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Hanna Slominski

Lesson Plans - Teachers.Net - 1 views

  • is a free website that teachers can use to get ideas on lesson plans for any subject area and for any grade level. The lesson plans are uploaded to the website by teachers to make classroom planning easier. Along with the lesson plans there are other classroom ideas, teaching methods, and much more for teachers to use as a quick and easy classroom resource!
Alexis Lamb

Education Oasis - Teaching Resources for Educators - 0 views

    Education Oasis has many awesome ideas for all aspects of your classroom needs. Lesson plans, grphic organizers and printable materials are available and ideas on classroom management and teacher tested tip are included as well as links to additional sites for students and educators.
Brytni Mizokami

Education World About Technology - 0 views

    This is a great web site to help teachers out with the technology portion of their teaching. It gives you a great amount of tips and tools, a weekly newsletter about schools and technology, lesson plans and so much more!

WolfRamAlpha - 2 views

    Wolfram Alpha is a great website, especially for mathematics. It covers content areas that I have learned in Calculus and Calculus II. Integrals are one of the hardest concepts in Calculus II, and with Wolfram Alpha a student is able to type in the integral or any mathematical problem and view the step-by-step process in order to evaluate it properly. I use it regularly to check my steps integrating integrals for homework assignments outside of class, and a teacher would be able to use this website to instantaneously demonstrate the correct order of events for mathematical equations during class discussions. This is a great educational tool for students and educators.
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