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Christophe ICD

Search covers at Big Book Search - 1 views

    Moteur de recherche graphique qui affiche les produits issus d'Amazon. Les résultats sont les couvertures de livre en grand format et les jaquettes pour les DVD et les CD.
Christophe ICD

Summon 'web scale'? I don't think so. | synthesize-specialize-mobilize - 0 views

    "I don't think its obvious, but what OCLC is trying to do with WorldCat is much bolder than Serials Solutions and Summon. With Summon, libraries are basically throwing all of their content into one index to break down the data silos within an institution. But what you end up with is a big search silo for that institution. With WorldCat, the vision is to break down not only the silos within institutions but also the silos between institutions. And not just break down those silos in the sense of harvest-and-search. The concept is that libraries and their patrons will be working together to improve a shared database through intentional and professional metadata. This shared database will be big enough to have a real impact on the web. Its records will surface in search engine results. Its interface will be familiar to many, and it will be customizable for a particular audience via the WorldCat Local route."
Christophe ICD

Federated search vs. unified discovery services: an update | Llyfrgellydd - 0 views

    "I recently received an e-mail that the next Serials Solutions/Library Journal webcast about Summon will discuss - among other things - the differences between federated search and unified discovery systems. Upon discovering this, I decided to review the entries I've written about these differences. Since the last post I wrote on this topic was written last August, it is not surprising that many of the observations I made then are now incorrect. I'd like to take this opportunity to correct some of the statements I made."
Christophe ICD

Web Single Sign-On Metadata Exchange Protocol - 0 views

    "Web Single Sign-On Metadata Exchange Protocol is a Web Services and Federated identity specification, published by Microsoft and Sun Microsystems that defines mechanisms for a service to query an identity provider for metadata concerning the protocol suites it supports. The goal of this operation is to increase the ability of a given service to interoperate with a given identity provider.1"
Christophe ICD

A Semantic-based Essay as the Result for a Web Search | Semantic Universe - 0 views

    "This article discusses ways of semantic processing in a search engine. Major search engines have one main type of result - a list of links to matching Web sources. There are many enhancements on top of it, but the core premise remains the same: a search result consists of a set of individual pages. The user is expected to drill down into individual sources. An alternative type of result is suggested: an essay compiled of a number of relevant and ordered sentences. The search engine in this case parses Web sources, understands their semantics, and creates an overall summary of the topic. The idea is to save the user time by providing a quick overview of the topic. A Web sentiment analysis application based on semantic analysis is introduced."
Christophe ICD

Ariane 2.0: des facettes à découvrir | Ulaval - 0 views

    «Comparativement au premier catalogue Ariane, il est certain qu'Ariane 2.0 offre de plus grandes possibilités, explique Guy Teasdale, directeur de la bibliothèque numérique et des technologies de l'information à la Bibliothèque. En implantant Ariane 2.0, nous cherchions à recréer l'interface extrêmement dépouillée de Google, tout en exploitant la richesse et l'intelligence des métadonnées enfouies dans les quelque 1, 7 millions de notices bibliographiques de notre catalogue. Les avantages de cette nouvelle interface sont tangibles, la plus évidente étant la recherche par facettes. Il y a aussi la possibilité de mieux exploiter la puissance du répertoire des vedettes matières de l'Université Laval (RVM). Toute l'opération s'inscrit dans notre volonté des nous adapter à la réalité des étudiants habitués aux moteurs de recherche de plus en plus puissants et conviviaux.»
Christophe ICD

Google change sa maquette | (05/05/2010) - 0 views

    "Le moteur de recherche Google lance à partir du mercredi 5 mai de nouvelles versions de sa page d'accueil et de ses pages de résultats. Principale évolution : la modification de la barre d'outils de la colonne gauche, qui inclut de nouvelles fonctionnalités et s'adaptera désormais en fonction des recherches."
Christophe ICD

Information Intelligence: New Perspectives on Enterprise Search (janvier 2005) | Delphi... - 0 views

    "This Delphi Research report is one of an ongoing series examining the state of the technology and the level of business practice in the critical and related areas of information intelligence. These include information architecture, enterprise search, taxonomy/classification, text and web analytics, and a wide range of new business applications grounded in information intelligence technologies."
Christophe ICD

Autonomy Enables Improved E-Learning and Education in Sweden, Autonomy Inc. - 0 views

    "CAMBRIDGE, England and SAN FRANCISCO, California, March 4 - Autonomy Corporation plc ((LSE: AU.) or (LSE: AU.L)), a global leader in infrastructure software for the enterprise, today announced that The Swedish Research Council, Vetenskapsradet, has selected its Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL) platform as part of The Swedish government's initiative to promote research, e-learning and collaboration within Sweden's education system. Autonomy's Meaning-based Computing technologies will enable the Research Council to consolidate all of the country's academic information into one single web portal,"
Christophe ICD

Discovering discovery services | Federated Search Blog - 0 views

    "Discovery services have begun to spring up. This article is my attempt to catalog and characterize them. Consider this article to be an introduction that sets the stage for future analysis articles."
Christophe ICD

