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EPA Reports Massive Drop in US Greenhouse Gas Emissions - 0 views

    The EPA reported a 15% drop in GHG emissions from 2000-2009, a 21% drop per capita. What do you think could have caused this, or what explains the shocking numbers?

Budget Cuts: an environmentalist take - 0 views

    For anyone looking to see what the proposed budget cuts might mean for national parks, the EPA, various clean this-and-that regulations, and more.

A Curmudgeon's View of the Energy Challenge - 0 views

    An NYT article highlighting Vaclav Smil's outlook on energy. We have read a few Smil articles in ENVS 160 about population and peak oil, in which he expresses the same ideas in this article. Smil does not oppose new energy alternatives, however he believes oil and coal are still necessary; we just need to be more efficient.

Congress, in a First, Removes an Animal From the Endangered Species List - 0 views

    In accordance to our recent 160 readings, the Rocky Mountain Wolf has been removed from the endangered species list. This is the first time Congress has gotten directly involved in the Endangered Species Act. What are your thoughts on government and political control "rather than a science-based federal agency, remove endangered species protections?"

In Portland's heart, 2010 Census shows diversity dwindling - 0 views

    Portland: where sustainability = green = white?

Mountaintop Mining Consequences - 0 views

    Also known as Mountain Top Removal, this is an emerging environmental concern out there. According to this scientific study 'confirms what coalfield residents have been saying for years: mountaintop removal's impacts are "pervasive and irreversible," "attempts to regulate [mountaintop removal] practices are inadequate," and that "regulators should no longer ignore rigorous science." '

Could anaerobic digestion by-products replace manufactured fertilizers? - 0 views

    This article discusses the government's recently launched research on how anaerobic digestion, "a renewable energy technology that generates heat and electricity from waste organic matter," could possibly replace manufactured nitrogen fertilizer. They hope this will save money for the farmers and increase yield.

Timeline: 70 Years of Environmental Change - 0 views

    This is a neat setup and visual displaying environmental movements in conjunction with presidencies. Lots of cool facts included.

Poor Season for Sunshine Is Great One for Spores - 0 views

    The article expands on the issue of moss and homeowners. Along with the high rate of growth for moss this year, there is an economic growth surrounding it. People are paying more for landscapers to remove moss off roofs and gardens. However, some practices of preventative chemical spraying are controversial, as always. It's an interesting look at moss, something this region is so familiar with.

Eating bugs could reduce global warming - 0 views

    Grasshopper, anyone? This article expands upon a notion I have heard about several times before, but haven't considered its possibilities on large-scale. Many countries, such as Japan and Mexico, are already comfortable with bug consumption. It has proven to be extremely nutritious in amino acids and protein. It is also very efficient space-wise, as discovered in Japan. No matter the practicality of bugs in curbing global warming, the consumers must be willing to eat them. In American culture, bugs are perceived as dirty and disease-ridden. What would it take to reshape citizens' attitude around bugs to allow this expansion?

Baby dolphin die-off in Gulf: Cold water, not oil spill, the culprit? - 0 views

    This misleading title does not represent the argument of the author, who explores the possibility that 2011's record snowfalls and the water conditions caused by the oil spill have caused significant die off of baby dolphins in the Gulf.

Plant Scientists build a 'Sears catalog' for the Corn Genome - 0 views

    Ninety five percent of the corn gene has been successfully mapped out. Scientists claim that with this genetic information, they will be able to "develop new maize varieties that withstand prolonged heat and drought, use nutrients such a nitrogen more efficiently, or pack more nutrition per kernel."

