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Chris P

Free Technology for Teachers: What About Me? - Create an Infographic About Yourself - 0 views

    This post is about the site "What about Me" which takes your social media and creates an infographic about you. A great idea for a lesson on digital presence and analyze how they might be perceived based on their social media footprint. 
Chris P

The Whiteboard Blog - 0 views

    Danny Nicholson writes the Whiteboard Blog. On the Whiteboard Blog you can find dozens of video tutorials and printable help sheets for learning to use your IWB to develop lessons. And if you're interested in a collection of resources for your IWB that you can hold in your hand, Danny offers a 200 page book through Lulu.
Chris P

Free Technology for Teachers: Using Pictures for Current Events Lessons - 0 views

    "Everyday the BBC runs a feature called the Day in Pictures that displays a small collection of photographs from around the world. For years I've used this resource as a conversation starter for current events discussions in my Global Studies classes. The Day in Pictures collections are part of a much larger resource from the BBC simply called In Pictures. The In Pictures resource provides hundreds of images in a variety collections and slide shows about current events throughout the world. Some of the slide shows even include narration. All of the images include captions explaining what is happening in the picture and a little background knowledge about the event being photographed."
Chris Pirkl

Free Technology for Teachers: More Google Good To Know - 0 views

    Google Good to Know could be a good starting point for building your own lessons on managing digital footprints. After reviewing the Google materials you might ask students to create their own short videos like the one above, to inform others of simple things they can do to manage their digital data online.
Chris Pirkl

What do we mean by literacy now - Harste - 0 views

    Jerome Harste in "What Do We Mean by Literacy Now?" shares his thoughts about literacy informed by insights into "multiple literacies" and "literacy as social practice." He states that a good ELA program for the twenty-first century continues to be composed of three components -- meaning-making, language study, and inquiry-based learning.
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