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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Taylor G

Taylor G

A journalistic conundrum: When does Twitter count as a reliable source? - - 0 views

    • Taylor G
      "it's incontrovertible that the service allowed Americans a peek into a world that would otherwise have been sealed up pretty tightly." It shows a responsibility to conscience.
    • Taylor G
      "they were waiting for us - they all have guns and riot uniforms - it was like a mouse trap - ppl being shot like animals #Iranelection 9:53 AM Jun 24th from web" It keeps it short and relevant on twitter rather than reading through everything in the news paper just to get a little bit of information.
    We've devoted a lot of space here in recent weeks to Twitter, and for good reason: the June 12 elections in Iran were a major turning point for the social network. Whatever you think of Twitter - a lark, a waste of time, a brain-busting sociological malady - it's incontrovertible that the service allowed Americans a peek into a world that would otherwise have been sealed up pretty tightly.
Taylor G

Twitter: a reliable source of news or a reliable source of gossip? - The Crescent Online - 0 views

    • Taylor G
      "One hundred and forty characters are all "Tweeters" get to make their point. That is characters, not words, folks. An average New York Times news article can easily run 1500 words." It is not loyal to readers.
    • Taylor G
      "breaking news can be reported almost the instant it happens." The news is significant, interesting, and relevant.
    • Taylor G
      "I think it is great if Sarah Palin wants to announce her resignation on Twitter, but I think it sounds bad when news stations cite a source such as Twitter. What if a news source cited Myspace? Why would the public perceive that as tacky, but somehow Twitter is credible?" It follows the element of: Encourage Monitoring Those in Power and Giving Voice to the Voiceless
    Twitter. It is a simplified Facebook for some, a way to connect with celebrities for others, and now a reliable news source? I beg to differ.
Taylor G

Is Twitter a Valid News Source? | Strategic Social Media - 0 views

  • Twitter users are able to share their ideas and beliefs on topics and provide followers with various insights.  I would say there are upsides and downsides to using twitter as a news source.
    • Taylor G
      It provides a forum for public comment. This article says "Everyone likes speaking their mind and twitter provides users with that ability".
    • Taylor G
      The news is always focused on what's relevant because it's always what's happening at the moment or what's important.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Taylor G
      Opinion is clearly separated from fact on twitter however "Twitter has had a history of not always providing accurate information".
    Twitter users are able to share their ideas and beliefs on topics and provide followers with various insights. I would say there are upsides and downsides to using twitter as a news source.
Taylor G

Terms for Crack Cocaine Reduced, Freeing Prisoners - - 1 views

    Mr. Flood, who has served 10 years in prison over crimes involving crack cocaine, had been scheduled for release in 2013. Under new sentencing rules that came into effect on Tuesday, however, he is one of more than 1,800 prisoners eligible for release right away.
Taylor G

Leonardo DiCaprio in Clint Eastwood's 'J. Edgar' - - 0 views

    To transform himself into an aging J. Edgar Hoover, Leonardo DiCaprio sat for hours at a time while makeup artists gave him liver spots, yellow teeth and big, bulbous love handles. He spends a good chunk of Clint Eastwood's film "J. Edgar" that way, sweating and sneering in the unforgiving lighting of F.B.I. headquarters.
Taylor G

Assange, WikiLeaks Founder, May Be Extradited, Judges Rules - - 0 views

    A London court ruled on Wednesday that Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, can be extradited to Sweden for questioning over allegations of sexual abuse there last year. He will seek a final appeal to the Britain's highest court, according to a person close to Mr. Assange
Taylor G

Euphoria Turns to Discontent as Egypt's Revolution Stalls - - 0 views

    Lurching around the Great Pyramids on a camel was part of the trip-of-a-lifetime experience that Farag Abu Ghaneima once touted dozens of times a day, but he recently sold three of his five camels to the butcher.
Taylor G

Greek Cabinet Backs Papandreou on Referendum - - 0 views

    With the government teetering on the verge of collapse, the Greek cabinet offered its full support early Wednesday to Prime Minister George A. Papandreou for his surprise plan to call a referendum on the Greek financial crisis.
Taylor G

No Cellphone-Cancer Link in Large Study - - 0 views

    A major study of nearly 360,000 cellphone users in Denmark found no increased risk of brain tumors with long-term use.
Taylor G

A Weekend of Disorder in the N.F.L. - Leading Off - - 0 views

    Just when you think you might have figured out some order amid the sports chaos, weekends like this one come along and it turns out chaos was just sitting back, waiting for another chance to turn all of your expectations into punch lines. It's kind of like that annoying uncle who finds just the right opening to mess up your hair at family gatherings.
Taylor G

At Pentagon, Leon E. Panetta Charts Change of Course - - 0 views

    Tan and ruddy-faced, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta took his seat in a hearing room one morning this month ready for battle. The enemy, he warned lawmakers ominously, was "a blind, mindless" one that could "badly damage our capabilities" and "truly devastate our national defense."
Taylor G

Libya's Interim Leaders to Investigate Qaddafi Killing - - 0 views

    The head of Libya's interim government announced the creation of a formal committee of inquiry on Monday to examine the circumstances surrounding the death of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, the country's former leader, while in the custody of his captors after he fled his final refuge last week.
Taylor G

Leaders Say Progress Made in Dealing With Euro Crisis - - 0 views

    With a new sense of urgency, the leaders of the 27 European Union nations grappled directly on Sunday with their thorniest financial and economic problems, and made progress that they promised could yield a complete package of measures within days.
Taylor G

Israel and Palestinians Prepare to Swap Prisoners - - 0 views

    The cactus-lined highway that leads to this international gateway between Gaza and Egypt was draped in green bunting and flags on Monday, as Hamas stamped its Islamist mark across the scene of a long-awaited Israeli-Palestinian prisoner exchange scheduled for Tuesday.
Taylor G

Greece's Bloated Bureaucracy Defies Efforts to Cut It - - 0 views

    Stories of eye-popping waste and abuse of power among Greece's bureaucrats are legion, including officials who hire their wives, and managers who submit $38,000 bills for office curtains.
Taylor G

How Cheating Cases by Educators at New York Schools Played Out - - 0 views

    teacher warned her third graders that a standardized test question was "tricky," and they all changed their answers. A high school coach in Brooklyn called a student into the hallway and slipped her a completed answer sheet in a newspaper. In the Bronx, a principal convened Finish Your Lab Days, where biology students ended up copying answers for work they never did.
Taylor G

It's Complicated - When Dragonfly Love Comes Calling - - 0 views

    Any old pond will do. Michael L. May set out one recent Wednesday morning from his cramped office at the Rutgers University entomology building to collect a few dragonflies.
Taylor G

U.S. Debated Cyberwarfare Against Libya - - 0 views

    Just before the American-led strikes against Libya in March, the Obama administration intensely debated whether to open the mission with a new kind of warfare: a cyberoffensive to disrupt and even disable the Qaddafi government's air-defense system, which threatened allied warplanes.
Taylor G

Treatment for Trauma From Brain Injuries Needs More Study, Panel Says - - 0 views

    Techniques being used to treat psychological lapses from traumatic brain injuries, the signature wounds suffered by troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, appear to be helpful, but lack rigorous scientific support, a government-appointed panel reported Tuesday after completing the most comprehensive analysis of the evidence to date.
Taylor G

U.S. Intelligence Unit Aims to Build a 'Data Eye in the Sky' - - 0 views

    Now social scientists are trying to mine the vast resources of the Internet - Web searches and Twitter messages, Facebook and blog posts, the digital location trails generated by billions of cellphones - to do the same thing.
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