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Mike Wesch

The Boxxy Story - 0 views

  • Accusations began to fire. Just who would want to try and throw people off the trail and confuse them, and who would have a new, large photo of her? Boxxy herself, or a close accomplice was the consensus. They must have caught wind of her full name being found, and merely be attempting to mitigate the damage by stirring the pot with false leads. 
  • It sounded semi-plausible, but, unbeknownst to the vast majority of /b/ at that moment, the CBRC had long since uncovered a photobucket account which was later seen to contain the same photos, so the implication is obvious, members of the CBRC were trolling /b/ with the photos in a attempt to throw them off, as they themselves were close to breaking into her accounts and did not want Anonymous to do it first.
  • We have no way of verifying if they were telling the truth, or if any of the claimed locations were in any way accurate but the mere possibility of this is shocking indeed. Thankfully, these were almost certainly fake - one of the addresses was a mall, one of the phone numbers was for a chiropractor.
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • Within a couple of hours, CBRC had breached her Youtube account, via successfully guessing the secret answer for her email account, deduced from the stack of information they uncovered.
  • Or phishing her with a fake email, depending on who you listen to.
  • They then made her videos private, uploading a video warning her to never post another video again. This attracted 1000 comments within an hour and became the most commented video of the day on Youtube. So that brought it to an end, in theory. They had removed the ‘cancer’.
  • So after all that, was the ‘chemo’ even effective? No, not really. A look at /b/ will reveal Boxxy threads are still being posted. By essentially martyring the Boxxy meme, CBRC have simply created a new groundswell of people willing to troll with her image, as well as genuine resentment at their actions. 
  • Now she has her name, age, dozens of photos, school, internet accounts, alleged phone numbers, and alleged location available online, along with the details of several uninvolved friends. Nobody could have predicted she would create so much chaos, not least Boxxy herself. She had no idea what she was getting herself into by posting a response video.
  • This entire debacle ultimately stems from those who spammed /b/ with her image and pissed off so many people.
  • The lesson for all of us here, obvious as it is, is to think about what you divulge online. Is your Myspace secure? Is your Facebook account private? What forum accounts contain your details, and can they be traced and linked to each other? Everything you write online can potentially be linked, as if it were a jigsaw, and a profile of your life built up. I know plenty of people who have publicly viewable Facebook accounts containing their D.O.B, phone numbers, emails, addresses, places they work, go to college and so on. This is lunacy. This is asking for trouble. Boxxy didn’t do this, yet was still tracked down. 
  • “First, we, CBCR, pretty much made all the breakthroughs in the investigation. I don't care if it sounds arrogant, but if you look through our now-leaked dox, you can see that everything that was found on 4chan was found by us beforehand.”
  • Give people anonymity, and they become de-individuated, whether it be on an image board or in a rioting mob.
  • he same internet machine that could propel you to the top of the Youtube charts and hand you online fame will happily chew you up and spit you back out just as quickly, with zero remorse or consideration for the consequences. This is the reality of the internet today, this case is not the first, and surely not the last.
  • A few examples of
  • And of 
  • P.P.S Some distasteful and blatantly fake photoshopped news items are being posted on /b/ claiming Boxxy is dead. The fakes are very poorly written and contain numerous flaws. Again, don’t be fooled.
  • It's Friday January 16th. On Youtube, the user 'boxxybabee', has 21,800 subscribers, 1.4 million video views and over 38,000 comments on her videos and channel, yet she only signed up 8 days ago, and has only 3 videos. Many people were, and are confused. How did this happen? By documenting what I personally saw, I will show you.
  • The story essentially begins back in April 2006 when 'Boxxy' joined the anime forum/game based site Gaia Online under the username 'M o l d yLunchboxx'. It appears Boxxy returned from a Gaia hiatus at the very end of 2007, and embarked on a posting spree which lasted a week. It was during this first week of January 2008 that she made two Youtube videos for two fellow Gaia users, '4DM1RALAWESOME' and another referred to simply as 'Ant'.
  • Boxxy's last login to Youtube was February 2008, and for Gaia Online, April 2008.
  • The story now takes a leap forward to December 27th, 2008, when, according to Encyclopedia Dramatica, the video 'FOAR 4DD1 FRUM BOXXY' was posted on This was spotted by someone at 7chan, who embedded the video at the top of the random '/b/' board. 