Inmagic Social Library Solutions - 0 views

    "Inmagic, at the forefront of the move to new generation knowledge management, is here to support the changing needs of librarians on the move toward Library 2.0. Inmagic provides Social Knowledge Networks that combine top-down, vetted information with bottom-up, social "wisdom of the community" to address critical research and business objectives. More than 5,000 companies in 100 countries use Inmagic solutions, including Inmagic® Presto, Inmagic® Presto for Social Libraries, and the Inmagic® DB/Text Library Suite® to gain unprecedented insight into customers, markets, competitors, research, intellectual properties, and more. Find out how much your organization really knows."
Christophe ICD

Encore for Libraries > Products - 0 views

    * Encore Discovery * Encore Harvesting Services * Encore Query API * Encore Reporter
Christophe ICD

WorldCat Local's Rise and Fall (April 19, 2010) | Metadata - 0 views

    "Now that we've had WCL as our main OPAC for almost a year (we started at the beginning of the fall semester in 2009), I am able to share observations and critical accounts of WorldCat Local in the context of an academic library. "
Christophe ICD

BnF - SRU (Search/Retrieval via Url) - 0 views

    "Le protocole d'échange de métadonnées SRU (Search/Retrieval via URL) est l'équivalent fonctionnel du protocole Z39.50 en s'adaptant aux standards technologiques du web (protocole http et format xml). "
Christophe ICD

BnF - Resource Description and Access (RDA) : origines - 0 views

    "Resource Description and Access (RDA) est le code de catalogage qui remplacera en 2010 les Règles de catalogage anglo-américaines, 2e éd. (AACR2). "
Christophe ICD

WorldCat Local [OCLC - Reference and Discovery] - 0 views

    "WorldCat Local is the single search that connects people to all your library materials-physical, electronic and digital-as well as to the delivery services that get them what they need. It displays multiple types of library resources, formats and locations in a single relevancy-ranked results set, provides high-level Web visibility for your library, interoperates with existing locally-maintained circulation and delivery services, connects seamlessly to everything in your collection and simplifies the discovery-and-delivery experience for your library users."
Christophe ICD

Le protocole OAI et ses usages en bibliothèque | - 0 views

    "Ce protocole d'échange permet de créer, d'alimenter et de tenir à jour, par des procédures automatisées, des réservoirs d'enregistrements qui signalent, décrivent et rendent accessibles des documents, sans les dupliquer ni modifier leur localisation d'origine. Grâce au protocole OAI, une bibliothèque agissant en tant que fournisseur de données a la possibilité d'offrir une visibilité accrue à ses documents, notamment à ses publications électroniques ou à ses fonds spécialisés. Réciproquement, en tant que fournisseur de service, une bibliothèque peut réaliser une base de données ou un portail documentaire dans son domaine de spécialité ou sur un thème quelconque, en collectant les données descriptives de ressources et documents de tous types, accessibles sur l'Internet dans des entrepôts OAI."
Christophe ICD

Federated Search Report and Tool Kit | FUMSI Report - 0 views

    "The report covers the following: * What is federated search? * Conducting a needs assessment * Defining purchase criteria * Building your team * Industry research * Proprietary or open source? * Narrowing the field * Conducting product tests * Selecting and implementing your choice * Measuring results The following activities are included in the Federated Search Report and Tool Kit: 1. Needs Assessment 2. Create a Story About Using Federated Search 3. Staff Requirements Assessment 4. Purchase Criteria Definition 5. The Insource/Outsource Dilemma 6. Assembling Your Team 7. Product and Company Overviews 8. Product Trials 9. Analysis and Product Selection 10. Review and Evaluation "
Christophe ICD

How It Works - LOCKSS - 0 views

    "A library uses LOCKSS software to turn a low-cost PC into a digital preservation appliance called a LOCKSS Box that performs the following four functions: * It collects content from the target web sites using a web crawler similar to those used by search engines. * It continually compares the content it has collected with the same content collected by other LOCKSS Boxes, and repairs any differences. * It acts as a web proxy or cache, providing browsers in the library's community with access to the publisher's content or the preserved content as appropriate. It can also serve content by Metadata (Open URLs) via resolvers. * It provides a web-based administrative interface that allows the library staff to target new journals for preservation, monitor the state of the journals being preserved, and control access to the preserved journals. "
Christophe ICD

VuFind: The library OPAC meets Web2.0! - 0 views

    " VuFind is a library resource portal designed and developed for libraries by libraries. The goal of VuFind is to enable your users to search and browse through all of your library's resources by replacing the traditional OPAC to include: * Catalog Records * Locally Cached Journals * Digital Library Items * Institutional Repository * Institutional Bibliography * Other Library Collections and Resources VuFind is completely modular so you can implement just the basic system, or all of the components. And since it's open source, you can modify the modules to best fit your need or you can add new modules to extend your resource offerings. VuFind has many APIs to interact with the search, data and many other features. You can syndicate your record data with other institutions via an OAI server. You can search using vufind's algorithms via OpenSearch. And if you want complete access to your indexed data, you can interact with Solr, VuFind's backend search and index engine."
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