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Mike Wesch

Media Revolution: Podcasting (Part 2); 2/06 - 0 views

  • By the end of 2004, bloggers were using the ability to add video as an enclosure to an RSS feed, allowing viewers to subscribe to videos and have them delivered automatically to their computers. This solved the problem of click and wait, where you had to wait for a video to start playing when you clicked on it from a web page.
  • podcasting (both video and audio) is a bottom-up movement and squarely the domain of individuals who are being guided by human creativity and expression, rather than corporate agendas and economic exigencies.
  • With the cost of video cameras in the hundreds, sophisticated computers with video editing software available for just over a grand, and high speed always-on internet connections costing less than the average cable television subscription, the means of both production and distribution are now in the hands of practically anyone with something to say
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • genuine conversation with their audience,
  • Marhshall McLuhan argued that in each socio-cultural era the medium in which information is created and transmitted determines the essential characteristics of that culture. He also predicted the evolution of an interconnected "global village".  The shift from a centralized media industry modeled on industrial revolution structures to a decentralized chaotic information-age soup is having a profound effect on the messages we exchange and shaping the characteristics of our culture. The global village comes to a crescendo with podcasting, and you can participate in the revolution with tools that are easily within reach: your imagination, the computer you're using to read this web page, and a video camera. We're not going to predicting what's next, as that's going to depend on what you, yes you, plan to do with new media. If the flutter of one butterfly wing, can trigger a chain reaction of events resulting in a storm half-way across the planet, imagine the effect millions, or billions, of individually produced videos will have on the characteristic of the global village and the media landscape.
  • You don't even need a video camera to start videoblogging, the mashup culture is in full force
  • most new computers come with free video editing software
  • A large group of vloggers, over 2,000 at last count, actively participate in the Yahoo! Videoblogging Group from all over the world.
Bill Genereux

Mobile Ubiquitous Banking and the Future of Money - 2009 SXSW Podcast - 0 views

    Nearly half the world's population now has a mobile device and more than a thousand cell phones are being activated every minute. The ubiquity of mobile devices will make new services available to billions of people worldwide who have not had access to traditional banks or credit cards. In developing countries such as Kenya - where nearly 80% of the population is excluded from the formal financial sector - text messaging is being used to transfer money to friends and family living in other countries. Moreover, new forms of currency are being created - trading cell phone minutes for goods and services, for example. This panel will explore the challenges and opportunities as banks go mobile, and how the revolution in mobile financial services will change the way we think about money.

Podcasts and Pedegogy (11pg PDF) - 4 views

    9 page paper on using technology (especially podcast) an teaching.

