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Contents contributed and discussions participated by justinecoubard


Biohack & design - 0 views

shared by justinecoubard on 07 Mar 14 - No Cached

"La liberté d'utiliser ou de repousser la technologie est inexistante aujourd... - 5 views

    De quoi le transhumanisme est-il le nom ? Nietzsche aurait répondu : d'un immense dégoût de vivre. Croire qu'une technologie puisse nous rendre plus heureux traduit une immense fatigue d'être.

Wearable Technology Database | Vandrico Inc - 1 views

    The list of wearable devices has been constantly changing since 2008. With the recent announcements at CES 2014 and the media coverage that it has garnished, the wearable tech market is now poised for its biggest year in history. This database is an ever-evolving and free resource tool for everyone to use.

Le vêtement connecté, gadget ou révolution ? - 2 views

    T-shirts capables de mesurer le rythme cardiaque, vestes qui se gonflent d'air quand quelqu'un "aime" notre statut Facebook et autres robes "Twitter"… Et si la révolution numérique passait par le vêtement connecté, un marché émergent aux perspectives immenses ? Décryptage de cette nouvelle garde-robe 2.0.

MoMA | Talk to Me | Amae Apparatus - 1 views

    The suppression of feelings in the workplace in the hope of greater professional success, notes designer Jonas Loh, has led to unusually high rates of employee suicide; a particularly troubling statistic comes from France Télécom, where 23 employees ended their lives over the span of 18 months in 2008 and 2009. To counteract this stifling and dangerous social conundrum, Loh created the Amæ Apparatus, which makes a person's feelings explicit. Loh calls it an early-warning system for stressed-out people, soliciting sympathy and allowing assistance to be provided in a timely manner. Amæ, whose name comes from a subtle Japanese concept describing the desire for attention and care from a person of authority, is worn like a backpack and interprets the wearer's stress levels through a skin sensor; color-coded smoke erupts from a spout in a canister to alert coworkers to various emotional states.

Binaural Beats - Basic Beats « Get High Now (without drugs) - 1 views

    Time Magazine 2009 Winner! A mind-blowing magic carpet ride of more than 35 ways to alter human perception and consciousness without drugs or alcohol.

Taxidermia - 0 views

    Taxidermie est un film franco-austro-hongrois réalisé par György Pálfi, sorti le 23 août 2006 en France.

Suivre les épidémies en temps réel - 0 views

    Vous avez peur des maladies et de la vitesse à laquelle elles se propagent? Vous voulez éviter les personnes contaminées? Il est désormais possible de suivre le développement des épidémies grâce aux messages des malades sur Twitter. Les applications ne sont cependant pas encore tout à fait au point et la contribution des usagers est demandée pour identifier les messages ambigus.

III] Les limites de la production et de l'utilisation du sang synthétique : l... - 1 views

    C'est pour ces raisons que le sang artificiel sera une bonne alternative au sang naturel.Le sang artificiel est une solution envisageable puisqu'il permettrait de supprimer les risques d'incompatibilité de groupe sanguin et donc éviter une réaction hémolytique.

Look who's stalking: 10 creepiest apps - 0 views

    April 5, 2012 at 10:45 AM ET Thanks to the ruckus surrounding "Girls Around Me," we now know how easy it is for apps and other services to repackage our personal data for disturbingly creepy ends. The Girls Around Me might be the latest report to blow up in a big way over this issue, but it certainly hasn't been the first.

Lab-on-a-Chip Made of Paper - 0 views

    By taking advantage of the natural movement of liquid through paper, researchers at Harvard's Whitesides Research Group may have found a way to make microfluidics technology much cheaper. The result could be disposable diagnostic tests simple and abundant enough for use in the developing world.

simsensei & multisense : virtual human and multimodal perception for healthcare support - 3 views

    The USC Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) is a leader in basic research and advanced technology development of virtual humans who think and behave like real people. ICT brings together experts in clinical psychology, cognitive science, computer vision, speech processing and artificial intelligence. This video shows two interactive technologies recently developed for multimodal perception and healthcare support

The sociometer - 1 views

    a wearable device to understanding human networks

Brain-to-brain interfaces have arrived, and they are absolutely mindblowing - 3 views

    In a stunning first for neuroscience, researchers have created an electronic link between the brains of two rats, and demonstrated that signals from the mind of one can help the second solve basic puzzles in real time - even when those animals are separated by thousands of miles.

6 Ways to Train Your Brain - 0 views

    Meditative breathing actually alters your gene expression: inflammation- oriented ones turn off, metabolism-oriented ones turn on. All of which helps focus. Our minds are often drifting during our waking hours, but that doesn't have to be a productivity loss, says Arizona State research psychologist Peter Killeen.
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