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John Evans

The Day That iOS5 and iCloud Give Independence to the iPad | The Amazing iPad - 7 views

    "With iOS 5 there's going to be independence from the personal computer, in as much as when you buy an iOS device such as an iPhone, and iPad or an iPod Touch, it will no longer be necessary to connect to a desktop or laptop computer in order to activate it."
John Evans

Dealing With Photographs on The iPad Photo Roll or There is Photo Folder | - 5 views

    "The standard application that comes with your iPad is not too bad at organising your photos, visitors and doesn't do much more than that. And this is why you may be interested in finding something that will give you a way to sort photos by a"
John Evans

Four open questions about iBooks Author | Macworld - 5 views

    Four open questions about iBooks Author by Lex Friedman, Jan 20, 2012 1:15 pm iBooks Author is an intriguing app and a a big deal for publishers. But while the app is obviously very new, some aspects of the software give me pause. Here are my questions for Apple about the iBooks Author. (And yes, I've sent them all Apple's way, though I haven't heard back just yet.) "
Mu He

At Weston Middle School, iPads Get a Solid A - 3 views

  • As for the students, the iPads “aren’t really something ‘new’ now, they’re just part of (students’) daily activities, which is what we wanted this new technology to be.”
    As for the students, the iPads "aren't really something 'new' now, they're just part of (students') daily activities, which is what we wanted this new technology to be."
Mu He

10 Apps for Working Easily with PDFs on the iPad - 1 views

    "I got sent a form the other day that the sender needed filled out and sent back immediately. Fortunately for them they were using an app that allowed me to tap on the form, type in the required information and send it back. Many apps give you the ability to write anywhere on the PDF. I thought this was great and so sourced a number of cheaper apps so I could do this on the iPad."
Dean Mantz

Apps in Education: So what's on the iPad for the kid in your class with a Hearing Impai... - 2 views

  • There are many students with hearing loss that are integrated into mainstream schooling. These students struggle with the day to day situations that we simply take for granted or do not really have a full appreciation of. 
    There are many students with hearing loss that are integrated into mainstream schooling. These students struggle with the day to day situations that we simply take for granted or do not really have a full appreciation of.  Are there apps available to give these kids a leg up?  The simple answer is YES. These apps have been sourced as one way that the technology integration that happens in your room may be shared with all your students. These are apps that your hearing impaired students could use to make their everyday school live a little easier.
Dean Mantz

Apps in Education: Go Back in Time with 12 World History Apps - 7 views

    "History is one of those subjects where it is easy to get your students engaged once they have connected with the narrative. Here are a couple of Apps that will help your students jump right into the era that you are studying. Obviously we can't cover every area of historical study but these apps give you an idea of some of the tools available on the iPad."
John Evans

Give Speech Foundation - FreeSpeech for iPad - 3 views

    FreeSpeech is a communication tool based upon research in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and human-computer interaction, as well clinical insight and expertise in speech and communication disorders.
    "FreeSpeech is a communication tool based upon research in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and human-computer interaction, as well clinical insight and expertise in speech and communication disorders."
Warren Buckleitner

Save the Date: Dust or Magic AppCamp, May 2-4, 2010 - 6 views

    Here are some links about our upcoming AppCamp; an idea that was spun out of the last Dust or Magic meeting in anticipation of the flood of touch/motion related hardware. Feel free to call or email me directly if you have any questions or ideas; I'm still forming the agenda. About: It is time to explore the iPad's potential for children. The Inaugural Dust or Magic Children's App Design Institute is a three-day review of the best (magic) and worst (dust) children's media for handheld devices. We'll critique the state of the art, brainstorm possibilities and test a lot of hardware and apps. Speakers: The list is growing as the event develops (this is a first). The idea is to bring together a small ( (105 miles from San Francisco on the tip of the Monterey Peninsula. Cost: $1380 for one seat, $990 for 2-5, plus housing ($130/night). Group size is limited to 60. There will be a free, public AppFest on Sunday and a larger TED-like event in the Chapel. UPENN graduate credit is available; students are welcome to attend the Sunday lecture at no cost pending seating. To Register: 800-993-9499 (9-2:30 PM EST), online Please note that space is limited to 60. Seats remaining as of March 6: 39 I appreciate any help marketing this to the right people; and call me with your ideas. W -- Warren Buckleitner, Ph.D
    I just updated the page with some new speakers.
    I would give my eye teeth to attend this... cost is an issue right now. Sounds amazing! If you need ideas on where to spread the word, let me know. I'll send this out to the Apple Distinguished Educator list for sure.
Brian C. Smith

iPad pilot program brings new ideas to special education | ABC Newspapers - 17 views

  • Alternative test formats
    • Brian C. Smith
      Of course they will!
  • “We think there are many areas in special education where this kind of technology can be successful, but we need data to make good decisions.”
    • Brian C. Smith
      What of our tacit knowledge about learning, including that knowledge about the students?  Is this no good?  Can we not act upon what we know and not solely upon sterile data from a test?
    • Brian C. Smith
      Granted, the iPad has potential in school, but this article, among many others, is so vague at how the device is different other than the screen size and a mention of it's price tag.   iPads seem to be going the way of the IWB.   I still contend that these won't be successful until they are made personal.  Meaning, give it to the kid to have for the entire year.  Let them take it home, play with it, read on it, correspond on it and make their learning personal.   I'm currently in a pilot with iPads and the students are lukewarm to the device because they know it will go away or that they won't be able to make it work for them personally.  
Scott Fitzgerald

Miniot iPad 2 smart cover - gives your iPad wood - 17 views

    Like the Apple Smart Cover for your iPad 2, but prefer a more traditional, and tougher, cover? Check out the Miniot iPad 2 cover.
Brian C. Smith

Five ways readers are using iPads in the classroom | Curriculum | - 18 views

  • The Christian school is paying for the iPads, because school officials hope to teach students to “engage the digital world productively,” said Mitchell Salerno, the high school’s principal, in an interview with the Orlando Sentinel. School officials hope to give students the skills expected of them both in college and in the workplace.
    • Brian C. Smith
      They "hope to".
  • might
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