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Restoration Movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

  • The rise of women leaders in the temperance[24]:728-729 and missionary movements also played an important role in separating the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ. In the Christian Churches, many women spoke in public on behalf of the new Christian Woman's Board of Mission (CWBM) and Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU). In contrast, the Churches of Christ largely discouraged women from speaking in public and joining activist women's organizations such as the WCTU.[25]:292-316 The Erie (IL) Christian Church ordained Clara Celestia Hale Babcock as the first known woman Disciple preacher in 1889.[
  • By 1926 a split began to form within the Disciples over the future direction of the church. Conservatives within the group began to have problems with the perceived liberalism of the leadership, upon the same grounds described earlier in the accepting of instrumental music in worship.
  • In 1968, at the International Convention of Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ), those Christian Churches that favored cooperative mission work adopted a new "provisional design" for their work together, becoming the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
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  • The roots of the separation can be found in the polarization resulting from three major controversies that arose during the early 20th century.[32]:185 One, which was a source of division in other religious groups, was "the theological development of modernism and liberalism."[32]:185 The early stages of the ecumenical movement, which led in 1908 to the Federal Council of Churches, provide a second source of controversy.[32]:185 The third was the practice of open membership, in which individuals who had not been baptized by immersion were granted full membership in the church.[32]:185 Those who supported one of these points of view tended to support the others as well.
  • Support by the United Christian Missionary Society of missionaries who advocated open membership became a source of contention in 1920.[32]:185 Efforts to recall support for these missionaries failed in a 1925 convention in Oklahoma City and a 1926 convention in Memphis, Tennessee.[32]:185 Many congregations withdrew from the missionary society as a result
  • Because of this separation, many independent Christian Churches/churches of Christ are not only non-denominational, they can be anti-denominational, avoiding even the appearance or language associated with denominationalism holding true to their Restoration roots.
    Why am i researching movements in the church? For me it's a way to get inside and understand opinions of the time, since it was not my lifetime. I'm considering some social/civil opinions to be influenced by which church you belonged to or creed followed.

Blacks in Lexington Oral History Project, 1900-1989 - 2 views

    The M.I. King Library has already preserved some oral histories pertaining to Lexington's black churches during the civil rights movement: Harry Sykes: "Sykes recalls church involvement in the civil rights marches in Lexington and discusses his chairmanship of the Commission on Religion and Human Rights in the early 1960s." Robert Jefferson: "He details the role of the African American church in the community and during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, and discusses his rejection of the non-violent faction of the movement." Albert Lee: "Reverend Lee discusses the role of the church in the African American community and the effects of segregation in Lexington." etc. There are tons of relevant interviews to be explored, most conducted with reverends. I only see ONE interview conducted with a woman about churches and the civil rights movement, perhaps a hole we could fill?

Saint Peter Claver Catholic Church - 0 views

    This website gives information on one of the churches in my group project. The church was built for the black catholics in Lexington due to segregation in the two other catholic churches. The website offers the history of the church, which also had a school, even though most of the students were not catholic. Despite the racial segregation between the catholic churches in Lexington, St. Peter Claver did not recieve a black preist until the year 2000.
3More - 0 views

  •  Midway College, formally the Kentucky Female Orphan School was the brainchild of Dr. Lewis Letig Pinkerton, a young physician and minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Together with James Ware Parrish, the church elder who raised the funds necessary to open the school, they joined with other progressive thinkers to launch a revolutionary educational experiment.
  •  In antebellum Kentucky, the few girls who received formal education were taught to read only because it was considered necessary for their role as mothers. When they reached adulthood, they would read the Bible to their children. Female orphans were rarely offered even this meager amount of schooling. Without education or parental support and concern, the most many could hope for was a lifetime of drudgery as a maid or laborer. The liberal arts curriculum and career preparation proposed by Dr. Pinkerton was a comprehensive solution to this tragic situation, and the benefits reached far beyond the individual girls who attended the school. Dr. Pinkerton�s dream became a reality as Midway-educated teachers went forth to share their learning with youngsters throughout the state and region.
  •  The campus and programs have grown with the school�s enrollment, yet many of the traditional ideals Midway was founded on have remained constant. The college's affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) remains strong and many members of the student body are active members of Christian Church congregations.

Christian Child and Family Services Association » Blog Archive » A History of... - 0 views

  •  Although a charter was procured in 1846, the orphan school did not open until Oct. 3, 1849.  Fourteen pupils were present at the formal opening.  Pinkerton remarked on the occasion:  “Let the universal church remember one of the parting sayings of her dear Redeemer to His disciples, ‘[T]he poor ye have always with you.’ He then gathered the unfortunates in His arms and laid them upon the bosom of His church.  How shall we answer to Him in the day of eternity if this sacred charge should remain neglected?” (pp. 37-38).

