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Home/ Groups/ K-12 Government/Election Teaching Materials
Peggy George

Google U.S. Government Search - 0 views

    Google U.S. Government Search offers a single location for searching across U.S. government information, and for keeping up to date on government news. You can choose to search for content located on either U.S. federal, state and local government websites or the entire Web -- from the same search box.
    Google continues to add services--this is one stop shopping for searches related to U.S. Government. Could be really valuable for compiling data for student research. You can make it your homepage and personalize it by adding other content feeds to the page. You can have separate personalized content on both your Google U.S. Government Search and homepages.
Peggy George

CongressLink: [Congressional Elections] Lesson Plan: Elect Me! Creating a Campaign Plat... - 0 views

    Another great lesson plan from the Dirksen Congressional Center's Congress in the Classroom workshop. Designed for students in grades 8-12.
    During The Dirksen Congressional Center's annual Congress in the Classroom® workshop participants are asked to introduce the lesson plans, resources, and techniques that have proven successful in teaching about Congress in their classrooms.A 2008 participant, Jan Loyd, Cabot Junior High South, Cabot, AR, presented a lesson entitled, "Elect Me! Creating a Campaign Platform and Advertisement." Students will be a candidate for an election as a United States Representative or Senator in the upcoming election. They will need to decide which party fits their political views best. Next, they will plan and present a 3-5 minute campaign commercial about them as a candidate, their platform, and why the voters should vote for them.
Peggy George

Event Registration (EVENT: 122206) EdWeek-Education & Next President - 0 views

    This should be a very informative debate. The video will be archived if you can't view it live. Looking forward to hearing an education focus for the Presidential election!
    Join us for "Education and the Next President," a live debate from Teachers College, Columbia University, with Linda Darling-Hammond, education adviser to Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama, and Lisa Graham Keegan, education adviser to Presidential Republican nominee John McCain. The event is being exclusively Webcast by with generous support from NASSP. A video archive of the event will be available Wed., Oct 22, at noon.
Peggy George

Daily Lesson Plan-The Vice Voice-Gr. 6-12 - 0 views

    Investigating the Role of Vice President for the 2008 Election; Overview of Lesson Plan: In this lesson, students investigate the role and duties of the vice president of the United States; they then write persuasive essays in favor of one of this year's running mates using supporting evidence from The New York Times. (link for companion lesson for Gr. 3-5 with suggested modifications-PDF)
    Excellent lesson plan from the Learning Network/Teacher Connections on the New York Times site. Great resources, links and discussion questions.
Lucy Gray

Election 2008 Project - 0 views

    This looks like a great online project for the 2008 election for K-6 students. They vote for president and the data is available for them to use in many projects. Site includes resource links, indeas and books.
    Info shared by Nancy Golubic, Project Coordinator, Boardman, Ohio. I've just posted my Election 2008 Online project. Four years ago, I ended up with almost 5,000 kids across the country voting. This year I hope to get more votes. Take a look. It says that registration opens on August 18th, but the registration link already works.
    Looks like this starts August 18 recommended by Jen Wagner
Dean Mantz

@Scholastic - 0 views

    Meet Barack Obama courtesy of Scholastic.
Ginger Lewman

FRONTLINE/WORLD . Educators . Activities . Politics . Face-Off: United States Foreign P... - 24 views

kimberly caise

Call for Participation: Congress in the Classroom 2009 - Education Resources | Google G... - 4 views

    If you are interested in registering for the Congress in the Classroom® 2009 workshop, you can complete an online registration form found at:
Lucy Gray

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. - 0 views

    election videos from PBS Kids
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