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Trapper Callender

Coming of Age in Second Life: An ... - Google Book Search - 0 views

    Millions of people around the world today spend portions of their lives in online virtual worlds. Second Life is one of the largest of these virtual worlds. The residents of Second Life create communities, buy property and build homes, go to concerts, meet in bars, attend weddings and religious services, buy and sell virtual goods and services, find friendship, fall in love--the possibilities are endless, and all encountered through a computer screen.Coming of Age in Second Lifeis the first book of anthropology to examine this thriving alternate universe. Tom Boellstorff conducted more than two years of fieldwork in Second Life, living among and observing its residents in exactly the same way anthropologists traditionally have done to learn about cultures and social groups in the so-called real world. He conducted his research as the avatar "Tom Bukowski," and applied the rigorous methods of anthropology to study many facets of this new frontier of human life, including issues of gender, race, sex, money, conflict and antisocial behavior, the construction of place and time, and the interplay of self and group. Coming of Age in Second Lifeshows how virtual worlds can change ideas about identity and society. Bringing anthropology into territory never before studied, this book demonstrates that in some ways humans have always been virtual, and that virtual worlds in all their rich complexity build upon a human capacity for culture that is as old as humanity itself.
Mike Wesch

Anshe Chung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In December 2006, while conducting an interview for CNET with Daniel Terdiman on her economic assets, the virtual studio in which the interview took place was bombarded by flying animated penises and copies of a photo of Graef modified to show her holding a giant penis in her arms. The griefers managed to disrupt the interview sufficiently that Chung was forced to move to another location and ultimately crashed the simulator entirely.[18] Video and images of the incident were posted to the "Second Life Safari" section of Something Awful, and the incident received international notice via blogs including Boing Boing and the online edition of the Sydney Morning Herald. Two weeks later, Anshe's husband, Guntram Graef, issued takedown notices under the DMCA, demanding that newspapers and websites remove photos and videos of the incident and claiming that they violated Graef's copyright in her avatar and other virtual creations. YouTube pulled the videos of the incident as a DMCA violation and banned the account of Second Life Safari, bringing objections from legal experts who considered the work "fair use".[19] A Linden Labs spokesperson suggested that the taking of videos and photos in Second Life should be governed by the same rules as in real life,[20] and an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation compared it "to Armani attempting to restrict news photos of a car crash where one of the drivers was wearing an Armani suit."[21]
  • After news of these events and the legal objections spread across a number of sites including Slashdot, YouTube changed its rationale for removing copies of the video to terms of use violation, and in an interview Guntram Graef said that issuing the takedown notices had been a mistake. He referred to the images as 'pornographic material' and said The video and pictures are clearly defaming and constitute a sexual assault. He stated that he had originally tried to have the videos removed as a personal attack and infringement on rights, but later changed to a copyright claim when that didn't produce a response. When he realized the issues of censorship, he dropped the copyright claim.[19] In 2008 Russian opposition leader Gary Kasparov was attacked at a real public event with a flying penis helicopter and what appeared as a real life adaption of the flying penis attack on Anshe Chung. The Kasparov attack was ended within seconds by a guard who destroyed the flying penis aparatus. In contrast CNet and the company Millions of Us who were responsible for securing the event in Second Life had failed to remove the virtual objects for an extended period of time
    In December 2006, while conducting an interview for CNET with Daniel Terdiman on her economic assets, the virtual studio in which the interview took place was bombarded by flying animated penises and copies of a photo of Graef modified to show her holding a giant penis in her arms. The griefers managed to disrupt the interview sufficiently that Chung was forced to move to another location and ultimately crashed the simulator entirely.[18] Video and images of the incident were posted to the "Second Life Safari" section of Something Awful, and the incident received international notice via blogs including Boing Boing and the online edition of the Sydney Morning Herald. Two weeks later, Anshe's husband, Guntram Graef, issued takedown notices under the DMCA, demanding that newspapers and websites remove photos and videos of the incident and claiming that they violated Graef's copyright in her avatar and other virtual creations. YouTube pulled the videos of the incident as a DMCA violation and banned the account of Second Life Safari, bringing objections from legal experts who considered the work "fair use".[19] A Linden Labs spokesperson suggested that the taking of videos and photos in Second Life should be governed by the same rules as in real life,[20] and an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation compared it "to Armani attempting to restrict news photos of a car crash where one of the drivers was wearing an Armani suit."[21] After news of these events and the legal objections spread across a number of sites including Slashdot, YouTube changed its rationale for removing copies of the video to terms of use violation, and in an interview Guntram Graef said that issuing the takedown notices had been a mistake. He referred to the images as 'pornographic material' and said The video and pictures are clearly defaming and constitute a sexual assault. He stated that he had originally tried to have the videos removed as a personal attack and infringement on rights,
Adam Bohannon

Social Capital in Virtual Learning Communities and Distributed Communities of Practice - 0 views

