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John Evans

The Nerdy Teacher: Using My iPad in the Classroom This Year (Redux) #edchat - 12 views

    "Two years ago today, I wrote a post about how I was going to use my iPad in the classroom. It was simply titled "Using My iPad in the Classroom This Year". To my surprise, it is my most visited post of all time with over 37,000 page views. That is about 20,000 more than my second most read post. I thought it would be fun to do an updated post having used the iPad in my class for two years. Now that I have a class set of iPads, the number of apps that I use or will be using has changed and I thought I would share that with everyone."
John Evans

Back To School: Every App & Gadget You Need To Survive College [Buyer's Superguide] | C... - 3 views

    "You lucky thing. The summer's over, or nearly over, and you're already planning on heading back to school. Just like last year, you will begin this year fresh and full of energy and enthusiasm, only to be ground down by the man. Luckily, we're here to help with advice on the best apps and gear to get you through the year and into next year's summer vacation with the least effort possible. So sit back, relax and take a look at the Cult of Mac back to school/college superguide."
John Evans

Learning In Burlington: Looking Back At Year One of 1:1 (with iPads) - Part 6 - 0 views

    "So it's time to look at the feedback from 177 of our students who responded on our brief end-of-the-year survey asking about some of their impressions after a year of 1:1 with iPads. For today, I would like to focus on the responses to the three questions below:"
John Evans

How The iPad Transformed Millions Of Jobs In 2011 [Year In Review] | Cult of Mac - 0 views

    "From the cockpit to the squad car and everywhere in between, 2011 was the year the iPad became a part of business. Throughout the year, we've introduced a number of jobs that have adopted the iPad and we return to see how Apple's tablet has reshaped industries big and small. In fact, the jet you take for your holiday travel may be co-piloted by the iPad 2."
John Evans

iPads in Primary Education: Working with iPads to Create a School Leavers' Assembly by ... - 3 views

    "Having worked closely all year with David Andrews in Year 6, particularly on the introduction of iPads to promote creative and effective teaching, we agreed several months ago that we wanted to apply some of the changes and developments to the traditional end of summer term Year 6 Leavers' Assembly. This blog post describes the approach we took and explores the outcomes."
John Evans

9 Surprising Ways Schools Are Using iPads Around The World - 17 views

    "This year, the iPad is still going strong and schools are continuing to innovate new ways to use the tablets in class and around campus. Here we share just a few of the coolest ways iPads are making waves in higher ed this year, from helping teams play better to ensuring students never forget their notes."
John Evans

iPads at Burley: Making Book Trailers - 7 views

    "Last year I tried my hand at having my class make book trailers. They did a decent job given that I wasn't quite sure how to jump into this new medium. Well, this year we've learned from the past and I'm proud to say that the fifth graders are creating book trailers that are better than ever! "
John Evans

iPads in Education - How you & your iPad can volunteer together in your child's classro... - 1 views

    "Earlier this school year I began volunteering in my child's Kindergarten class with my two iPads and a suite of apps that focused on early literacy skills. Now half way through the school year, I've discovered more about engaging kids with learning apps. You can read my first post, "iPads in Education - How you & your iPad can volunteer together in your child's classroom" here:"
John Evans

QR Code Art Gallery - Superheros! | Pixels and Paint Brushes - 13 views

    "This is the second year that our 4th graders have created superhero posters with QR code audio stories attached. This project is a perfect blend of art, technology, and writing. Our 4th graders remembered listening to these stories last year, so they were highly motivated to create interesting characters, attractive posters, and clever stories."
John Evans

Transforming Teaching and Learning with iPads: iPad Activity: Open House Scavenger Hunt - 4 views

    "I searched all summer for a fun Back-to-School activity. Well. . . unfortunately I couldn't find anything!! So, I have been racking my brain to come up with something exciting for Open House. This is when my kids will find out who their teacher will be for the year, and they will also find out that we will have 30 iPads in our classroom!! Yay! I decided to incorporate the QR scans and create an Open House Scavenger Hunt to give the parents and kids the information needed to begin the new school year. As the students arrived, there was an iPad and the first page of the scavenger hunt on their desk. They were instructed to work through the scavenger hunt with the help of their parents. Here is what I created:"
John Evans

Technology invades the classroom (infographic) - Digital Life - Digital Life | siliconr... - 1 views

    "Ever wondered about the impact apps and devices like the iPad are having on the classroom in 2012. Many students this year will start their school year using tablet computers. A new infographic reveals that 1.5m iPads are being used in classrooms and that there are 20,000 education apps available. "
John Evans

Best Apps for Children - End of Year Edition - - 10 views

    "Giving your child an iPad or iPod Touch as a gift this year? Preload it with some quality apps before you wrap it. That way you'll increase your chances for a positive first impression. Here's a fresh batch of suggestions, arranged from young to old."
John Evans

Top 20 Free iPhone and iPad Apps for Next Year - 16 views

    "Time for some iOS apps again. This is a collection of apps which are helpful for everybody in their daily life. I think you'd wanna keep them installed all year long (and even after that)."
John Evans

Learning In Burlington: Looking Back At Year One of 1:1 (With iPads) Part Four - 11 views

    "During the course of the year, we talked to students and staff and asked them to share some of their thoughts on the iPad initiative at BHS. Here is a glimpse of what some staff and students say about the iPad initiative thus far."
John Evans

iPaddiction: Teaching Teachers Who Will Experience 1:1 iPad in 2012 - 4 views

    "Today, I had the privilege of teaching a high school staff about tech tools that I have used in my iPad filled classroom. Next year, the high school students will be using an iPad on a daily basis. The iPad will be theirs to use during the school year. "
John Evans

Apps in Education: Early Childhood Education and the iPad - 5 views

    "I was fortunate enough last weekend to receive an invitation to the Sydney Catholic Schools Early Years Conference. I was interested because the conference was centred around creating a clear and coherent vision around Early Years pedagogy. I was also intrigued to see how the iPad fitted in with this vision. "
John Evans

Teaching Students with iPads | - 8 views

    "Teaching students with iPads is like nothing I have ever done in the past 13 years as a teacher. Although I have been stuck in the honeymoon stage with the iPad since I got the first generation a couple of years ago, I never imagined some of the things that kids are capable of doing with iPads. I admit at first I thought that kids would just use their iPads to do a little research on the web, but they were not happy with just browsing the web, they wanted to do so much more."
John Evans

YALSA's Teen Book Finder App (love it!) « NeverEndingSearch - 6 views

    "Quick, before the school year ends, share this app with your teens and maybe their parents. Quick, before the school year ends, download this app yourself. You're going to want to start using the genre search to support readers' advisory tomorrow!!!"
Richard Wells

Teacher's iPad 2015 |  IPAD 4 SCHOOLS - 20 views

    New School Year - 5th year of iPad
Peggy George

10 iPhone Apps for Keeping Your New Year's Resolutions - 8 views

    10 great iPhone apps to help you stay true to your New Year's resolutions. Note: Many of these apps are on sale for the New Year holiday. Also some great apps recommended in comments by other contributors.
    Some helpful apps to getting the new year off to a great start. Many apps are free or very inexpensive.
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