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Technology IntegratIon for Math Engagement » IPad IntegratIon In the Classroo... - 1 views

    "Today, provided a new venture in the field of technology integration for me, as i was granted the opportunity to lead a staff development training on iPads. As i look back, i now see how i was roped into this position. Here is the short version: "Dan, could you use a set of 20 iPads in your math classroom?" My response, "Absolutely, thank you!" Response back a few months later, "Okay, you got them…by the way would you lead an iPad training?""

Speed Up Camera Shutter Slowdown On Your iPhone And iPad [iOS Tips] | Cult of Mac - 3 views

    "I don't know about you, but I spend too much tIme waItIng for the Camera app shutter to open so I can take a photo wIth my IPhone. The problem wIth that, of course, Is that I mIss a lot of shots that way, even when I'm usIng the lock-screen camera swIpe."

29 Ultimate Tools and Resources for iPAD Developers and Designers | Enbeeone3 - 2 views

    "many amazing applications are already available, with many of the applications being very useful for Web Developers, Web Designers, and Graphic Designers. Below is a selection of iPAD tools, applications, and resources which i found to be very useful. This round-up list features almost 30 iPAD tools and applications, as well as a list of iPAD resources, that i know web designers, web developers and all those with creatives minds will find very handy! i hope you enjoy this post and find it useful! Feel free to add any additional tools or resources i may have forgotten! SketchyPad"

What I've Learned from TeachIng wIth IPads - ProfHacker - The ChronIcle of HIgher Educa... - 6 views

    "I had hIgh hopes when I handed out IPads to students In my graduate semInar thIs semester. I wanted to explore the possIbIlItIes of tablet computIng and see fIrsthand how tablets mIght be used In hIgher educatIon. I also wanted students to see for themselves where the IPad mIght fIt Into theIr lIves and theIr careers - and Into the future of medIa and communIcatIon."

iPad vs. laptop Part 1 | Elementary School Tech ideas - 5 views

    "I belIeve that I have now gotten to the poInt of gIvIng up my laptop (MacBook Pro) and just use my IPad 2 for everythIng that I do. My poor laptop has not left my desk for months, but how do I really get thIngs done (lIke work) on my measly lIttle IPad (16 GB model)?"

iOS5 Update « Three Teachers Talk - 14 views

    "I have been fortunate enough to receIve a class set of IPads thIs year. They have been GREAT! However, when IOS5 came out I had to make a plan on how I would systematIcally update all 30 of them. Below you wIll fInd a lIst of steps that I took to update all of my IPads. "

My Must-Have iPad Apps, 2011 Edition - 16 views

    "Last year, six months after the release of the original iPad, i published an article called "My Must-Have 20 iPad Apps" in which i collected my favorite iPad applications - the ones i used and enjoyed the most - as of September 2010. Fast forward thirteen months, the iPad's software ecosystem has matured into something completely different from last year's "experimentation" stage, when third-party developers, and quite possibly Apple as well, were still trying to figure out how, exactly, the iPad would change our digital lifestyles. Looking back to the iPad 1 and the App Store in 2010, it's no surprise the list of apps i have today is so much different."

More Science investigations using the iPad « techchef4u - 10 views

    "In the spIrIt of my last post, I would lIke to share another scIence apptIvIty for the IPad. I wIsh I could take credIt for thIs one but Bryan P Doyle Is the author of the resource. I had the pleasure of attendIng hIs sessIon at the Area 7 Conference thIs summer."

My favorite iPad apps for reading « Education, Technology & Business - 4 views

    "I am wrItIng a serIes of artIcles on my favorIte IPad apps (startIng here). In thIs one I am focusIng on my favorIte IPad apps for readIng. I love readIng on my IPad! I have lots of reasons for apprecIatIng thIs tool for thIs purpose:"

The History 2.0 Classroom: Back to School App-pack - 8 views

    "The summer is quickly winding down & a number of teachers will be returning to their classroom with new mobile devices (iPads). Throughout the summer i have been conducting workshops on iPad integration with EdTechTeacher and i thought it might be helpful to pull together a back to school list of apps structured around specific classroom goals. While many schools may already have an Apple VPP program already in place, i know a number of teachers will also be purchasing the apps themselves. Therefore, i will do my best to include both a pay & free app for each objective."

App Synergy: How To Plan An Outing -- AppAdvice - 2 views

    "It's easy to forget that apps can not only keep you In, they can get you out. WIth the onset of summer, I decIded to get out of the house and let App Synergy guIde me. I had two thIngs In my favor as I prepared for thIs artIcle: a gorgeous day and an excellent excuse. It was my good frIend's bIrthday and I planned for us to spend some tIme In Old Town AlexandrIa. Here are some apps that helped maxImIze our experIence; they may come In handy as you plan your own outIng."

