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Courtney Jablonski

eLearning Update: Blended Learning Key for Growth - 0 views

  • Blended learning is any time a student learns at least in part at a supervised brick-and-mortar location away from home and at least in part through online delivery with some element of student control over time, path, and/or pace.
  • The definition implies simple remote correspondence—like online videoconferencing or web chatting in a real-time environment only—does not qualify as blended learning, and perhaps points to a theoretical division between the labels of "online" and "distance" learning.
  • The report then labels six types of blended learning approaches:• face-to-face driver programs where teachers deliver most instruction in a live classroom and use online activities to supplement or remediate what goes on in the brick-and-mortar school;• rotation models where students follow a schedule that alternates between face-to-face class sessions and in-person instruction;• flex formats where most of the curriculum originates online, but an on-site instructor provides instruction as needed in individual and small group sessions;• online lab sessions where students do work online, but in a computer lab at a brick-and-mortar school with aides who offer supervision but little subject guidance;• self-blend schools where students may take online courses a la carte to supplement their brick-and-mortar school's curriculum; and• online driver constructs where students receive most of the course online and independently, but participate in required or optional face-to-face meetings.
    Our district is very focused on integrating 21st Century Learning Skills with our current Common Core Standards. What else can we be doing to prepare our students for this type of learning environment? At what age is it appropriate to begin this type of learning? What cost will this have on the emotional/personal relations between students and teachers?
Don Lourcey

U.S. Dept. of Education Finds Online & Blended Education More Effective than Residentia... - 1 views

    This is exciting. Read the entire pdf of the report attached to the article.
David Ellena

14 Developments to Watch for in 2014 - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - Assessment, bl... - 0 views

    Preparing for the new year? Here are spoke trends to watch
David Ellena

The Future of Learning-Digital, Mobile, Real-Time - Getting Smart by Guest Author - #bl... - 0 views

  • the future of learning and education is becoming easier to predict every day: it’s digital.
  • The combination of ubiquitous mobile devices and dramatic improvements in personalized and engaging digital learning experiences has resulted in drastically reduced time-to-market for high-quality, technology-enhanced educational content.
  • Alvin Toffler. For a while now, he has talked about the need for speed in learning—and relearning—and the essential skills required for success. He’s said, “the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A major element of the Framework for 21st Century Learning is the “ability to learn through digital means, such as social networking, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) literacy, technological awareness, and simulation.”
  • Our digital and connected world calls for changes in how our children learn and how our teachers teach. We’re evolving from the “sage on the stage” model to one of coach and facilitator, and that’s a good thing.
  • I believe that the most effective educator is one who deeply understands the learner—where he or she is in the moment of their learning journey.
    Some very interesting thoughts on the future of learning
David Ellena

20 Can't Miss Edu Conferences - Getting Smart by Greg Garner - blended learning, confer... - 0 views

    Looking for a conference this year? Here are some suggestions
David Ellena

When Not to Use Technology: 15 Things That Should Stay Simple In Education - InformED : - 0 views

    Some times when you should not use technology
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