"Presented by Marie Bjerede, Founder, e-Mergents and Project Manager, Learning Un-Limited,
with Tzaddi Bond, 5th Grade teacher from Portland, OR
With educational technology, it's not about the technology…except when it is. Join us on October 17th for our community's next webinar where we'll see how the availability of Android mobile devices for every student in Tzaddi Bond's 5th grade classroom removed obstacles to independent learning. Marie Bjerede, Founder of e-Mergents and Project Manager at Learning Untethered, will discuss how Tzaddi's students shifted towards a greater sense of agency, deeper learning, and more sophisticated achievement. Tzaddi will share how she was able to make bigger shifts in practice towards a "guide on the side" model of teaching and learning that would not have been possible without the Android devices. During the session, they also will describe the practices and policies that drove improved student outcomes.
Co-hosted by edWeb.net and CoSN
Sponsored by AT&T and the USC Rossier School of Education
Visit the Mobile Learning Explorations community"
Sixty-two percent of parents surveyed said they would buy their child a mobile device if it would be used for academic purposes.
"Many parents, teachers and administrators are now mobile device users themselves, which has increased their appreciation and understanding for how these devices can support and enhance learning," said Julie Evans, chief executive officer of Project Tomorrow.
According to a mobile learning report released today from Blackboard Inc. and Project Tomorrow®, nearly 50 percent of high schoolers and 40 percent of middle schoolers now own or have access to a smartphone or tablet, marking a 400 percent increase since 2007. The report, which compares key opportunities and challenges in mobile device usage among K-12 students, finds that with this widespread adoption, more schools and school districts are considering the incorporation of mobile devices into instruction
"Project RED has identified tools, rooted in our groundbreaking research, for success in K-12 technology implementations. Listed here are some of those tools to help make the most of technology for your students, your staff, and your budget."