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Home/ iOS in Education User Group/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Trevor Cunningham

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Trevor Cunningham

Trevor Cunningham

Story Dice for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store - 22 views

    Excellent daily writing application!
Trevor Cunningham

The 20 Best Apps for Children - 57 views

    A stroke of genius.
Trevor Cunningham

My Rhythm for iPad - 24 views

    Great tool for developing rhythm skills and composition. Excellent potential for use as an instrument to score original tracks for movie sound beds in GarageBand.
Trevor Cunningham

iMuscle - (NOVA Series) - iPad edition for iPad on the iTunes App Store - 19 views

    Visualizing muscle groups in relation to activity.
Trevor Cunningham

iPad : Diigo Updated Instructions.pdf - 9 views

    If you've tried to install the Diigo tools in Safari, you'll likely have found that the instructions on the website are missing important info. This GDoc provides the secret to the sauce.
Trevor Cunningham

iPads and tech in schools update | cooper-hewitt labs - 4 views

    An update from a iPad pilot program. Not surprised to see findings emphasizing the utility of iPads as collaboration/sharing and creation devices.
Trevor Cunningham - Free Online Calculators - 11 views

    A collection of specialized calculators for a large variety of topics. Has a mobile version as well.
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