  • This writer first saw FOAR 4DD1 on January 3rd, 2009, when the video was posted as a 'you rage you lose thread' on the /b/ board at 4chan, with the 'Expert' level afforded to those who would withstand the entire video without wanting to tear out their hair or hurt small animals. /b/tards saw what has been labelled 'the most insane display we've ever seen on youtube' and 'the cutest girl you've ever seen'. This was the true start of the Boxxy phenomenon.
  • Over the next couple of days, interest grew, and Boxxy threads began to populate /b/. Why have her videos lain virtually unviewed and untouched for 51 weeks only to be brought up now. Who was this girl? What was the cause of her unique behaviour - her vivacious mannerisms, head bobbing, jaw grinding, random accents and rambling? Was she really 21 as her profile stated? Speculation began. Some pulled out their wikiPHD and speculated, tourettes? ADHD? Drug abuse - cocaine, ecstacy, meth? No, just too much coffee, according to others, or simple acting up to the camera. Comparisons to Zed from Police Academy and Heath Ledger's Joker were immediate.
  • Regardless, a split already began to emerge at /b/. Half of /b/ appeared smitten, captivated by this pretty, wacky girl drenched in eyeliner, but the rest were having their patience tested. Whilst a group of /b/tards declared 'Operation Valkyrie' on Boxxy - intending to find, raid and destroy as much as possible - youtube, myspace, facebook, photobuckets, etc in search of an identity and the 'upper boob' sign mentioned in 41DD, others simply sat and dismayed at the whole effort. Why try and raid the accounts of someone who hasn't logged into any known accounts for almost a year? Many /b/tards resented the obsession with someone who was not only inactive, but a Gaiafag, emo and a camwhore to boot. As one naysayer put it, it was: 'proof that /b/ is full of 13 y.o boys'.
  • The known accounts, Youtube and Gaia, were quickly spammed with the Operation Valkyrie tag. Via analysis of so called 'Gaiafaggotry' forum posts, /b/tards extracted two pictures of Boxxy from her Gaia friends photobucket accounts, and threw out possible names.
  • On January 6th, someone claiming to be Boxxy posted two previously unseen photos on /b/. A troll, surely? The same day, her Youtube account disappeared and her Gaia account became inaccessible to the public. Was this the real Boxxy intervening, or simply trolls posting photos from photobucket under her guise, and hacking into her accounts and shutting them down? It was also on the 6th that a clearly fake Youtube account was created - 'Boxxyakamoldybread'. Even though the videos are clearly of lower resolution than the originals, some were fooled by this, and some probably still are.
  • The 'boxxy lovers' of 4chan were by now declaring her the 'Queen of /b/' and a instant new meme. The haters labelled this as a perfect example of a forced meme. To them, she was the epitome of the 'cancer killing /b/'. Battle lines were being drawn.
  • On the 9th, Boxxy delivered. She addressed 'recent events', said she was in fact free of drugs and personality disorders, and proved it actually was her posting her photos on /b/. Whilst /b/tards were scrambling to find her identity and spamming her accounts, she was there, watching.
  • his interest generated over 70,000 views within 12 hours, pushing the video onto the first page for most viewed of the day on Youtube.
  • Identical chaos was occurring at 7chan, with the /b/ first page 100% filled with Boxxy at some points. On the 10th, with Boxxy now approaching 400,000 views and 10,000 subscribers, Operation Clampdown was declared. If Moot did not ban the users spamming boxxy threads on the 4chan /b/, the site would be brought down via a DDOS. 
  • On the 12th, Youtube 'celeb' Sxephil included Boxxy in the intro for his new video, and used her face as the thumbnail. Personally, I found it extremely cynical of Phil, a Youtube partner who makes money from views, to advertise his extremely boring video about Joe the Plumber with Boxxy's face. What a dick. Worse still, the exposure to his 310,000 subscribers sent several thousand more people to the Boxxy videos.
  • There are many patently absurd theories about Boxxy. If you listen to the drooling idiocy leaking through the interweb, you'll be told she is in fact an actress hired by Gaia Online to promote their product (that's why she says she moved on to bigger and better things, huh, morons?), the whole thing is a giant trolling exercise meticulously planned by her and accomplices, the entire thing was perpertrated by 7chan users attempting to cripple 4chan, she's a paid actress akin to lonelygirl15, or most bizarrely of all, a claim has been put forward that she is a fraud mocking the mannerisms of a 15 year old girl who lives in Chicago, orchestrated by said girl's obsessed crush who is angry at his unrequited love. Some people actually believe this.Well, there you have it. That's pretty much what happened.
Mike Wesch

