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Mu He

Collaborative Whiteboard Apps for the Classroom - 14 views

    "Interactive and collaborative - Whiteboards are a great way for teachers to explain concepts to their students. With the ability of some iPad apps to record, you ensure that students who did not develop understanding of the concept the first time have the opportunity to watch and listen again and again. Working in small groups or brainstorming as a class, collaborative whiteboards are a great way to share ideas. Work in the same room, on the same network or even from different parts of the country. No matter what you are working on these interactive whiteboards are a great way to document or record your thinking process. "

YouTube - iUpgradeTV's Channel - 1 views

    how to use iPad as interactive whiteboard
John Evans

Professional learning - a journey | Alice Leung - 8 views

    "Many faculties at my school purchased iPads to be used as student devices this term. Our aim is to use these iPads in combination with the other ICT tools we have already (1:1 laptops, interactive whiteboards, flip cams, etc) to further move into 21st century leaning."
John Evans

educreations teacherswithapps - 4 views

    "Educreations Interactive Whiteboard by Educreations, Inc is an INCREDIBLE, yes that's right - incredible app. This newly released app comes with the huge bonus of being FREE! "

One iPad in the Classroom? - Top 10 Apps « syded - 7 views

  • Use the Airserver application to mirror your iPad to a Mac for projection
  • (If using a Windows PC, try the Reflections app.)
  • interactive whiteboard
Terry Elliott

Can Your iPad Replace Your SmartBoard? - iPads in Education - 18 views

    Doceri is an iPad app that provides an alternative to interactive whiteboards at a fraction of the cost.  Doceri lets an educator control and annotate on a computer connected to a projector from anywhere in the room. 
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