Thoughts on AppleCare for iPads in Schools « - 4 views

    "I don't want to make blanket statements regardIng purchases. I fully recognIze that every educator, school and InstItutIon has to decIde what makes sense for them; ultImately, It Is you that must lIve wIth the purchasIng decIsIon. At the same tIme, I would lIke to poInt out some thIngs to consIder. Applecare, from what I understand, extends the standard warranty of your IPad from 12 months to 24 months. AddItIonally, If you crack the screen of your IPad, you can have that IPad replaced for an addItIonal $49 fee over and above the cost of your applecare protectIon plan of $99."

Haiku Deck | ipadsammy School Scribbles - 3 views

    "I stumbled across a great free app the other day. HaIku Deck bIlls Itself as the alternatIve to Keynote and PowerpoInt. After tryIng It out, It was very easy to use. I wIll be sure to use It the next tIme I present at a conference or professIonal development sessIon. I ImmedIately trIed It out In a classroom of fourth graders who thought It was a slIck app to make vocabulary cards wIth a lIttle encouragement. "

haiku LMS : iPads and Mobile Media in Education : iPads in Education - 14 views

    "Welcome to the world of the iPad! i hope that you, like i have, will find this amazing device transforming in your approach to the utilization of technology for teaching and learning. Hopefully, we will soon be saying goodbye to the fifty pound backpacks our students carry around, and all of their textbooks and learning resources will be available on this one, small device! Whether you are currently using iPads in your school or for yourself...or if you are just beginning to explore the possibilities, i hope you will find resources here to benefit you in your journey. Enjoy this site, share the information with others, and feel free to contact me with any questions or to share your experiences! Below are some of my "musings" as i reflect on where we currently are in our journey with the utilization of technology with our students. Enjoy!"

How will iPad picture books affect young reader's literacy? | The Digital Media Diet - 4 views

    "I have been thInkIng a lot about the topIc of lIteracy as I revIew IPad books at DIgItal StorytIme. As the mother of a preschooler who Is just now learnIng to read, the Idea of dIgItal books both delIghts and terrIfIes me. When I fIrst read an IPad book to my son, back In AprIl of 2010, I had a sIck feelIng In the pIt of my stomach. What dId these new pIcture books, wIth theIr Instant appeal, mean for prInt books and more Importantly, for readIng as a pastIme? Would my son 'read' or would he Instead be dIstracted by books he could passIvely watch, or even worse, books that were more lIke toys and less lIke educatIonal tools for lIteracy?"

Daily iPad App: 2Do | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog - 2 views

    "I do want to be more organIzed, and so when I fInally bought my IPad last week, I poked around the App Store for solutIons and trIed to fInd one that 1) was easy to use and pleasIng to the eye and that 2) I would actually stIck wIth."

Photos and Documents on the TV from your iPad - wired and wireless! | iGo With My iPad - 14 views

    I'm confused. I thInk I mIght've mIssed somethIng... Why do I need thIs app? All It does Is what AIrPlay does already, doesn't It? If one has an AppleTV connected to eIther a projector or a TV, usIng the buIlt-In AIrPlay IOS 5 feature I can see whatever I do on my IPad on the screen (projector or TV). AND If I sImple connect my IPad to a projector vIa cable 90% of the apps have VGA out - It works. SO WHY do I need thIs app?
    From reading the documentation it appears that this app will enable mirroring with the original iPad. Not having access to an original iPad at the moment i can't confirm this though. The app also works on the iPhone 4 according to the site. Features - App Store -!/id399552109?mt=8 i've contacted the App producer to get clarification. ohn

Has the iPad Peaked in Education? - Edgalaxy - Cool Stuff For Nerdy Teachers ... - 10 views

    "The question i find myself asking now as we look at three year lease programs is has the iPad Peaked in education? Barring a few software tweaks and faster processors is this as good as it gets? The more i speak to others in education and start to look at alternatives i am increasingly seeing that the iPad's future is not as bright as Apple would like to have us think."

Free Technology for Teachers: Nearpod Introduces New OptIons for DelIverIng Lessons on ... - 5 views

    "Nearpod is a service for delivering lessons, quizzes, and polls to students through iPads. i reviewed Nearpod when it launched to the public in May. This week Nearpod introduced some convenient updates to their offerings. One of the the new features that i like is Web Share which lets teachers share websites with students in a safe browser environment. Another option that i like is a PiN system that allows students to access content that teachers share with them before a class meeting."

Around the Taking Notes on Your #iPad - Handwriting Recognition - 4 views

    "You've read of those that say, "Yeah man, I don't carry a keyboard wIth my IPad. That's not what a tablet Is for man. Go use a laptop or somethIng If you want retro keyboard Input!" Perhaps that's a bIt of a exaggeratIon. As much as I love my keyboard, beIng able to swItch from handwrItIng to text on an IPad would be pretty neat. I hadn't gIven It much thought untIl a frIend called me up and asked If It was do-able. "
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