Anonymous (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In 06/09/1998, unknown coder, Amezou-shi (Mr Amezou) opened the first Japanese floating threat BBS and called it "Amezou". Mr Amezou is a nickname and his real identity is still unknown to this day. What is known in Japan as Nanashi Warudo and it's English offspring like 4chan are direct offspring of Amezou. Floating message system introduced a system where more popular thread was "bump"ed (ageru) and unpopular thread get eliminated eventually. This has made it easier to find popular threads as well as reducing the server load of the site. Since use of BBS was still limited to techies, much of discussion centred around underground IT topics such as Warez. However as the popularity of Amezou increase, the site come to suffer increasingly from shut down as well as antonymous vandalism, which made many threads unreadable. Several posting of violent threat against Mr Amezou caused eventual shut down of Amezou. Before the site was shut down, Mr Amezou made a plea to the community to create alternative site similar to Amezou. The community responded and many refuge sites was created using the same program. One of these message board was called "2 Channel" created by Hiroyuki (Hiroyuki Nishimura). Hiroyuki named his site 2Channel as the second channel of the first, i.e. Amezou. He recruited seasoned participants as Administrators to watch out for vandalism in each board, but aside from that, the thread remained essentially unmoderated and any kind of speech was permitted. One of the main innovation of Hiroyuki was to expand general interest section of message board. Previously, most of message board thread was dominated by tech topics, with only one board assigned to "General/Off topic". Hiroyuki instead created various board for non tech topic such as discussion board for current affairs. Due to unmoderated nature of the site, 2Chanel became free-for-all, no-holds-barred discussion boards for general topic.
  • All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument will work.
  • Otaku topic was called Futaba Channel, which eventually became floating thread type image board. The English version of Futaba channel became the dominant Anonymous image board in English known as 4chan.
    The concept of anonymous originate in 90s. Japan was relatively late embracing IT. ISDN was just about to be introduced and the whole internet was largely of underground phenomenon especially in early 90s. Many information/data posted in internet involved hacking, warez, copyrighted material, pornography including child pornography, snuff, drugs, bombs, etc as well as no-hold-barred discussion which was also common sight in USENET in English Due to lax data protection law as well as the fact that most community generated site were owned by an individual, people were still reluctant to even create avatar account. More importantly, many of these site start as a secret retreat from the owner's real life, where s/he can be away from his job, his social standing, obligation, etc. Consequently, the owner of site often remained anonymous but with a designated nickname such as Kanrinin-san (Mr/Mrs Admin). Consequently, forum which requires registration never really took off in Japan. Later, these anonymous message board including USENET, which preceded it, came to be know collectively as "Nanashi Warudo" (The World of Anonymous, Nanashi=NoName=Anonymous), which in turn was mock of "Ayashii Warudo" "The World of Suspicious/Dubious". The armature anonymous message board had number limitation, most notably the limitation of server capacity. Due to higher cost of bandwidth in 90s, dominant form of community site was text based and did not allow transfer of image. Secondly, only form fund to run the site was from the owner's day job and meagre earning from (often pornographic) banner ad. Moreover, free and open nature of anonymous nature of the posting made any community message board prone to sudden increase in traffic which result in frequent shut down of any popular message board. Moreover, the simple queing of thread in the board made it difficult to find a target thread among the crowd of thread in the board. These restriction limited the appeal of the message board to te
Mike Wesch

