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Barbara Fillip

Dare to share! - 34 views

I have 500+ resources tagged as "KM". I'd be happy to share them but I have two questions: 1. If I put them all at once, those who receive regular updates will be flooded with updates, no?...Should...

Vahid Masrour

SlideShare » Group » Knowledge Management - 4 views

    The LOTS of powerpoints on KM.
    Now you know where to share your powerpoints on KM.
Vahid Masrour

A Better Way to Manage Knowledge - John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison -... - 2 views

  • most knowledge managers lost sight of the fact that the real value is in creating new knowledge
  • the last thing the world needs is another knowledge management scheme focusing on capturing knowledge that already exists
    • Vahid Masrour
      i beg to differ. It might not be the LAST thing. Learning from past mistakes is still useful, as is avoiding to rebuild the wheel. 
  • What we need are new approaches to creating knowledge, ones that take advantage of the new digital infrastructure's ability to lower the interaction costs among us all — ones that mobilize big, diverse groups of participants to innovate and create new value.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • new knowledge comes into being when people who share passions for a given endeavor interact and collaborate around difficult performance challenges.
    • Vahid Masrour
      the need for mission driven group/team interaction
  • creation spaces, heavily relying on shared network platforms, provide tools and forums for knowledge creation while at the same time capturing the discussion, analysis, and actions in ways that make it easier to share across a broader range of participants.
  • This focus on knowledge creation shifts the motivations of participants. Knowledge management systems desperately try to persuade participants to invest time and effort to contribute existing knowledge with the vague and long-term promise that they themselves might eventually derive value from the contributions of others. In contrast, creation spaces focus on providing immediate value to participants in terms of helping them tackle difficult performance challenges while at the same time reducing the effort required to capture and disseminate the knowledge created.
Peter J. Bury

SA-GE on Facebook - 0 views

    Savoirs-Gestion, groupe francophone de KM4Dev
Maxwell Drain

1378 manually selected sites about Knowledge Management - 1 views

    WAOW! Now THAT's a GREAT contribution! Thank you!! You've just multiplied by 10 or more the number of resources link to in this group.
Vahid Masrour

Buy Social-Network toolkit from Ark Group - 0 views

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