About Midway College | Midway College - 4 views

  • Midway College, formerly the Kentucky Female Orphan School, was the dream of Dr. Lewis Letig Pinkerton, a young physician and minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Together with James Ware Parrish, the Midway Christian Church elder who raised the funds necessary to open the school, they joined with other progressive thinkers to launch a revolutionary educational experiment. In antebellum Kentucky, the few girls who received formal education were taught to read only because it was considered necessary for their role as mothers. When they reached adulthood, they would read the Bible to their children. Female orphans were rarely offered even this meager amount of schooling. Without education or parental support and concern, the most many could hope for was a lifetime of drudgery as a maid or laborer. The liberal arts curriculum and career preparation proposed by Dr. L. L. Pinkerton was a comprehensive solution to this tragic situation, and the benefits reached far beyond the individual girls who attended the school. Dr. L. L. Pinkerton’s dream became a reality as Midway-educated teachers went forth to share their learning with youngsters throughout the state and region. In the years since its inception, the institution has evolved to meet the educational needs of women while preserving the goals and standards of its founders. Today, Midway College has achieved its goal of excellence in education, providing advanced instruction in a broad range of subjects based upon a strong liberal arts curriculum. The campus and programs have grown with the school’s enrollment, yet many of the traditional ideals Midway was founded on have remained constant. The college's affiliation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) remains strong and many members of the student body are active members of Christian Church congregations.
  • This academic balance remains true to Dr. L. L. Pinkerton's vision, and is as carefully structured to enrich today's student as was the original curriculum in pre-Civil War times.
    Great picture of some female students. Also a description of a females education, or lack of, in antebellum KY.

A Brief History of the First Baptist Church, Lexington, Kentucky - (Black) - By H. E. N... - 1 views

    Always fun to see the debates about who is "first" or not... ! Has more to do with men's history than women's but you'll get some ideas about women's roles in Baptist Churches in Lexington.
    This is really helpful background info!

The role of the black church in the Civil Rights movement - by Can Tran - Helium - 1 views

  • During the African-American Civil Rights Movement, it was the black churches that held the leadership role. Black churches were the main points of operations in regards to the Civil Rights Movement.

Role of African American Women in the Black Church - Black Women and the Church - 1 views

  • In fact, black women have long been regarded as the backbone of the black church. But their extensive and significant contributions are made as lay leaders, not as religious heads of churches.

Audrey Grevious Interview 1999 - full transcription as PDF - 1 views

    Betsy Brinson, Civil Rights in KY project director for KY Oral HIstory Commission, interviewed Audrey Grevious of Lexington at her home in Fayette County, April 13, 1999. A powerful storyteller and great educator, Grevious is generous in her oral history interview though she tries to downplay the fact that she played a major role in the local civil rights movement here in central Kentucky. From KHS catalog "Audrey Grevious speaks of her early education in Black schools which led her to become a teacher. She also became an activist, and, as President of the Lexington NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) together with Julia Lewis, President of Lexington CORE (Congress on Racial Equality) led a movement to challenge segregation in employment, and public accommodations. She notes the involvement of maids and non-profession people and the scarcity of ministers, with the exception of Rev. W.A. Jones, Historic Pleasant Green Baptist Church. When school integration came to Lexington, she tells how the Black students and teachers lost out."

Midway Christian Church - 1 views

  • Restoration Movement
  • The instrument was added amidst much controversy at Midway.
  • What initially caused the problem was that the singing was deplorable. Pinkerton said that the singing would, "scare even the rats from worship."
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • How could one little piano cause so much devastation among brethren?
    The Restoration Movement was more than just introduction of a instrument to signing during worship. More information is in the pdf files I can't highlight from the church web site.

A Brief History of Midway Christian Church - 1 views

    The second preacher of this church founded the KY Female Orphan School. Just something form my service learning project group to take a look at, and anyone else.


  • "Joining" church, then, was much like joining a civic club or fraternity.
  • The Benevolent Empire A complete structure of church and parachurch organizations made up what came to be called the Benevolent Empire. The Benevolent was merely an interlocking series of missionary and supporting organizations devoted to Christianizing America and the world. The Benevolent Empire grew out of early American revivalism. Revivalism stimulated church growth, particularly in America's mainline denominations and with this growth came two important concepts which in turn emphasized outreach.
  • Early American parachurch organizations had much in common. All of them are openly Christian. All of them are voluntary. Many had no ties to any single religious group; most were inter-denominational demonstrating that in spite of practical and theological differences, cooperation took place. It is significant, however, that laymen rather than the clergy directed most of these societies or organizations.
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  • The Benevolent Empire, fueled by "disinterested benevolence" and perfectionism, also pushed for various national and social reforms.
  • Other social reform efforts also began during this time. Dorothea Dix worked for reform in the care of the insane. Christians promoted penal reform in the 1830s. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony pushed for women's rights. Horace Mann and others crusaded for free public education between 1820 and 1840. Mann belonged to the Christian Connection, a descendant of the New England Christians. A number of different reform efforts directed their attention to the "peculiar institution," American slavery.
  • The Benevolent Empire and all its inter-relationships illustrated the power of Christianity's moving tide in the early 1800s. Many thought all this labor would usher in the millennium. Timothy Smith, in his landmark book, Revivalism and Social Reform, said: The logical chronological sequence...was as follows: revivalism, reinforced by a perfectionist ethic of salvation, pressed Christians toward social duty. . . the rhetoric of the appeals for social reform. . . .

