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Hendy Irawan

Node Type Notation - 0 views

    The Compact Namespace and Node Type Definition (CND) notation provides a compact standardized syntax for defining node types and making namespace declarations. The notation is intended both for documentation and for programmatically registering node types (if you are unfamiliar with JCR node types, you may want to read the general Node Types section first).
Hendy Irawan

morphia - A type-safe java library for MongoDB - Google Project Hosting - 0 views

    "Morphia is a lightweight type-safe library for mapping Java objects to/from MongoDB: Easy to use, and very lightweight; reflection is used once per type and cached for good performance. Datastore and DAO access abstractions, or roll your own... Type-safe, and Fluent Query support with (runtime) validation Annotations based mapping behavior; there are no XML files. Extensions: Validation (jsr303), and SLF4J Logging"
Hendy Irawan

Node Types - 0 views

    Each node in a Jackrabbit workspace tree has a node type that defines the child nodes and properties it may (or must) have. Developers can use node types to define a custom content model for their application domain and have Jackrabbit enforce the constraints of that model at the repository level.
Hendy Irawan

Scala IDE for Eclipse - 0 views

    "Support for mixed Scala/Java projects Thumb Support for mixed Scala/Java projects and any combination of Scala/Java project dependencies, allowing straightforward references from Scala to Java and vice versa. Editing Thumb A Scala editor with syntax highlighting, code completion, inferred type hovers, hyperlinking to definitions, error markers and more. Debugging Thumb Incremental compilation, application launching with integrated debugger, hyperlinking from stacktraces to Scala source, interactive console. Navigation Thumb Project and source navigation including Scala support in the Package explorer view with embedded outline, outline view, quick outline, open type, open type hierarchy."
Hendy Irawan

CND in a Nutshell | Jochen Toppe's Blog - 0 views

    The previous sections have extensively used the CND notation to illustrate the examples. Now that the most important concepts have been demonstrated, this section will give an in-depth overview of the CND. JSR 283 further defines an XML-based format for defining node type definitions, however, it has not been finalized yet at the time of writing. A CND file contains a series of namespace declarations, node type definitions, as well as comments which are denoted with a double slash (//).
Hendy Irawan

Groovy vs. Scala - We Need a Closure… « GridGain = Compute + Data + Cloud - 0 views

    There was a recent outburst in blogs on the topic of Groovy and how it compares to Java. Although I respect the youthfull entusiasim of Groovy and Co. working on this little exercise I'm just perplexed by the "WHY?" in this whole discussion. Let me just say again: W H Y ?!?! 1. Practically no one cares about Groovy (let alone Groovy++ strap-on) beyond Grails community. So this language just as "widely accepted" as Ruby (at least for enterprise software development) 2. If you know Java it's equally "challenging" to pick up either Groovy or Scala. Don't let anyone insult your intelligence by claiming that Scala syntax is somehow more complex than Groovy. In both languages you will need to adapt to functional thinking - and that's where you will have to spend a couple of weekends… 3. If you know Groovy - you already know 90% of Scala (different syntax and few extra features can be picked up in the evening) 4. Scala is designed by people who have proper academic background, experience and talent in the area of language design - Groovy has never been that way (and anyone who dares to look inside of Groovy runtime or history of changes in it will attest to that). NOTE: it did come out rather strong - but that's how I feel about it and after some thinking I'll leave as is. Nothing personal to anyone reading it… 5. Scala as a post-functional language is years ahead of Groovy (static typing with best-in-business type inference, highly tuned mix of imperative and functional styles, powerful and done-right generics, etc.) 6. Groovy will ALWAYS be slower than Scala or Java (latest benchmarks put even Groovy++ about 50 times slower than Java) just by its nature unless someone changes the language and rebuilds the runtime from the ground up. 7. Once we get decent integration with Eclipse, NetBeans and IDEA for Scala, the Groovy will lose its only serious advantage
Hendy Irawan

Clojure - dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine (and the CLR) - 1 views

