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Ian Forrester

Just enough Internet: Why public service Internet should be a model of restraint - dote... - 0 views

    "Rachel Coldicutt;s talk at the 2019 publicspaces/BBC conference"
Ian Forrester

The BBC's new personalised data service - PublicSpaces - 0 views

    "Personalisation is no longer reserved for commercial parties like Spotify and Netflix. For the last few years public services have hopped on this trend, but the BBC is now taking the lead by creating a central open-source recommendation and data control service called My PDS. "
Ian Forrester

A "Full Stack" Approach to Public Media in the United States | The German Marshall Fund... - 1 views

    "The United States needs to invest in a new digital public sphere-a new civic infrastructure-if it hopes to sustain democratic practice and informed participation."
Ian Forrester

The push for a "PBS for the internet" - Axios - 0 views

    The push for a "PBS for the internet"
Ian Forrester

Public digital infrastructure should be at the core of Europe's tech sovereignty strate... - 0 views

    "rather than try to build the next Google, should we not focus on building the infrastructures that prevent the next Google instead?"
Ian Forrester

Digitisation of the physical public space | Waag - 0 views

    "Physical public spaces are increasingly being digitised through technologies such as surveillance cameras and facial recognition."
Ian Forrester

What Is Digital Public Infrastructure? - Center for Journalism & Liberty - 0 views

    An essay, in the form of an FAQ, about the possibility of digital social spaces built with taxpayer dollars.
Ian Forrester

Thorp. Een veilige digitale terp in het woelige digitale landschap - 0 views

    A safe digital mound in the turbulent digital landscape
Ian Forrester

PubHubs - 0 views

    "PubHubs is the name for a new Dutch community network, based on public values. PubHubs stands for Public Hubs. It is open and transparent and protects data of the network's participants. PubHubs aims to connect people, in different hubs, such as your family, sports club, school class, museum, local library, neighborhood, or municipality. In each such hub, a relevant part of one's own identity plays a role. PubHubs focuses on reliable information, if necessary with digital signatures, and on trusted communication, if necessary with guarantees of the identity of participants."
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