handyPrint (AirPrint Activator) « Netputing - 9 views
handyPrint (AirPrint Activator) handyPrint™ v3.1 is a Mac OSX application that allow you to print from your iPods, iPads and iPhones on legacy printers that do not support the AirPrint protocol. handyPrint™ is the new name for our application that used to be called “AirPrint Activator”. We have decided to rename the application to avoid using the Apple trademark ‘AirPrint™’. With the 3.1.1 release, we simply renamed the application handyPrint™.
Eminent Tech: Girl EmPower, Not Just for Chicks - 11 views
Jeremy Ensrud: iPads in high school science - 12 views
The complete 1-to-1 laptop or iPad pre-deployment survey | Technology with Intention - 7 views
Flip Note Card learning now available on the iPad | iGo With My iPad - 2 views
"Some paper is hard to give up. Little notepads and sticky notes keep coming back even when a iPad is available. One area that has a strong 'love of paper' is flip notecards for learning. While there is many options in the electronic world for better learning methods, the action of flipping a card over for an answer is familiar and thus hard to give up."
AppAdvice App Of The Week For August 27, 2012 -- AppAdvice - 2 views
"One of our staff's ubiquitous favorite apps is Drafts, which was originally only on the iPhone. We love it because it's a fantastic way to quickly jot down whatever bits of text we may need, and then send it off to other apps or take other actions with it. Think of it as a "Launch Center for text." Last week, our friends at Agile Tortoise gave the iPhone version a major 2.0 update, and also brought us a new treat: Drafts for iPad."
Adobe Touch Apps - 0 views
"Adobe Touch Apps bring creative tooling to tablet users and address multiple areas of the creative process like image editing, sketching, and prototyping. In this video, Managing Editor Julie Campagna interviews members of the product and design team to learn more and see these newfangled apps in action."
Watch the WWDC 2012 Keynote | PadGadget - 4 views
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Automation Release Notes Text to ePub - 11 views
Mac OS X Lion includes an Auttomator action, named Text to EPUB File, that is designed to make it very easy to convert selected text or text documents into EPUB books, ideal for transferring to iPads and iPhones. Additionally, the created EPUB books can include images, MPEG audio, or MPEG video files.
Apple - Education - Learning in Action - 28 views
The Real Benefit of iPads in Education: A Catalyst for a Critical Change in Pedagogy | ... - 12 views
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