument for declarative knowledge, E.D. Hirsch’s: it provides us an absolutely essential common culture,
    very interesting article - what do you think Ian?
John Stephan

7 Steps to Lead Organizational Transformation - Webinar | Executive Education - Madinah... - 0 views

    With the current rate of change organizations face, the ability to successfully lead complex change is becoming a core competency for leaders at many levels. There are many classes on overall leadership but few directed at leaders helping them understand the key steps to successfully lead organizational transformation and concurrently define what they themselves need to learn to model the behaviors necessary for the changing organization.
Jeff Johnson

Facility Planning - EdTech Leadership - 0 views

    This section on Facility Planning will assist you when planning and preparing your facilities for technology and change.
Jeff Johnson

Community Involvement in Change and Technology - EdTech Leadership - 0 views

    This section on Community Involvement provides tools for involving your community in the change and technology planning and implementation processes. Involving the community helps to build support and to ensure that diverse needs and viewpoints are included in future plans for the district.
Jeff Johnson

Policy Setting - EdTech Leadership - 0 views

    Effective policies provide the framework for education in a district. This section provides information on policy setting in relationship to technology and change implementation.
Jeff Johnson

Seth's Blog: The five pillars of success - 0 views

    1. See (really see) what's possible 2. Know specifically what you want to achieve 3. Make good decisions 4. Understand the tactics to get things done and to change minds 5. Earn the trust and respect of the people around you
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