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Leia Jackson

E_Learning With PLEs_A Generic Conceptual Model - 1 views

    This project seeks to assess the emergence of Personal Learning Environmentsboth as a concept and as a new set of tools in the area of E-Learning. While existinglearning or instructional design theories within formal education have traditionally beenadopted in E-Learning to deliver content in the form of Learning Management Systemsfor instance, recent technological and sociological developments are starting to challengethis dominant design. Over the last few years, Web 2.0 technologies have enabled a moreactive user participation, interaction and collaboration which in turn have affected theway people learn in general. A new learning theory like Connectivism theory is echoingthese changes while at the same time acknowledging that the process of knowledgeacquisition is no longer confined to formal education. Learning also takes place ininformal settings, in the workplace and is increasingly becoming a social activity. Auser-centric Personal Learning Environment can support these new approaches tolearning in a wide range of contexts. This research proposes a conceptual model for ageneric Personal Learning Environment using the PersonalBrain mind-mapping software.Even though every individual user of a PLE will have a different perspective and require separate tools to fulfil distinct objectives, the proposed generic PLE conceptual modeldemonstrates that it can fulfil core activities of searching, analysing, authoring,collaborating, organising and presenting/
Vanessa Vaile

Rotating Content Tool - Home Page - 1 views

    The Rotating Content Tool provides a simple way to add dynamic content to your web pages. You organize your content in advance and the content will then automatically rotate based on your criteria, either by specified dates or randomly. Learn more in the Overview or get started now creating your own content.

Sharepoint as a portal, dashboard, and social space - 2 views

    Social tools in a highly regulated financial org are highly controlled, so we use Sharepoint for most of the sharing and collaboration. We analyze SP activity streams and add in some links for our LMS content where appropriate. We are now looking to integrate with our assessment platform (Questionmark) and feeds from out BI Tools (proprietary) to create KPI dashboards to track performance issues, prescribe learning assets where appropriate (still working on model/mechanics)

Wisdom - A Social Intelligence App for Facebook - 9 views

shared by gsiemens on 25 Jan 12 - No Cached
    example of user-focused analytics tools, built on existing SN systems such as FB/Twitter
Dana West

Oscar Senti-meter - 2 views

    Analytics meets the Academy Awards...The "People's Oscar" tool co-developed by the L.A. Times, IBM and the University of Southern California Annenberg Innovation Lab analyzes Twitter opinions about who's going to win Academy Awards. An 'entertaining' example of how semantic analysis is performed on large set of unstructured data/tweets.
Thieme Hennis

U-Sem - Augmented User Modeling - 5 views

    U-Sem in ImREAL [ Augmented User and Context Modeling Infrastructure

Questionmark Perception - Survey and Assessment engine for analytics - 2 views

    We use QM Perception extensively for evaluating learning/capability and deploying surveys. Most valuable to our analysis is the Item Analysis report which has extensive data and built in data for psychometric analysis.
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