Infographic listing apps for explaining, retelling, and expression. Includes audio recordings, collages, comics, ebooks, narrated slideshows, movies, animations, and screencasts.
The purpose of this report is to disseminate empirical research about effective uses of iPhone and iPod touch applications in education, illustrated by a semester-long study.
You won't find any with a sharp point--those styluses won't work with the type of touchscreen the iPhone uses.
Demetri Orlando wrote: > I'm a big tablet PC user, and was intrigued to see offerings for iPhone stylus pens, but from what I see on the websites of various companies (e.g. Pogo and Orion -- links below) it seems like these styli are being touted as a better way to tap to select icons or to tap on the keyboard. These styli all seem to have a blunt rubber end that you use to tap. I want a stylus that has a sharper end like a pen, because I am much more intersted in using an iPhone stylus with an iPhone app designed for writing (e.g. scribble), but with a stylus. > > Has anyone tried buying a stylus to use to write notes on the iPhone? What has your experience been? > > links: > >