The Two Steps I'll Always Be Ahead Of You By - Avril Lavigne Bandaids: The Best Damn Av... - 0 views

    he Two Steps I'll Always Be Ahead Of You By Dear Media, I usually don't like to brag until after the war has officially been won, but some sites have already blown my cover, so I am without the luxury of waiting. On June 19th, Bandaids launched a YouTube Viewer with the intention of making Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend the Most Watched Video of all time on YouTube. In the time that the Viewer was running, it recorded 1.2 million loads of Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend video page on YouTube. Entertainment Tonight, Perez Hilton,, The Globe and Mail, The Sydney Morning Herald, TMF, and hundreds of other media outlets around the world picked up on the story resulting in quite the frenzy. Some praised the campaign saying, "It's the kind of view-gaming that advertisers would normally consider fraud - that is, if what the fans were doing wasn't better than the best advertising Lavigne and her label RCA could buy." Others... okay, the majority... just called us dirty old cheaters. But like a magician revealing the M.O. to a convincing trick, I have to admit that Bandaids' YouTube Campaign was nothing but misdirection. Bandaiders didn't cheat: the YouTube Viewer was a Hoax. All along, I knew that YouTube capped the number of views added to a video at 200 per IP address per day. As such, the only way to make Girlfriend the most watched video on YouTube the fast way was to increase our reach, not our views per person. And the best way to do that was to use viral marketing to tap into traditional news sources. So our members went about inflating the count on the YouTube Viewer and spreading the link around the net. In the mean time, the real end game of the campaign was unfolding nicely. As media outlets around the world began accusing Bandaids of cheating Avril's way into the record books, they drove thousands upon thousands of curious folks to watch Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend video on YouTube (yes, even you Perez). This resulted in a much larger boost to Avril'
Mike Wesch

Anshe Chung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In December 2006, while conducting an interview for CNET with Daniel Terdiman on her economic assets, the virtual studio in which the interview took place was bombarded by flying animated penises and copies of a photo of Graef modified to show her holding a giant penis in her arms. The griefers managed to disrupt the interview sufficiently that Chung was forced to move to another location and ultimately crashed the simulator entirely.[18] Video and images of the incident were posted to the "Second Life Safari" section of Something Awful, and the incident received international notice via blogs including Boing Boing and the online edition of the Sydney Morning Herald. Two weeks later, Anshe's husband, Guntram Graef, issued takedown notices under the DMCA, demanding that newspapers and websites remove photos and videos of the incident and claiming that they violated Graef's copyright in her avatar and other virtual creations. YouTube pulled the videos of the incident as a DMCA violation and banned the account of Second Life Safari, bringing objections from legal experts who considered the work "fair use".[19] A Linden Labs spokesperson suggested that the taking of videos and photos in Second Life should be governed by the same rules as in real life,[20] and an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation compared it "to Armani attempting to restrict news photos of a car crash where one of the drivers was wearing an Armani suit."[21]
  • After news of these events and the legal objections spread across a number of sites including Slashdot, YouTube changed its rationale for removing copies of the video to terms of use violation, and in an interview Guntram Graef said that issuing the takedown notices had been a mistake. He referred to the images as 'pornographic material' and said The video and pictures are clearly defaming and constitute a sexual assault. He stated that he had originally tried to have the videos removed as a personal attack and infringement on rights, but later changed to a copyright claim when that didn't produce a response. When he realized the issues of censorship, he dropped the copyright claim.[19] In 2008 Russian opposition leader Gary Kasparov was attacked at a real public event with a flying penis helicopter and what appeared as a real life adaption of the flying penis attack on Anshe Chung. The Kasparov attack was ended within seconds by a guard who destroyed the flying penis aparatus. In contrast CNet and the company Millions of Us who were responsible for securing the event in Second Life had failed to remove the virtual objects for an extended period of time
    In December 2006, while conducting an interview for CNET with Daniel Terdiman on her economic assets, the virtual studio in which the interview took place was bombarded by flying animated penises and copies of a photo of Graef modified to show her holding a giant penis in her arms. The griefers managed to disrupt the interview sufficiently that Chung was forced to move to another location and ultimately crashed the simulator entirely.[18] Video and images of the incident were posted to the "Second Life Safari" section of Something Awful, and the incident received international notice via blogs including Boing Boing and the online edition of the Sydney Morning Herald. Two weeks later, Anshe's husband, Guntram Graef, issued takedown notices under the DMCA, demanding that newspapers and websites remove photos and videos of the incident and claiming that they violated Graef's copyright in her avatar and other virtual creations. YouTube pulled the videos of the incident as a DMCA violation and banned the account of Second Life Safari, bringing objections from legal experts who considered the work "fair use".[19] A Linden Labs spokesperson suggested that the taking of videos and photos in Second Life should be governed by the same rules as in real life,[20] and an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation compared it "to Armani attempting to restrict news photos of a car crash where one of the drivers was wearing an Armani suit."[21] After news of these events and the legal objections spread across a number of sites including Slashdot, YouTube changed its rationale for removing copies of the video to terms of use violation, and in an interview Guntram Graef said that issuing the takedown notices had been a mistake. He referred to the images as 'pornographic material' and said The video and pictures are clearly defaming and constitute a sexual assault. He stated that he had originally tried to have the videos removed as a personal attack and infringement on rights,
Adam Bohannon

