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Adam Bohannon

FCC living in the dark ages; a threat to net neutrality aims - 0 views

    The Government and Accountability Office (GAO) has concluded that the Federal Communications Commission does nothing with about four out of every five consumer complaints that it puts into a database and investigates. Even worse, the GAO could not discern from its survey of the FCC's complaint process why the FCC takes no enforcement action with 83 percent of the complaints it looked into from 2003 through 2006. "Without key management tools, FCC may have difficulty assuring Congress and other stakeholders that it is meeting its enforcement mission," the GAO report warns. That's putting it mildly. If the FCC does set up some serious net neutrality guidelines for ISPs like Comcast, how can P2P application users and other consumers know that the agency will take their comments seriously?
kAOSAR ahmed

STAR ONE #@ Miami Heat vs Atlanta Hawks live stream NBA Basketball #@ - 1 views

Watch Live Miami Heat vs Atlanta Hawks online stream USA NBA Basketball - Internet TV - Sport: Basketball - Miami Heat vs Atlanta Hawks schedule: NBA Basketball started on wednesday, March 07, 2012...

Miami Heat vs Atlanta Hawks live

started by kAOSAR ahmed on 07 Mar 12 no follow-up yet

USA Gmail Account - 100% real and usa verified accounts - 0 views

    1000 Gmail addresses list To get a Gmail account, you need to create an email address with your name and the domain. You can also use this service for other purposes like sending and receiving emails from other accounts as well. To get a Gmail address without verification, follow these steps: Go to the website It will ask for information about yourself including name, phone number (optional), birthday (optional), gender (optional), location (optional), home address and family members' names etc., click next button when done filling up all required fields of registration form by clicking "Continue". After completing all necessary details successfully click on "Create Account" button which will redirect you towards another page where it asks you whether or not want to share certain information like photos with others who might be interested in seeing them so make sure what type of content being shared before clicking Continue button again; When done submitting all required information successfully then finally wait until Google sends confirmation email along with username & password details which must be entered correctly into respective fields before proceeding further; How to make usa gmail account To create a USA Gmail account, you need to make at least three fake accounts. The first step is to create a new email address that looks like it belongs to a real person (like your own name or the name of someone else in your family). Then, buy some phone numbers from different companies and use them as the Call ID for all of your accounts so that no one can tell which number belongs to whom. USA Gmail Account Once you've got your new US-based Gmail account set up with all these fake details, then it's time to start using it! Go into "Settings" on Google's website and choose "Manage Accounts" from there; then enter each account number into its respective field under "Add Account". 2 gmail accou
    USA Gmail Account Introduction Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. Gmail users can send, receive and manage email using their web-connected computers, smartphones or tablets. USA Gmail USA Gmail is a free email service provided by Google. It's similar to the old Hotmail, but with a lot more storage space and other benefits. Gmail is a web-based email that provides users with one gigabyte of storage, as well as additional storage if you refer other people to the service. What is USA Gmail address? What Is USA Gmail Address? A USA Gmail address is a Gmail account that is in the United States of America, and it does not have an Indian IP address. If you want to create a new G Suite account for your business or personal use, you can use this type of address instead of an Indian one since it will be more secure and reliable for sending emails from the US. USA Gmail Account How can I get a USA Gmail account without a phone number? You can get a USA Gmail account without a phone number. You can buy a USA Gmail account. You can get a USA Gmail account without an address or email address, as long as you have an Internet connection, which most people do these days anyway! Does USA have Gmail? Gmail is a free, advertising-supported email service provided by Google. It's available as part of a free, advertising-supported offering called Google Apps Free Edition. Email account sign up You can create a new email account for free. To do this, follow these steps: Go to the Gmail website and click "Get started" in the top right corner of your screen. Click "Create an account." The next page will let you choose which type of Gmail account you want to create (personal or business), as well as whether or not it should be encrypted. If it's going to be encrypted, then enter your password twice; if not, then just leave those fields blank. Finally, click "Next Step." USA Gmail Accounts In order to get a USA Gmail account, you need to follow these steps
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