    "Clojure is a dynamic programming language that targets the Java Virtual Machine (and the CLR ). It is designed to be a general-purpose language, combining the approachability and interactive development of a scripting language with an efficient and robust infrastructure for multithreaded programming. Clojure is a compiled language - it compiles directly to JVM bytecode, yet remains completely dynamic. Every feature supported by Clojure is supported at runtime. Clojure provides easy access to the Java frameworks, with optional type hints and type inference, to ensure that calls to Java can avoid reflection. Clojure is a dialect of Lisp, and shares with Lisp the code-as-data philosophy and a powerful macro system. Clojure is predominantly a functional programming language, and features a rich set of immutable, persistent data structures. When mutable state is needed, Clojure offers a software transactional memory system and reactive Agent system that ensure clean, correct, multithreaded designs. I hope you find Clojure's combination of facilities elegant, powerful, practical and fun to use."

TypeScript Type Inference - javatpoint - 0 views

    The TypeScript compiler infers the type information when there is no explicit information available in the form of type annotations.
Hendy Irawan

Vaadin, Maven and Spring « about:software development - 0 views

    Vaadin is a Rapid Application Development (RAD) framework for RIA applications. I only know it for a few months but since I started experimenting with it, I'm really in favor of it. I see a lot of advantages compared to Sun's Java EE standard front-end framework JSF. First of all Vaadin is a java library, so you only have to write Java to build a complete frontend. No need for a specific frontend language, no need for converters (for comboboxes),… This also implies that you can use the full Java power on the frontend side and that's an huge advantage because frontend code is now type-safe and easily refactorable. You can unit test your frontend with JUnit. You can also use all existing java libraries on the frontend side, for example LOG4J. Another advantage is the fact that Vaadin is easy to learn (JSF isn't!) and to use: it's straigtforward. It feels like developing desktop apps and for me developing desktop apps feels much more intuitive than developing web-apps the way I'm used to. Vaadin uses convention over configuration. No need to register new components, validators or whatever in different xml files. Themes have a default folder and a default folder structure. Vaadin is very well documented. There's the book of Vaadin wich explains every aspect of the framework very clear. On the site there's a blog, a FAQ section, a wiki, a forum, examples with Java source code, … It's very easy to extend. Want to create your own Validator? Just implement an interface or extend another Validator and use it. Want to create your own custom server side component? Just extend the CustomComponent class or extend from another component. There's also an add-on directory where you can download UI components, data components, tools, themes, …
Hendy Irawan

Eclipse Virgo Web Server - 0 views

    "The Virgo Web Server from EclipseRT is a completely module-based Java application server that is designed to run enterprise Java applications and Spring-powered applications with a high degree of flexibility and reliability. It offers a simple yet comprehensive platform to develop, deploy, and service enterprise Java applications. The Virgo kernel supports the core concepts of Virgo and is not biased towards the web server, thus enabling other types of server to be created. The kernel can also be used stand-alone as a rich OSGi application platform. A server runtime can easily be constructed by deploying suitable bundles on top of the kernel. "
Hendy Irawan

Emfatic - Eclipsepedia - 0 views

    Emfatic is a text editor supporting navigation, editing, and conversion of Ecore models, using a compact and human-readable syntax similar to Java. The EPLed Emfatic now hosted at EMFT extends the Feb 2005 alphaworks release with support for EMF Generics, folding, "red squigglies", an EMF Type Hierarchy, hyperlinks, AutoEdits, and the possibility to define templates to speed up document creation, among other usability features. The best way to gain hands-on experience with Emfatic is to right-click on any .ecore file and choose Generate Emfatic source, a similar converter works in the opposite direction. Online help is also available. Emfatic itself builds upon Gymnast, a framework for jumpstarting text editors for custom Domain Specific Languages. Documentation on how to extend Emfatic, as well as on using Gymnast, can be found in this technical report.
Hendy Irawan

Squeryl - A Scala ORM for SQL Databases - 0 views

    A Scala ORM and DSL for talking with Databases with minimum verbosity and maximum type safety
Hendy Irawan

Jon Anstey's Blog: Eclipse Templates for Apache Camel - 0 views

    "If you didn't know already, Eclipse allows you to define custom templates for commonly used code snippets. Its a very neat feature for those of us who are memory challenged or don't like typing things twice! I think that Apache Camel users could really benefit from having predefined templates for doing Camel routing. I also hear a lot of requests like "I have this Java DSL route, how do I do this in the Spring XML DSL?" so having both Java and XML templates for the same thing is essential."
Hendy Irawan