Gin, Television, and Social Surplus - Here Comes Everybody - 0 views

  • Desperate Housewives essentially functioned as a kind of cognitive heat sink, dissipating thinking that might otherwise have built up and caused society to overheat.
  • And it's only now, as we're waking up from that collective bender, that we're starting to see the cognitive surplus as an asset rather than as a crisis. We're seeing things being designed to take advantage of that surplus, to deploy it in ways more engaging than just having a TV in everybody's basement.
  • So how big is that surplus? So if you take Wikipedia as a kind of unit, all of Wikipedia, the whole project--every page, every edit, every talk page, every line of code, in every language that Wikipedia exists in--that represents something like the cumulation of 100 million hours of human thought. I worked this out with Martin Wattenberg at IBM; it's a back-of-the-envelope calculation, but it's the right order of magnitude, about 100 million hours of thought.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • And I said, "No one who works in TV gets to ask that question. You know where the time comes from. It comes from the cognitive surplus you've been masking for 50 years."
  • It's precisely when no one has any idea how to deploy something that people have to start experimenting with it, in order for the surplus to get integrated, and the course of that integration can transform society.
  • At least they're doing something. Did you ever see that episode of Gilligan's Island where they almost get off the island and then Gilligan messes up and then they don't? I saw that one. I saw that one a lot when I was growing up. And every half-hour that I watched that was a half an hour I wasn't posting at my blog or editing Wikipedia or contributing to a mailing list. Now I had an ironclad excuse for not doing those things, which is none of those things existed then. I was forced into the channel of media the way it was because it was the only option. Now it's not, and that's the big surprise. However lousy it is to sit in your basement and pretend to be an elf, I can tell you from personal experience it's worse to sit in your basement and try to figure if Ginger or Mary Ann is cuter.
  • But media is actually a triathlon, it 's three different events. People like to consume, but they also like to produce, and they like to share.
  • One per cent of that  is 100 Wikipedia projects per year worth of participation.
  • I think that's going to be a big deal. Don't you? Well, the TV producer did not think this was going to be a big deal; she was not digging this line of thought. And her final question to me was essentially, "Isn't this all just a fad?" You know, sort of the flagpole-sitting of the early early 21st century? It's fun to go out and produce and share a little bit, but then people are going to eventually realize, "This isn't as good as doing what I was doing before," and settle down. And I made a spirited argument that no, this wasn't the case, that this was in fact a big one-time shift, more analogous to the industrial revolution than to flagpole-sitting.
mallsportsshoes mallsportsshoes

Michael Jordan, basketball forever - 0 views

    Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player in the eyes of the majority of his spectacular basketball career and his The enormous influence of this movement is inevitable, so that people pushed him to the altar. Elegance, speed, strength, artistic and improvisational creativity And extremely strong desire to win the perfect combination of ... Jordan re-interpretation of the meaning of the "superstar". Even recognize the superstars of the same period Jordan supremacy of Magic Johnson, said: "Jordan at the top, and then is my Have. "In Jordan's second season in the playoffs against the Boston Celtics in a game, he is mad to take 63 minutes after the game Larry Bird commented: "Today is God disguised as Jordan in the game." Cursory look at the Jordan did what: "Rookie of the Year, five times the regular season MVP, 6 gold Finals rings, 6 coriander Yuk 麺 the VP, 10 sequential burst Capacity, 14 times All-Star team three times All-Star Game MVP, was selected NBA50 years 50, 10 in scoring (NBA record another seven consecutive scoring Also arranged in the first and Wilt Chamberlain), retired when the average was up 30.1 points ... But the impact is much more than the honor and champion when he first joined the Union, he is a sharp first step, gorgeous breakthroughs and miscellaneous Playing Dunk born scorer, when he left, he has become a cultural symbol in his basketball career, he used to court the eye Flower blinding performances and dancing in the Field personal grace to conquer the public, but also accelerate the process of NBA advance of globalization, he is worthy of the king. He is an approachable, but maintained a mystery man. "Air Jordan" is the standard? Advertising overwhelming of his signature basketball shoes, when However, he also speak to other products, have been in the movie Air Dunk (Space Jam) starring. He twice retired twice back until the 02-03 season End before hanging up his boots again Was born in
Trapper Callender

