Glogster EDU wants to make this year's Back to School season exciting and useful! One of the many new features we bring is the new integration with to give you a simple tool to embed all of your favorite Glogs in your personal & school wikis!
"Project Global Inform (PGI) is an in-school project where students use media to spread awareness about human rights violations. PGI came out of the idea that we too often "teach" our students about genocide and human rights violations, but never "do" anything about it. This project's main objective is to create awareness about current human rights violations in our schools, communities, and abroad. Through the use of media and technology students have the power to make a difference."
"The new school year is here for many teachers. For those who haven't started school yet, the new school year will be here soon. If you've set the goal of trying something new in your classroom this year (shouldn't that always be one of our goals), here are eleven techy things teachers should try this year."
"The Interesting Ways to Use series has been really successful. I measure their success in how useful they are to teachers and other educators in helping with professional development.
They have been a great example of crowdsourcing good quality classroom ideas and it has been great fun connecting with all of the people who have taken time to add an idea. It is remarkable what can be achieved and created together if you give people the right way to do it. Thanks for all the help so far."
"Last week I asked for your ideas on how you make connections with kids on the first days of school. I am overwhelmed by the response. With right at 80 ideas there is surely something here for everyone, or at least a new idea to try."
" provides teachers web sites free of charge, where multiple classes can be managed and updated using an easy to understand interface. No knowledge of web site programming is needed to get your class or classes set up and quickly providing up-to-date information for your students and parents. "
"The Flip camera is great for all types of projects in science and math - at any grade level. Flip cameras are small handheld video cameras that can record 30 or 60 minutes worth of video. They connect to a computer with a USB plug that "flips" out from the side of the camera.
The benefits of these cameras include another means for assessing students understanding of concepts beyond worksheets and tests. Besides a teacher's record, the videos provide a digital record for parents and administrators to show a student's successes or areas which need improvement."
"This site will acquaint you with strategies, ideas, and examples to help you craft online discussion questions. You can investigate how to use questions to achieve specific learning outcomes, guide the discussion process, and provide meaningful feedback to your students."
Hi and welcome to the Livescribe Education blog!
We are excited to share and discuss ways to use the Livescribe Pulse smartpen to improve student learning, foster professional development, enable collaboration, etc. Look around, read the posts, make a comment and share, share, share.
"Digital Media Scoring Guides
First choose one of the following communication types and then customize your scoring guide by checking ONLY the traits and elements you want to use at this time. Click on each keyword for descriptors. For more detailed information on these scoring guides and further resources, see Overview of Digital Media Scoring Guides. "
"The most powerful and ample resource for change in education is teachers' own expertise. Yet, teachers are regularly overstepped when it comes to leading school improvement.
In the United States, less than one-fourth of teachers feel that they have great influence over school decisions and policies in seven different areas, as noted in the National Center for Educational Statistics' Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) database for 2003-04 reported by the National Staff Development Council (NSDC) in Professional Learning in the Learning Profession: A Status Report on Teacher Development in the U.S. and Abroad."
K-12 Certified Instructional Technology Specialist working as an Instructional Technology Coach at Wissahickon School District.
Check my website for more about me: