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Apps in Education: iPad Apps that work with Smartboards - 10 views

    "The iPad looks amazing when projected onto a large screen. The students in a 1 to 1 iPad classroom gets to see the apps at work. Have a look at the list below to see if any of these might be useful in your classroom. If you have others that should be added to this list please leave a comment with the name of the app and we will add it to the list."

Digital Storytelling/Content Creation iPad Apps - A Listly List - 7 views

    "Kristen Paino"

Langwitches Blog » My Most Used iPad Apps and Links List - 8 views

    I must say that I enjoy reading other bloggers' "favorite iPad apps lists". I usually check some of their apps out and end up with some gems, I would have otherwise not found. Below you will find a screenshot of one of my screens which houses the icons/apps/links that I most frequently use.

Save the Date: Dust or Magic AppCamp, May 2-4, 2010 - 6 views

    Here are some links about our upcoming AppCamp; an idea that was spun out of the last Dust or Magic meeting in anticipation of the flood of touch/motion related hardware. Feel free to call or email me directly if you have any questions or ideas; I'm still forming the agenda. About: It is time to explore the iPad's potential for children. The Inaugural Dust or Magic Children's App Design Institute is a three-day review of the best (magic) and worst (dust) children's media for handheld devices. We'll critique the state of the art, brainstorm possibilities and test a lot of hardware and apps. Speakers: The list is growing as the event develops (this is a first). The idea is to bring together a small ( (105 miles from San Francisco on the tip of the Monterey Peninsula. Cost: $1380 for one seat, $990 for 2-5, plus housing ($130/night). Group size is limited to 60. There will be a free, public AppFest on Sunday and a larger TED-like event in the Chapel. UPENN graduate credit is available; students are welcome to attend the Sunday lecture at no cost pending seating. To Register: 800-993-9499 (9-2:30 PM EST), online Please note that space is limited to 60. Seats remaining as of March 6: 39 I appreciate any help marketing this to the right people; and call me with your ideas. W -- Warren Buckleitner, Ph.D
    I just updated the page with some new speakers.
    I would give my eye teeth to attend this... cost is an issue right now. Sounds amazing! If you need ideas on where to spread the word, let me know. I'll send this out to the Apple Distinguished Educator list for sure.

Third Party Instagram Apps - 8 views

    Categorized list of apps that use Instagram data.

iPad native productivity with Projectbook | TechRepublic - 2 views

    "Will Kelly reviews Projectbook, a new iPad productivity app that combines note taking and to-do lists."

Lucky Pilgrim: Super Techy - 16 views

    A list of free recommended Apps for Deployment

Teaching Music Article: Smartphone and Tablet Applications for the Music Classroom | Te... - 9 views

    "Chad Criswell, author of the MusicEdMagic blog, as well as the contributing author/tech editor for several music education magazines, including Teaching Music, has written an excellent column on apps for Music Education which appears in the October 2012 edition of the magazine. It is going to be a great starting point-with 23 listed apps-for music educators getting into the iPad for the first time."

Apps for Administrators: a start - 14 views

    "Recently our administrators were given iPads to use in order to increase efficiency. After soliciting my PLN and doing some hands-on research I have compiled a 'getting started' app list. Here are the apps I encourage you to check out if you are just getting started with using your ipad."

iPad Resources for Teachers « Making things… Learning Things - 30 views

    "No matter what level of educational iPad user you are, the following list of iPad specific web sites provides a depth and breadth of resources."

7 Learning Apps You should not Miss - 39 views

    "However, here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning we have a particular focus on iOS apps that work on iPad and we have been featuring some great learning apps pertaining to different subject matters, from Math to Arts and Drawing . Our purpose is to help educators put their hands on the proper educational apps to use with students. We have also compiled another list of new learning apps which you can check below :"

15 Examples Of New Technology In Education - 30 views

    What latest gadgets and gizmos are going to change your classroom in 2013? It's hard to know exactly what will catch on and what won't, but the following list showcases some of the emerging new technologies, software, and platforms available. With their innovation and practicality, many of these are poised to enter the classroom and change the way students and teachers learn permanently.

50 Of The Best Resources For iPads In Education - Teachers With Apps - 40 views

    A mega lists of sties to visit for all kinds o finformation in iPads

Don't Miss These Awesome Note Taking Apps for iPad - 16 views

    "The list below has been carefully assembled and we did not include those popular apps such as Evernote and Dropbox because they are taken for granted and also because we have reviewed them several times here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning ."

The Best Fitness App - 12 views

    "It must be said that picking a best fitness app is a bit like comparing toasters to badgers. Different apps, created for different purposes, achieve totally different goals. So we're starting the list with a handful of honorable mentions-apps that were very specific, but great for the purpose they serve. After that, we have just the best all around choices-the all time top five desert island fitness apps."
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