Doug Engelbart 1968 Demo - 2 views

    On December 9, 1968, Douglas C. Engelbart and the group of 17 researchers working with him in the Augmentation Research Center at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, presented a 90-minute live public demonstration of the online system, NLS, they had been working on since 1962. The public presentation was a session of the Fall Joint Computer Conference held at the Convention Center in San Francisco, and it was attended by about 1,000 computer professionals. This was the public debut of the computer mouse. But the mouse was only one of many innovations demonstrated that day, including hypertext, object addressing and dynamic file linking, as well as shared-screen collaboration involving two persons at different sites communicating over a network with audio and video interface.

Juicy Couture: Then And Now - 0 views

Juicy Couture: Then And Now Juicy Couture is a present-day line of products of both casual and smooth article of clothing established in Arleta, California and in the first place instituted by bo...

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His ability to roshe run for sale to the basket rosherunforsale 44LP76D7 was the catalyst for him making his first seven shots from the floor.He didn't miss until a jumper with 2:07 left in the fir...

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    Ilness caused by SARS-CoV-2 was termed COVID-19 by the WHO, the acronym derived from "coronavirus disease 2019." The name was chosen to avoid stigmatizing the virus's origins in terms of populations, geography, or animal associations does COVID-19 stand for? CO' stands for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as '2019 novel coronavirus' or '2019-nCoV.' The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some types of common more

Wild Stallion Pro® | OFFICIAL SITE & 100% All Natural Ingredients - 0 views

    Wild Stallion Pro Only $49/Bottle - Limited Time Offer Flat Sale ONLY For Today - Special Offer Save Upto $300 + 60 Day Money Back Guarantee wild stallion pro Wild Stallion Pro Rated 5 Star Wild Stallion Pro Rated 5 Star Order TODAY And Save Up To $300! Save Over 51%! Millions of men suffer from poor sexual health. There are various factors contributing to reduced sexual performance. Most people claim that aging can reduce erection intensity and frequency. Others argue that stress lowers libido and inhibits the achievement of mind-shattering orgasms. Try Wild Stallion Pro For Over 51% OFF Today! Regular Price: $99/per bottle Only for: $49/per bottle Buy Wild Stallion Pro Proven By Thousands Wild Stallion Pro Review By n.r. "Norman Richards …" "Out of all the things in the world, I stumbled across this one, and it feels like fate. My marriage has been feeling really dry for the past couple of years, and even though she never said it, my wife Becca was disappointed every time I took my pants off." After discovering your solution, I went from 4.2 to 9.3 in such a short time! It's just unreal! Thank you for saving my marriage!" "Norman Richards - Petersburg, Florida" Wild Stallion Pro Review By r.m. "Randy Morales" "I kept telling myself that my wife will love me, even with my 4.6 inches, and that size didn't matter as long as we loved each other…" "Of course, that wasn't the case. Even though she wasn't saying it out, I could see it in her eyes: she was unhappy, that sex wasn't all that good with me, and as much as we loved each other, I knew I had to change that or I would risk losing her." "It took me over 8 months to find this site, and when I did, I felt like I was finally blessed for once." "Since I came across your solution, my penis has grown to 10 inches, and my marriage couldn't be happier! My sex life is insane, and my wife can't stop craving more of me!""Thank you so much!" "Randy Morales - Reno, Neva
kelly marshall

