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Mu He

Apps in Education: iPad Apps that work with Smartboards - 10 views

    "The iPad looks amazing when projected onto a large screen. The students in a 1 to 1 iPad classroom gets to see the apps at work. Have a look at the list below to see if any of these might be useful in your classroom. If you have others that should be added to this list please leave a comment with the name of the app and we will add it to the list."
John Evans

Using the iPad in Music Education | SBO Magazine - 10 views

    "The iPad has expanded instruction opportunities through their platform structure, significantly engaging and motivating students to extraordinary levels of instruction. And with Apple TV and AirPlay, one can teach anywhere in the classroom with complete portability and wireless connectivity that rivals the popular Smartboards, with less than half of the cost."
John Evans

Smart Notebook App for the iPad Launched - A First Look - 2 views

    "The Smart Notebook app for the iPad has now been launched. This app is a light version of SMART Notebook learning software which you can use to create basic multimedia files and complete SMART Notebook lesson activities."
Terry Elliott

Can Your iPad Replace Your SmartBoard? - iPads in Education - 18 views

    Doceri is an iPad app that provides an alternative to interactive whiteboards at a fraction of the cost.  Doceri lets an educator control and annotate on a computer connected to a projector from anywhere in the room. 
lauren teather

iSchool | Funderstanding - 0 views

  • An iPad in each student’s hands replaces a classroom’s overhead projector, DVD player, pull-down maps, smartboard and myriad other old, bulky, and clumsy hardware. The attractive interactivity of tablet technology feels natural to kids raised on Xbox, YouTube and Facebook.
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