  • Researchers in the social sciences and humanities consider social ties to be a social resource. Such a resource is referred to as social capital.
  • Narayan and Pritchett (1997) suggested that communities with high social capital have frequent interaction, which in turn cultivates norms of reciprocity through which learners become more willing to help one another, and which improve coordination and dissemination of information and knowledge sharing. Social capital has been used as a framework for understanding a wide range of social issues in temporal communities. It has been used for the investigation of issues such as trust, participation, and cooperation.
  • In one of the earliest definitions of social capital, Hanifan (1916) stated that social capital included "those intangible substances [that] count for most in the daily lives of people - namely goodwill, fellowship, sympathy and social intercourse among the individuals and families who make up a social unit." Many years later, Coleman (1988) followed a similar line of thinking when he suggested that social capital refers to supportive relationships among adults and children that promote the sharing of norms and values.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Woolcock (1998) argues that social capital `encompasses the norms and networks facilitating collective action for mutual benefit.'
  • Fountain (1998) defines social capital as the institutional effectiveness of inter-organizational relationships and cooperation—horizontally among similar firms in associations, vertically in supply chains, and multidirectional links to sources of technical knowledge, human resources, and public agencies.
  • Nahapiet and Ghoshal (1998) defined social capital as the sum of actual and potential resources embedded within, available through and derived from the network of relationships possessed by an individual or social unit.
  • And Fukuyama (1999) included informal norms that promote cooperation between two or more individuals. The norms that constitute social capital can range from a norm of reciprocity between two friends, all the way up to complex and elaborately articulated doctrines like Christianity, Islamism or Confucianism. And so by definition, trust, networks, civil society, and the like which have been associated with social capital are all epiphenomenal, arising as a result of social capital but not constituting social capital itself.
  • A meta-societal definition of social capital was offered by the World Bank (1999), which referred to the institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social interactions. In this view, social capital is seen not merely as the sum of the institutions that underpin a society _ it is the glue that holds them together.
  • Cohen and Prusak (2001) extend Putnam's definition to define social capital as a stock of active connections among people, which covers the trust, mutual understanding, and shared values and behaviours that bind people as members of human networks and communities.
  • As a working definition, we define social capital in virtual learning communities as . common social resource that facilitates information exchange, knowledge sharing, and knowledge construction through continuous interaction, built on trust and maintained through shared understanding.
    Social capital has recently emerged as an important interdisciplinary research area. It is frequently used as a framework for understanding various social issues in temporal communities, neighbourhoods and groups. In particular, researchers in the social sciences and the humanities have used social capital to understand trust, shared understanding, reciprocal relationships, social network structures, common norms and cooperation, and the roles these entities play in various aspects of temporal communities. Despite proliferation of research in this area, little work has been done to extend this effort to technology-driven learning communities (also known as virtual learning communities). This paper surveys key interdisciplinary research areas in social capital. It also explores how the notions of social capital and trust can be extended to virtual communities, including virtual learning communities and distributed communities of practice. Research issues surrounding social capital and trust as they relate to technology-driven learning communities are identified.
michol lasti

VirtualBox 4.3.28 Free Download | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    VirtualBox 4.3.28 Free Download - VirtualBox is a universally useful full virtualizer for x86 equipment. Focused at server - desktop and implanted utilization that is currently the main expert quality virtualization arrangement that is additionally Open Source Software
michol lasti

VirtualBox Free Download | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    VirtualBox Free Download - VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 electronics. Targeted at server, computer's desktop and embedded use, it truly is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that's also Open Source Software program
michol lasti

VirtualBox Free Download | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    VirtualBox Free Download - VirtualBox can be a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 components. Targeted at server, desktop in addition to embedded use and it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is usually Open Source Software.
michol lasti

Virtualbox Free Download | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    Virtualbox Free Download - Virtualbox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software
michol lasti

Vmware Player 12.0.0 Free Download | librosdigitalescs software - 0 views

    Vmware Player 12.0.0 Free Download - A virtual machine can be a computer defined in computer software. It's like running a PC on your hard disk.

How to Find a Good Electronic Website? - 0 views

    There are multiple gadget websites and electronic forums talking about this topic, how to find a reliable electronic websites from umnipresent scammers, or should i say "Bag Companies". Though smalll status they are, some of them are armed with complete facilities like webshops, office and even registered company. However, with the facilitation of registering company (only cost 1,000 USD or less) and renting some rooms (even one single room to place one table for working) and operating a website (which can transfer some many blog websites like ). Therefore, it's more important and harder for us to find a reliable and good webshop via virtual internet. There are at least four tips concluded by my daily working for your referrence.
Al-Mehatb Shaikh

Pros And Cons Of Website Maker Software - 0 views

    Online marketing and virtual interface is successful through a good website. A good website works as an interface between the company and the target audience. To capture attention of potential clients, the online interface needs to have clear message, appeal, easy navigation and quick loading. It must interest the readers.
Mike Wesch

Chapter 10. Social Ties: Networking Together. The Wealth of Networks, by Yochai Benkler - 0 views

    Great summary of the history of virtual communities by one of the web's best scholars
Adam Bohannon

The Grid: The Next-Gen Internet? - 0 views

  • The Grid evolved from the early desire to connect supercomputers into "metacomputers" that could be remotely controlled. The word "grid" was borrowed from the electricity grid, to imply that any compatible device could be plugged in anywhere on the Grid and be guaranteed a certain level of resources, regardless of where those resources might come from.
  • As with the Web, the initial impetus for a grid came from the scientific community, specifically high-energy physics, which needed extra resources to manage and analyze the huge amounts of data being collected.
    The Matrix may be the future of virtual reality, but researchers say the Grid is the future of collaborative problem-solving. More than 400 scientists gathered at the Global Grid Forum this week to discuss what may be the Internet's next evolutionary step.
Mike Wesch

Virtual community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Author Amy Jo Kim points out a potential difference between traditional structured online communities (message boards, chat rooms, etc), and more individual-centric, bottom-up social tools (blogs, instant messaging buddy lists), and suggests the latter are gaining in popularity.
Teosholo g

Philip Rosedale on Second Life | Video on - 0 views

    19 minutes - avatar of speaker 21:47 - description of demographics of 2nd life 25 minutes - good blurb about "human experience moving onto the internet" as horrifying and response to it. "being present in a virtual world… and having a good life there is a challenge… we must be better than ourselves… be more tolerant, be smarter, be more adaptable"
Trapper Callender

YouTube - What is Online Community to you? (YT's biggest collab!) - 0 views

    video responses of virtual community, about 7mins in they make a collaborative rick roll clipped from people.
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