The Anit-Masquerade Movement - 0 views

  • Like most functions which break barriers of class, gender, and ethnicity by challenging social norms, the eighteenth-century masquerade had strong and vocal opponents.
  • "Middle-class moralist" such as Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson and Eliza Haywood also aligned themselves with the anti-masquerade movement.
  • through their fictional writing and artistic expression [3]
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • Masked parties were only occasionally broken up by civil authorities
  • . The Weekly Journal
  • as a gathering of "Chamber-Maids, Cook-Maids, Foot-Men, and Apprentices" [5]
  • it was more likely that the event had been hosted by those of the working class rather than by the more prominent people in England's "fashionable society."
  • . Many opponents of the masquerade looked to the foreign influence of other European nations such as Italy and France and the Orient as the diabolical source of the "cultural epidemic" which they believed was invading both the morality and the national pride of England [7].
  • "foreign Diversion" was a conspiracy on the part of foreign nations to neutralize the beauty of English women by forcing them to "hide their charms with a mask" [10].
  • Weekly Journal another writer
  • "conspiracy theories"
  • equated attending the masquerade with the sexual act itself,
  • female attendance at the masquerade was viewed as a heinous, criminal offence, though not condoned, male attendance was more or less tolerated by the critics of the masked balls.
  • claimed that the tragedy of the Lisbon earthquake occurred as a result of the sin and corruption that had been infecting not only English culture but also the culture of the world for many years.
  • As a result of these public outcries, the masquerades were forbidden to take place throughout the following year [15].
  • In her comprehensive study on the eighteenth-century English masquerade, Masquerade and Civilization, Terry Castle explains that the discourse of the anti-masquerade movement which exposed the masquerade as "a threat to bourgeois decorum and national taxonomies" could actually help explain the cultural implications of the decline of the masquerade.
Mike Wesch

Arab Media: The Web 2.0 Revolution - 0 views

  • The Cairo News Company, which provided satellite services and equipment for Al Jazeera, the BBC and CNN, was raided by police after it transmitted footage of the food riots.
  • But new media applications were changing the rules. This was demonstrated by the arrest of a journalism student from Berkeley named James Karl Buck, who was detained along with his Egyptian interpreter as he photographed a street protest. Buck used the Twitter application on his cell phone to send a snapshot of himself and the text message “arrested” to a list serve of his contacts. His friends used the message to prompt intervention from Berkeley and the U.S. consulate. Buck was soon able to Twitter the word “free,” and mounted an online campaign to release his interpreter.
  • police finally located him and tortured him for his Facebook password and names of the other group members (the vast majority of which he didn’t know).
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • But in the United States, many would-be activists have been frustrated by the gap between an online click and concrete participation. Facebook groups and causes often swell, crest and dissipate without leaving a mark on the outside world. 
  • As of August 5, 2008, Facebook listed 484,137 members in the Egypt Network. The 6 April group was alive and well with 72,274 members (six of them new).
  • There are still important differences in the way content is generated as well. The print tradition of knowledge creation tends to require more research, reflection and refinement in the process of transforming an idea from impulse to public distribution. The online environment encourages instant, reflexive responses. So the Internet as we know it has two powerful functions: as conveyor of its own immediate data, and as an extraordinary portal to traditional repositories of knowledge: the published books, reports, journalism, legal briefs and scholarly articles.
  • The Arab world has had a fundamentally different relationship to print culture, and modern published resources are sorely lacking.
Mike Wesch

Is YouTube's GreenTeaGirlie for real? - TANGLED WEB - Los Angeles Times - - 0 views

  • y this point, hype was gathering like a storm, and YouTube's conspiracy theorists had elevated Kallie from run-of-the-mill YouTube cheat to industry-backed marketing shill. No one had forgotten Lonelygirl15, YouTube's biggest phenomenon to date, and its biggest phony. "Lonelygirl15, is that your younger sister?" one commenter wrote of GreenTeaGirlie. "What the … are you trying to sell?" demanded another.
  • "Honestly, I could get anybody's video to the top of YouTube," he boasted.
  • "We were trying to piggyback off what … the real GreenTeaGirlie site was doing," he said. So he bought the rights to on the very same day Kallie posted her first video. "I wanted to fuel the hype," he explained, "so I linked [] to some random tea company's website." (That would be Dragonwater.) "And I noted the response to that and how negative it was." It was a revelation to Foremski. "What if there was a whole ad agency dedicated to setting up these relationship between companies and popular YouTubers?" he mused at the time. "And Vidstars kind of grew off of that." Foremski said the notoriety Vidstars has gotten from its GreenTeaGirlie high jinks has attracted several parties interested in Vidstars' next move. It's an interesting new business model: hoaxing for dollars.

longchamp tasche le pliage xl Ich - 0 views

Kenge lehnte sich wieder in seinen Stuhl zurück und sah uns beide ruhig an.Der Klang seiner eigenen Stimme schien ihn über die Maßen zu freuen. Ich sah darin nichts Wunderbares, denn sie war weich ...

