A short film by Sara Snyder and Stephen Molldrem-Identity formation, what defines gender, gay identity.LGBT
Ideas for filming- Some parts shot in gray & white, then other parts in color as they talk and dressed up. The music is calm and you can hear their voice over the music.
In this article, the author, Kumi Ishii discusses about how online users manage relationships using different conflict-management styles. Which is interesting because it has to do with group communication. It includes the studies of how people deal with situations to maintain and form relationships online.
In this article, Annette Lamb focuses on the importance of the students' use of social technologies. Although students have the right to free speech and expression, they are encouraged to be responsible for their own actions online. Decision-making practices will help students improve on their moral reasoning to make better use of social technologies.
In this artcle, Katie Ellis discusses about the advantages of Facebook compared to other social networking sites. Facebook reveal the true identities of people with the use of their real names and personal information. Also, Facebook users choose to represent themselves in certain ways by their updates.