Cosumerism and Art - digging in deeper. - 0 views

    I, like most of us (I would guess), am not a fan of consumerism. In general I view it as pretty close to something that is inherently bad. While I see a need and value in consumption, consumerism has failed to impress me. However this art exhibit in Germany takes a deeper look, and digs into some things that need to be considered. Particularly interesting is the role shopping plays in one's perception of independence, freedom, or one's role as a lover or caretaker. It points out that in many countries shopping is one of the rare opportunities in which it is acceptable for women to have some degree of agency, or to even leave the house. And it points out the power of shopping and market places as cultural and social areas (though in many parts of the U.S., I would question how true that is. Still, I know of one grocery store where I'm from where people often go and spend time socializing with people from around the area, and the southern side of my family has recounted tales of getting dressed up to go to the local grocery store, so I can see it). What I really liked about what this exhibit does is that it seems to critique consumerism merely by calling attention to it, but it does not attack an essentialized straw man. Rather it sounds as though it attempts to dig deeper into what consumerism is, both positive and negative, and judge it on those grounds rather than merely give it the more general abuse it usually recieves.

Climate Change - from windmills? - 0 views

    Apparently windmills cause climate change too, both macro and micro. Not much to say depth wise, I just thought it was interesting. Does pose potential challenges to wind expansion in the future, perhaps.

American companies don't want tar-sands oil on their logos - 0 views


For Green Tech junkies - 0 views

    From Anti-Matter to floating wind farms, these are some practical and not-practical-yet energy alternatives. Many are well known, others are not, and some are new twists on older ideas. The question I still have is speed - can we implement these fast enough?

What should we call people who care about climate change and clean energy? - 0 views

    I like this article. It solidifies a vague discomfort I've had with the climate emphasis lately. It doesnt say that environmentalists and PCCCCE are mutually exclusive titles, but they should be different. "For one thing, not all environmentalists are primarily PCCCCE (people who care about climate change and clean energy) -- there are still some, believe it or not, who focus on things like land preservation or biodiversity."

A "gap" by any other name... - 0 views

    This article talks about how the metaphors, language, and terminology we use to describe phenomena (in this case poverty) actually impact how we act and perceive policies and reality. It calls back to ideas about knowledge being communicated via social constructions that give us one view, but may be just as accurate as a description that gives a different view or description of the same phenomena. The same language issue (particularly issues of "natural" being "good") finds its way into environmentalism. Of course, it is neither fun nor (at face value) practical to always be wary of the semantic and syntactic details of our language (coming to LC, I remember being frustrated and resistant to the insistence of some of my professors that I use "gender neutral language" in essays, rather than using "he" or "she" to refer to conceptual individuals or "mankind" to the human race) , but perhaps it matters a little more than we think. Ultimately it is hard to know exactly how our language influences the way we think and act, and the language-shaping-thinking versus thinking-shaping-language debate is alive and well. Regardless, when in a field that practices a lot of advocacy work and various forms of story telling (even the stories we tell about the history of environmentalism or certain environmental conflicts) it is something to at least consider.

Dealing with a Dying Detroit - 0 views

    This highlights the rare but occassional shrinking city. Detroits population and economic state is declining, and the city - structurally - may actually have to get smaller. This is, as the article notes, not exactly what urban planning is traditionally oriented towards. But that does not mean it will never happen. Imagine fuel prices increasing without a good alternative coming in - people will likely begin to abandon hinterlands and outskirts and suburbs for cities, and this problem will occur even without dramatic and rare economic decline. Or just the general appeal of cities. Or Stewart Brand's defused population bomb comes true, and economic decline due to aging populations strikes many more aging cities. So it is worth paying attention to, especially since it offers space, which I like to see as opportunity. You can do a lot with that - Detroit gets a lot of urban agriculture press, and some of the first urban farms did emerge from reclaimed abandoned property where buildings had been burned down for insurance money. And the size of the space emptying out might even make it functionally scalable, which has been a major problem. Empty neighborhoods that are structurally intact are also really interesting to me - that is a lot of initial capital set up that could be utilized in the future, allowing for some groups with very little amassed wealth or capital to potentially do something with it. Who knows what, but there looks to be a lot to play with here, and it could be really cool.

The Breakthrough Institute: The Long Death of Environmentalism - 0 views

    Shellenberger and Nordhaus update their classic tirade, now over six years following its original release.
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