Paper usage has decreased with some “some teachers going paperless” and many the use of ebooks instead of dead tree books was highlighted in a particular class.
Contents contributed and discussions participated by jeffery heil
A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 39 Sites For Using iPads in the Classroom - 20 views
Keith Rispin » iPads In The Classroom - The Other Side » Keith Rispin - 11 views
iPads Apps From the 5th @pple Meetup - - 16 views
iPads in Education | - 15 views
Virtual Labs - Award Winning Virtual Dissection Apps | Emerging Education Technology - 8 views
The Best Educational Apps For iPad | InterAction Education : Educational Games for iPad... - 28 views
Showyou, the Flipboard-Like Video App, Adds YouTube, Vimeo, Tumblr Integration - 13 views
25 Essential iPad 2 Apps that Will Help You Graduate College Faster - Distance Educatio... - 12 views
jeffery heil
I am a technology resource teacher for the San Diego County Office of Education and also an adjunct professor of educational technology at California State University San Diego. I love to research web-based educational tools and would love to see technology as the medium of instruction for educat...