What should our bill say? - 137 views
#14 Douglas F on 03 Apr 12I think that juveniles should be tried as juveniles thats why there is juvenile courts. If juveniles aren't tried as juveniles then there is no need for a juvenile court. I also believe that juveniles shouldn't be sentenced to death because the frontal lobe of the brain isn't fully developed until the mid-twenties of life.
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#23 Douglas F on 03 Apr 12Bailey, I agree with you. I think that there are many differences between juvenile crime and adult crime. For example the frontal lobe in the brain isn't developed until after your juvenile years which means the offenders don't know any better. BUT, this isn't an excuse for juveniles to commit crimes.
#32 Douglas F on 05 Apr 12I agree with you Sarah. The serious crimes like murder diserve the same sentence no matter your age. I think that people under the age of 18 should be given light sentences for non-serious crimes like robbery or non-violent car-jacking. But there should be a harsh sentence for serious crimes like murder and treason.
#79 Douglas F on 06 Apr 12Ya! Sounds great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#82 Douglas F on 06 Apr 12What do you mean by "The child can be temporarily/permanantly,"? What is temporary of permanant?