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Savanna Germain

▶ The Death of the Newspaper Industry - YouTube - 0 views

    YouTube video about death of the newspaper industry. Video talks about where people are getting there news, and what newspapers are going to online only.
Savanna Germain

How USA Today Newspapers Are Made - YouTube - 0 views

    This is a video of how the USA today newspaper is printed, This would be a really good video because it shows how much printing papers has changed.
Savanna Germain

Can newspapers survive the digital revolution? - YouTube - 0 views

    This is a really good video I found with Peter Rojas discussing his views on the survival of the newspaper. He talks about some of the problems they are facing. His big concern is are they going to change quickly enough to keep up with the rest of the digital revolution.
Jenna Peterfeso

How it's made - Newspapers - YouTube - 1 views

    Video on how a newspaper is made. 
Savanna Germain

▶ John Temple on the Future of Newspapers - YouTube - 1 views

    John Temple's opinion on common questions regarding the future of newspapers.
    This is a video where John Temple answers and gives his opinions on some questions that the newspaper industry is facing.
Jenna Peterfeso

CNN: The Newspaper Industry in Decline - YouTube - 0 views

    A CNN newscast about the decline of newspapers. The idea of a bailout, making newspapers nonprofit or tax free. 
    A CNN newscast about the decline of newspapers. The idea of a bailout, making newspapers nonprofit or tax free. 
Savanna Germain

Can newspapers survive the digital revolution? - (Jason Kottke) YouTube - 0 views

    Another video from the Big Think about whether or not the newspaper will survive the digital revolution. Jason Kottke gives his opinions on the matter.
Savanna Germain

▶ Nicholas Lemann: Can newspapers survive the digital revolution? - YouTube - 0 views

    Another video about newspapers surviving the digital revolution.
Andrew VanNess

Newspaper History - 0 views

    This is a youtube video made by the history channel about the history of newspapers. For our wiki page, I would recommend using times 9:20-15:00 for a great picturization about the early transformation of newspapers.
Savanna Germain

Can old media survive the digital revolution? - YouTube - 0 views

    Walt Mossberg from the wall street journal talks about how he doesn't believe that journalism is dying out.
Melinda Snell

Is the newspaper business really dying? - 0 views

    A video found on youtube going through a presentation on the newspaper industry. Talks about the "cliché" the newspaper industry is dying.
Jenna Peterfeso

Video: A behind-the-scenes glimpse into how this newspaper gets made - YouTube - 0 views

    A behind the scenes look at how a newspaper is made, might be a good clip to show for our presentation. 
Andrew VanNess

History Channel - Newspapers - 1 views

    A 55 minute video about the history of newspapers described by the history channel. This video mainly focuses on the history within the United States and how newspapers dealt with major events throughout history, such as the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Savanna Germain

Newspaper in Decline? Jeff Jarvis - 0 views

    Jeff Jarvis gives his opinion on what the newspaper industry should do in order to survive.
Jered Wilcox

printing press at the daily - 0 views

Jered Wilcox

gutenberg press video - 0 views

    gutenbergs press was what made it possible for newspapers to be printed
Melinda Snell

The history of newspapers in five minutes - 1 views

    A quick video about the history of newspapers, 5 minute video full of important and key things in the newspaper industry.
Jered Wilcox

funny new paper add video - 0 views

    funnys news paper ad video maybe good for one of our videos to share
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