CDO - Eclipsepedia - 0 views

    The CDO (Connected Data Objects) Model Repository is a distributed shared model framework for EMF models and meta models. CDO is also a model runtime environment with a focus on orthogonal aspects like model scalability, transactionality, persistence, distribution, queries and more. CDO has a 3-tier architecture supporting EMF-based client applications, featuring a central model repository server and leveraging different types of pluggable data storage back-ends like relational databases, object databases and file systems. The default client/server communication protocol is implemented with the Net4j Signalling Platform.
Hendy Irawan

ws-xmlrpc - Apache XML-RPC - 0 views

    Apache XML-RPC is a Java implementation of XML-RPC, a popular protocol that uses XML over HTTP to implement remote procedure calls. Version 3 of Apache XML-RPC is still compliant to the XML-RPC specification. However, the user may enable several vendor extensions are available, that greatly extend the power of XML-RPC: All primitive Java types are supported, including long, byte, short, and double. Calendar objects are supported. In particular, timezone settings, and milliseconds may be sent. DOM nodes, or JAXB objects, can be transmitted. So are objects implementing the interface. Both server and client can operate in a streaming mode, which preserves resources much better than the default mode, which is based on large internal byte arrays.
Hendy Irawan

Apache Tuscany - comprehensive infrastructure for SOA development & management based on... - 0 views

    "Apache Tuscany simplifies the task of developing SOA solutions by providing a comprehensive infrastructure for SOA development and management that is based on Service Component Architecture (SCA) standard. With SCA as it's foundation, Tuscany offers solution developers the following advantages: Provides a model for creating composite applications by defining the services in the fabric and their relationships with one another. The services can be implemented in any technology. Enables service developers to create reusable services that only contain business logic. Protocols are pushed out of business logic and are handled through pluggable bindings. This lowers development cost. Applications can easily adapt to infrastructure changes without recoding since protocols are handled via pluggable bindings and quality of services (transaction, security) are handled declaratively. Existing applications can work with new SCA compositions. This allows for incremental growth towards a more flexible architecture, outsourcing or providing services to others. In addition, Tuscany is integrated with various technologies and offers: a wide range of bindings (pluggable protocols) various component types including and not limited to Java, C++, BPEL, Spring and scripting an end to end service and data solution which includes support for Jaxb and SDO a lightweight runtime that works standalone or with other application servers a modular architecture that makes it easy to integrate with different technologies and to extend Integration with web20 technologies Apache Tuscany SCA is implemented in Java and C++ (referred to as Native)"
Hendy Irawan

Getting Started with #Xtext DSL with syntax highlighting editor, part 2 - Peter Friese - 0 views

    "Let's imagine we want to create an application for orders. People can sign in to the system, place orders for various items, check out and have them sent to their address. Very simple, but we can show a lot of things here. As we expect to be writing more than one application of this type and as we also would like to be able to express the structure of the application on a business level (one of the major drivers for DSLs and MDSD for that matter), we come up with the idea of using a DSL to describe what the application does. Defining the DSL is what we did last week. This week, we need to map the concepts of the DSL to some code and some APIs we're going to program against. So, we're going to create a set of code templates for a code generator that can then read our DSL models and create persistence code for us."
Hendy Irawan

Qworum - Interactive Service Technology - 0 views

    "Qworum defines a new type of service that is used for modularizing web applications. Qworum services are interactive, just like conventional websites. In addition, Qworum services are callable, much like traditional RPC services. "
Hendy Irawan

The Scala Programming Language - 2 views

    Scala is a general purpose programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. It smoothly integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages. It is also fully interoperable with Java
Michael Warne

Red Hat Openstack Administration Certification Training - 0 views

    Koenig Solutions is a leading IT specialist certifications training organization and an authorized training partner to the leading IT companies from the whole world. It is also an authorized center for conducting different types of tests for Prometric, VUE, and Grant. Koenig Solutions offers Red Hat OpenStack Administration Training Course (CL211) to pass the certification exam (EX210) in India, USA, UK, and UAE.
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