Ipadschools - home - 34 views
Cyndi Danner-Kuhn on 01 Mar 11This wiki is intended to be a clearinghouse of applications, lessons ideas and experiences using the iPad in the classroom. The intention is that all apps listed have been tested and recommended by teachers using them. The Apps pages are generally created using google docs spreadsheets, feel free to update the wiki or the spreadsheets. (A link is provided on each page for the spreadsheets... at least the ones I've started working on...) At this point, as a high school science teacher, most of the apps I've recommended and investigated are geared to this level. Some can be used at any level. I invite you to add pages dedicated to your areas of interest and expertise if they are not already listed here. I would love to see a section on Literature and Language and Elementary Skills added to the wiki along with additions to any of the currently developed spreadsheets. It would also be sweet to share specific lessons or ideas for applications and activities.