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started by masquebf3 on 24 Dec 14 no follow-up yet
descendants1 descendants1

longchamp tasche le pliage medium preis Dann - 0 views

Ihr Gesicht wirkte wieder runder und die Lippen waren nicht mehr so weiß. "Nun hat sie wenigstens ihren Frieden gefunden. Nun ist alles vorbei", sagte ich zu Van Helsing. Der Professor hob den Kopf...

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started by descendants1 descendants1 on 18 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Forlan forever provides solutions: Jackichand Singh - Locality News - 0 views

    On October twenty, the Indian team achieved its best FIFA ranking (137) in over six years. The increase was propelled by India's 4-1 ending over higher hierarchal Puerto RICO Act. One among the scorers within the game was Mumbai town FC's Jackichand Singh
Florence Dujardin

The (im)possibility of ethics in the information age - 0 views

    This paper is concerned with the possibility that the ethical claim of the other, that sense of being bound to the other, may becoming more and more difficult to experience as information technology increasingly mediates our social being. The paper will support the supposition of Don Caputo that obligation does not emanate from codes, imperatives or moral arguments. Rather it will argue that obligation takes hold of us from within disaster. Obligation, our being bound-to, finds us when we come face to a face in disaster. The paper will argue that electronic mediation is inducing a sense of hyperreality into our world (Baudrillard). It will argue that this hyperreality is making our ethical sensibility nebulous to the point that we are not coming face to face with our obligations. An analysis of the Baring bank disaster will be used to demonstrate the point. The paper will show that Nick Leeson was in a hyperreal world in which he was not able to come face to face with the victims of the disaster. The electronic hyperreal world of financial markets, where traders deal in abstract numbers, movements on the screen, made it possible for him to look over and past the faces and proper names of the victims; their claim became diffused in the numbers on the screen, not real cash only numbers, not real people with faces and proper names, just numbers. If this supposition seems tenable what are we to do? The paper argues that we do not need more codes, imperatives or moral arguments, as such. Rather we need to keep our lives at the resolution, of faces and proper names-if obligation happens this is where it is likely to be.
Beast News

Nitish to leave NDA if Modi made PM candidate - 0 views

    Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar was on Wednesday quoted by a magazine as saying that he will break his alliance with BJP if Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is made its prime ministerial candidate and also that he was open to a post-poll tie-up with the Congress.
mallsportsshoes mallsportsshoes

A pair of the most fitting shoes - 0 views

    She is a senior manager of a big company, who is quite capable of beautiful, is the individual does not solve the problem.Excellent she, always wants to find a perfect prince charming, although there are several chase For objects, but she had no one to love. Summer has come, she is going to buy a pair of high heels.She bought the shoes very select, to see the brand, look at the quality, but also the style.She traveled to the city of several large shopping malls, is not satisfied with the election to the heels. She wandered around on a fast day, the foot also wear a blister.Finally, she took a fancy to a pair of red high heels, slender heel, ankle wrapped ribbon, very sexy, she try to buy.She couldn't Wait to put on the sexy red high heels, the old shoes into the bag. She was worn out, looking for a restaurant, hard to drink water, eat a meal.After a rest, she noticed that his neighbor is a man with glasses, looked very ordinary.Her eyes attract The light is, beside him stood a clear plastic bag, which placed a pair of pink flat shoes, shoe style, very casual, very delicate.She could not help but read several times the pair of beautiful shoes Sub, envy.This man really pick your shoes, his girlfriend to get such a pair of shoes will be very happy. The man finished out the door, on a car to start.She also drove home to check.Just out of the restaurant a junction.The light is red.The car in front of speed slow down, she did not pay attention, She react to step on the brake, the soles of the feet of those sexy red heels shoes out of control, card in the slot.The car went to the front of the car.She be frightened and change color, have a look around, in addition to the elbow Hit the steering wheel, his nothing serious, it risks!Fortunately, gear is low, and close the throttle, car is not very serious. She did not hit the pain of the elbow, off the trouble of the red shoes, light foot, go look in front of the car who hurt not.It was the man with glasses, he opened
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