Buy Mixcloud Accounts - Best Social Service Provider - 0 views

    Buy Mixcloud Accounts Introduction Buy Mixcloud Accounts at cheap rates from us and use your accounts for personal or professional purposes. Why buy mixcloud followers from bestserviceit? Will mixcloud users have access to your personal information? You can also share music with friends and family members. We offer hundred percent real Mixcloud accounts for sale. Why are mixcloud reposts so important? You will get good quality account from us Buy Mixcloud Accounts at cheap rates from us and use your accounts for personal or professional purposes. Buy Mixcloud Accounts at cheap rates from us and use your accounts for personal or professional purposes. You can also share music with friends and family members. We offer hundred percent real Mixcloud accounts for sale. Why buy mixcloud followers from bestserviceit? We are the best company to buy mixcloud followers. Our service is guaranteed and we offer the best prices for our followers. We also offer a good customer support and will deliver your order within 24 hours, so you don't have to wait long for your order! Will mixcloud users have access to your personal information? Mixcloud accounts are owned by users themselves, and you can use them for personal or professional purposes. You may want to buy one of our mixcloud accounts if you're looking for a way to get more exposure for your music or podcast, but we also offer low prices on all of our services so that anyone can afford them. Buy Mixcloud Accounts Mixcloud Accounts You can also share music with friends and family members. You can share music with your audience, which might be a group of people who listen to the same type of music as you do. If you have a lot of followers on Mixcloud, this is an easy way to let them know what new songs you have in store for them! You can also share music with fans: people who love your work but don't necessarily follow it on Mixcloud (or any other social media platform). By giving these folks some freebies, they'
    Buy Mixcloud Accounts Introduction Buy Mixcloud Accounts at cheap rates from us and use your accounts for personal or professional purposes. Why buy mixcloud followers from bestserviceit? Will mixcloud users have access to your personal information? You can also share music with friends and family members. We offer hundred percent real Mixcloud accounts for sale. Why are mixcloud reposts so important? You will get good quality account from us Buy Mixcloud Accounts at cheap rates from us and use your accounts for personal or professional purposes. Buy Mixcloud Accounts at cheap rates from us and use your accounts for personal or professional purposes. You can also share music with friends and family members. We offer hundred percent real Mixcloud accounts for sale. Why buy mixcloud followers from bestserviceit? We are the best company to buy mixcloud followers. Our service is guaranteed and we offer the best prices for our followers. We also offer a good customer support and will deliver your order within 24 hours, so you don't have to wait long for your order! Will mixcloud users have access to your personal information? Mixcloud accounts are owned by users themselves, and you can use them for personal or professional purposes. You may want to buy one of our mixcloud accounts if you're looking for a way to get more exposure for your music or podcast, but we also offer low prices on all of our services so that anyone can afford them. Buy Mixcloud Accounts Mixcloud Accounts You can also share music with friends and family members. You can share music with your audience, which might be a group of people who listen to the same type of music as you do. If you have a lot of followers on Mixcloud, this is an easy way to let them know what new songs you have in store for them! You can also share music with fans: people who love your work but don't necessarily follow it on Mixcloud (or any other social media platform). By giving these folks some freebies, they'

Buy Aged SoundCloud Accounts - Email Verified Active 100% (PVA & OLD) - 0 views

    Are you looking to Buy Aged SoundCloud Accounts? Then you are in the right place. We are providing the best and most SoundCloud Accounts at an affordable price. Our staff works hard to provide the best quality services possible to make sure that all of our customers can be satisfied. Order now and see the results for yourself And get more exposure for your business
    Buy Aged SoundCloud Accounts Introduction SoundCloud is a prevalent stage for yearning artists, podcasters, and other creatives to share their work with the world. One way to pick up more perceivability and validity on SoundCloud is by utilizing matured accounts. Matured SoundCloud accounts are accounts that have been built up for a longer period of time, ordinarily with a history of movement and engagement on the stage. These accounts regularly have more supporters, likes, and comments, which can offer assistance boost the perceivability of your substance and make it more likely to be found by others. What precisely is an Matured SoundCloud Accounts? SoundCloud is a prevalent stage for performers, podcasters, and other makers to share their substance with a around the world group of onlookers. One curiously viewpoint of SoundCloud is the concept of matured accounts. Matured SoundCloud accounts allude to profiles that have been made and effectively utilized for an amplified period of time. These accounts frequently have a bigger taking after, more validity, and a history of engagement compared to more current profiles. As a result, matured SoundCloud accounts are profoundly esteemed by clients looking to set up a solid nearness on the platform. Buy Aged SoundCloud Accounts In this article, we will dive into the benefits of utilizing matured SoundCloud accounts for makers and businesses alike. We will investigate how these accounts can offer assistance boost perceivability, increment validity, and pull in more audience members or clients. Additionally, we will talk about the potential pitfalls of acquiring or utilizing matured accounts, and give tips for securely and viably utilizing them to improve your SoundCloud involvement. Connect us as we reveal the subtleties and points of interest of matured SoundCloud accounts in the advanced age. Buy Aged SoundCloud Accounts
Mike Wesch

MediaShift . Farewell to the Tyranny of Reporters | PBS - 0 views

  • Another part of the change is the increasing realization that we can show what was hidden before. Instead of an interpretation of what someone meant, a writer can include a link that says effectively: "Here is the background material I used. Here is me interviewing the subject on a podcast or a video and here is precisely what he/she said. Here is the raw material out of which I constructed my dialectic, and you can decide whether I got the argument right or wrong based not on the power of my rhetoric but on the facts at hand."
Adria Ley

How to shoot video for News and documentary by Deakin University - 1 views

    Here's a list of video podcasts that go over some basics.
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