"The default iOS clock in the US is a 12-hour clock, with AM and PM appended to the numbers to denote morning or evening. The other, more standard way of representing the time is with the 24-hour clock, in which any time after 12:00 is the logical 13:00, 14:00, and so on. It's really easy to set on your iPhone or other iOS device."
"You've read of those that say, "Yeah man, I don't carry a keyboard with my iPad. That's not what a tablet is for man. Go use a laptop or something if you want retro keyboard input!" Perhaps that's a bit of a exaggeration. As much as I love my keyboard, being able to switch from handwriting to text on an iPad would be pretty neat. I hadn't given it much thought until a friend called me up and asked if it was do-able.
"I aimed to start the teacher training session with the basics, then move onto the functionality of some of the apps. The basics on an iPad are fairly easy to master (hey, my 2 year old daughter can switch between apps) but some of the features of the device can take some time to get used to. Some apps are easy to get to grips whilst other are more challenging and not equal in terms of functionality. "
"There have been several well-publicised stories of schools bringing iPads into the classroom. However, a PC Pro reader has got in touch with a cautionary tale from the other side of the fence."
"After stumbling upon the article, "Switch to e-books was 'an unmitigated disaster,' says school principal," in my feed this past week, it occurred to me that there are increasingly predictable patterns surrounding stories of failed "innovation" in digital learning initiatives. Schools have been assigning computers to each child for some time now. And still, we continue to see stories like this in the media.
In short: we can do better than this."