Saint Peter Claver Catholic Church - 0 views

    A historically all black church that was built for the black Catholics in Lexington. Because of segregation or racial tendecies held by the majority of white people in Lexington, the black Catholics were not permitted in the two white Catholic churches.

Jayme Coleman: National Visionary Leadership Project: African American History - 0 views

  • Dr. Jamye Coleman William’s teaching career spans almost fifty years, the last fourteen of which she served as the head of the Department of Communication at Tennessee State University. In 1984, she assumed the editorship of the AME Church Review, the oldest black journal in America, becoming the first woman to be elected as a major officer in the 197-year history of the AME Church.
  • Williams’ co-edited the 1970 publication, The Negro Speaks: The Rhetoric of Contemporary Black Leaders.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of The History of Woman Suffrage, Volume IV, by Susan B. An... - 0 views

    Kentucky report by Laura Clay does not include anything about the Covington Colored Organization mentioned by Eugenia Farmer in 1894 convention of KERA. Also no mention of Farmer speaking on school suffrage at the Colored Methodist Church of Covington

Welcome to Midway Christian Church - 2 views

    There are some pdf files in the history links of this web page that are full of great information. I tried to annotate but the pdf file wouldn't let me highlight.

Shiloh Baptist Church - 1 views

    This website gives information on the history and on the mission of the church today. It is intresting to see the changes that tookplace and the involvement they had with the community during the civil rights era.

Character education - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • teaching of children in a manner that will help them develop variously as moral, civic, good, mannered, behaved, non-bullying, healthy, critical, successful, traditional, compliant and/ or socially-acceptable beings.
  • character education is most often used to refer to how 'good' a person is - in other words, a person who exhibits personal qualities which fit with those considered desirable by a society might be considered to have good character and developing such personal qualities is often then seen as a purpose of education.
  • various proponents of character education are far from agreement as to what "good" is or what qualities are desirable to develop.
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  • scientists have long since abandoned use of the term "character" and, instead, use the term psychological motivators to measure the behavioral predispositions of individuals.
  • 4) Forced-formality focuses on strict, uniform compliance with specific rules of conduct, (i.e., walking in lines, arms at one's sides), or formal forms of address ("yes sir," "no ma'am"), or other procedures deemed to promote order or respect of adults.
  • each generation has exhibited attitudes and behaviors that conservative segments of preceding generations uneasily assimilate.
  • Mid-twentieth century During the late-nineteenth-century and twentieth-century period, intellectual leaders and writers were deeply influenced by the ideas of the English naturalist Charles Darwin, the German political philosopher Karl Marx, the Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, and by a growing strict interpretation of the separation of church and state doctrine. This trend increased after World War II and was further intensified by what appeared to be changes in the nation's moral consensus in the late 1960s. Educators and others became wary of using the schools for moral education. More and more this was seen to be the province of the family and the church. Still, due to a perceived view of academic and moral decline, educators continued to receive mandates to address the moral concerns of students, which they did using primarily two approaches: values clarification and cognitive developmental moral education.[16] Values clarification. Values change over time in response to changing life experiences. Recognizing these changes and understanding how they affect one's actions and behaviors is the goal of the values clarification process. Values clarification will not tell you what you should have, it simply provides the means to discover what your values are. This approach, although widely practiced, came under strong criticism for, among other things, promoting moral relativism among students. Cognitive-developmental theory of moral education and development sprang from the work of the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and was further developed by Lawrence Kohlberg. Kohlberg rejected the focus on values and virtues, not only due to the lack of consensus on what virtues are to be taught, but also because of the complex nature of practicing such virtues. For example, people often make different decisions yet hold the same basic moral values. Kohlberg believed a better approach to affecting moral behavior should focus on stages of moral development. These stages are critical, as they consider the way a person organizes their understanding of virtues, rules, and norms, and integrates these into a moral choice.
    This information helps to understand socially acceptable behavior of specific eras.

P1010169.jpg (JPEG Image, 1024x768 pixels) - Scaled (81%) - 2 views

    Midway Christian Church sign\n
    These are really cool pictures. Did you take these yourself?
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