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liveinfreedom .

VIDEO -- Reportage of Muslims in Belgium - 0 views

    Muslims attempting to RULE Belgium. Throw them out...send them home because they are NOT commanded by the Quaran to alter a countries history or language. If a muislim can't live in peace with the contry's law...then they are commanded to leave the country
liveinfreedom .

King Abdullah: In Need of 'Wins on The Ground' | Newsweek International | - 0 views

    King Abdullah of Jordan sat down at Petra with NEWSWEEK's Lally Weymouth last week and reflected on the state of affairs in his part of the world. He emphasized the need for a settlement of the Palestinian issue and claimed that Iran was no longer such a big problem for his country. Indeed, he sounded a bit like Barack Obama in arguing for the need for dialogue with Iran- a country he has in the past described as a major threat. Excerpts:
    Comments in Forum please
Rachel Rachel

IDF Rabbi: No Country Does What We Do for MIAs - News Briefs - Arutz Sheva - 0 views

    IDF Rabbi: No Country Does What We Do for MIAs
Naor Ami

BBC News - Israel and Palestinian territories country profile - 0 views

shared by Naor Ami on 01 Feb 10 - Cached
    • Naor Ami
      Power of the Media - they say "Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced" but on the other hand: "several wars were fought involving Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon" and this is the interesting part: Who started those wars? these countries. why? they did not accept the UN decision. Try to query a bit more on how these lands were occupied and under what circumstances. Try to find out what happened to the Palestinians in Jordan, BBC happily share information about Palestinians refugees without detailing Israel's history.  All those who read this article and wants to know the truth about Israel should query for facts (non partial).
    Facts are that there will NEVER be an end to this Palistine ARAB and Israel issue because Hamas's charter says NO compromise with FORGET negotiating with Hamas. See this link.

Sweden stresses recognition of Palestine as approach to two-state solution - 1 views

    Tehran, YJC. Swedish Social Democratic Party member of EU parliament Jytte Guteland says her country would like to usher other EU members into the recognition of the Palestinian state.

Sweden to Recognise Palestinian State, US Urges Caution - 1 views

    AFP- Sweden's new prime minister announced Friday that the country will recognise a Palestinian state, becoming the first EU member in Western Europe to do so.
liveinfreedom .

Rachel is the group and forum moderator for this group. - 80 views

It seems to me that the record shows that some groups will never learn how to achieve piece because they are too stupid to realize that solving problems without the use of force works. Why did the...

moderator peace posting topics

liveinfreedom .

Sarkozy Offers Help in Mideast Talks - - 0 views

  • During his three-day state visit to Israel, which began on Sunday, Sarkozy has said an Israeli-Palestinian deal could be reached soon, striking a far more optimistic note than most observers, who highlight Olmert's weakness at home and divisions among the Palestinians.
    OLEH! He's doing just what we expected him to do as the new president of France.
    Nice to have another country working for peace in the mid-east.
liveinfreedom .

U.S. says exercise by Israel seemed directed at Iran - International Herald Tribune - 0 views

  • A second, the official said, was to send a clear message to the United States and other countries that Israel was prepared to act militarily if diplomatic efforts to stop Iran from producing bomb-grade uranium continued to falter.
  • But American officials were also told that Israel had prepared plans for striking nuclear targets in Iran and could carry them out if needed.
  • "They are clearly nervous about this and have their air defense on guard," a Bush administration official said of the Iranians.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Two sets of advance Russian-made radar systems were recently delivered to Iran. The radar will enhance Iran's ability to detect planes flying at low altitude.
  • Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, said in February that Iran was close to acquiring Russian-produced SA-20 surface-to-air missiles. American military officials said that the deployment of such systems would hamper Israel's attack planning, putting pressure on Israel to act before the missiles are fielded.
    Iran is getting nervous about aircraft fying in the air corridors adjacent to their air space. Israel is making arrangments to remove the nuclear sites in Iran.
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